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BLM's Become Harder?!?!?!

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  • BLM's Become Harder?!?!?!

    I am currently a lvl 9 blm on the ragnarok server in the federation of windurst and I have noticed that the blm is considerably hard to lvl up when You are soloing. I have yet to reach my goal of lvl ten just yet but once I do I will probably party up with a group of people in the Shakarume(sp) Maze. Currently I'm lvling in Tahrongi. My question seems to come from this. Is there some way for me to easily lvl up like a monk or a warrior has been able too in the past on solo. Or do I need to wait until I reach the partys and Just stay in parties as a BLM. My sub will not be a fighter class either I believe im going to stay with it being a WHM/BLM class Taru.

    Will I ever be able to solo or will I always be in a party, I am not completely new to the game but I am really new to the whole BLM/WHM Taru Taru bit. Any help on this will greatly be appreciated.


  • #2
    honestly no reason a blm should solo past 10 unless your several lvls above the mob and farming

    75MNK, 62BRD , 37WAR , 37THF, 37WHM

    Full AF "Paragon of Monk Excellence"
    Genkei 5 Completed
    Rank 10 San, Rank 8 Windy, Rank1 Bastok
    Zilart and CoP Missions Complete
    93 Merrits, slacking need to work on that..
    Shura Haidate +1, body and head.
    Faith Torque, Black Belt , 3/5 Tu'lia Set, 4/5 AF2, 1/5 AF+1


    • #3
      Ok thanks, should I try and go for partys while lvling with a big nuke perspective or something mroe like a diverse party? What seems to work best for the BLM?


      • #4
        a war or melee/war to tank/provoke and a whm or rdm to cure.

        Only problem at this level is many wars won't know how to provoke or don't have a macro for it. Be patient and keep trying.

        Big nuking is ok.. but it gets lot's of aggro. you may have to mix in enfeeble with nukes until the melees get weapon skill / armor/ weapons etc.

        edit: well I was able to solo blm past 12, but whm sub helped immensily for that. not sure how a non sub blm will do but since the people who posted below me says it's good go ahead and try.
        Galka Cor 75/Rng 37 Bst 75/Nin 37 Blm 75/Whm 38
        Taru Rdm 61 / Blm 41 *retired*
        Mithra - Rdm 53, Pld 45, Blm 38, War 23, whm 36 *retired*


        • #5
          I'm not sure I agree with your assessment of BLMs not soloing past ten. They certainly don't have to solo. But I soloed Konschat 10-13, and 10-12 took me all of an hour. (If you haven't seen it, the worms by the poltergiest spot is CHOICE, although a bit dangerous.)
          "Changing the time on my PC to 3 hours in the past is the same as a using a flux capacitor."


          • #6
            I agree you can solo after 10 infact I soloed till 14. I had a really hard time finding a pt before that point.


            • #7
              I soloed to level 12 as a BLM/nothing. It was pretty hard... there are no worms near Windurst for levels 9-12, just EVIL rarabs and Saplings. Pygmaoi are fun kills with Blaze Spikes though. afterwards you would be better served killing Maze Makers in Shakrami in a PT.


              • #8
                i soloed my blm/--- til 15...and i started in windurst as well.. 1-10 was easy, 10-13 wasn't so difficult, using blaze spikes to whup pygmaiois. 14-15, i leveled off of canyon crawlers, got lots of silk but it was pretty tough, since a mistake would normally get u killed. its all about the timing though, cast spells right BEFORE a monster attacks. it even works now with the slightly longer casting II series ^_^. i'm pretty sure it would be faster to party...


                • #9
                  Ok thanks alot guys I think this has helped me out alot in understand what it is i need to do exactly once I'm lvl 10. I think I will head to Shakarum and lvl once ten with the other mages at the maze makers, thats what most people where telling me to do on ragnarok in my LS when I poped the question about it. I guess mages lvling spots seem to be worms as well because they make good stationary targets ^_^.

                  Thanks alot for all the help. Greatly appreciated.


                  • #10
                    As BLM, you can always solo worms... atleast as far as I know (up to lv 26), if you must. However, you get far better exp if you joined a good group.

                    I usually level with a regular group and if I fall behind in exp to the rest of the group, I'd spend a bit extra time after group hunt blasting awy worms to catch up a bit. Since, the difference isn't usually far enough, 1 death worth, 2 tops, to be reson enough to join another group hunt.

                    Due to the health BLM population aroud the Windurst area, you may sometimes feel it's not that easy to get an invite, but hang in there, because once you get your /WHM, you will be getting a lot more invites.

                    BTW, in the early levels, if you can find a WHM, a blm+whm duo works very well. My wife and I started the game that way, and up to lv 12 or so, we could put down 2~3 ~=100 mobs between full heals, and that is very good exp for those levels. The stradegy is simple, just nuke at full power after some enfeebles while the whm spamed heals and a few occasional banish. The two of us usually got about the same amount of aggro, causing the enemy to run back and forth between us, wasting its attacking rounds.
                    Junior Member?

                    Join Date: 01-27-2004 -_-


                    • #11
                      Well after my long cfhoices me and my linkshell decided that I would just reset myself in bastok. Much easier with the worms there, you know? I am already lvl 9 again lol.

                      Anyway thanks for the advice I'll be taking it with me while I play.

