I am currently a lvl 9 blm on the ragnarok server in the federation of windurst and I have noticed that the blm is considerably hard to lvl up when You are soloing. I have yet to reach my goal of lvl ten just yet but once I do I will probably party up with a group of people in the Shakarume(sp) Maze. Currently I'm lvling in Tahrongi. My question seems to come from this. Is there some way for me to easily lvl up like a monk or a warrior has been able too in the past on solo. Or do I need to wait until I reach the partys and Just stay in parties as a BLM. My sub will not be a fighter class either I believe im going to stay with it being a WHM/BLM class Taru.
Will I ever be able to solo or will I always be in a party, I am not completely new to the game but I am really new to the whole BLM/WHM Taru Taru bit. Any help on this will greatly be appreciated.
Will I ever be able to solo or will I always be in a party, I am not completely new to the game but I am really new to the whole BLM/WHM Taru Taru bit. Any help on this will greatly be appreciated.