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  • #61
    Originally posted by Blood Red Poet
    I like totally agree!!!1111!!1!!!
    That is why I traded in my Ice Staff for a Fire Staff... so now I can melee GoOD!!!1!one!!1!
    of course. it's much better to cast Blizzard 555 times while doing 30 DMG with each hit ^_^
    I know, you want one...


    • #62
      blm/rdm 60 taru

      aquilo staff +5
      AF hat +4
      genius ring x2 +8
      morion+1 +2
      moldavite +0
      merc. belt +1
      red cape+1 - +3
      morion t. +1
      black n. +1
      justacorp+1- +3

      and i eat melon pie..+4

      server titan


      • #63
        I currently wear:
        Black Cloak - 4 int, refresh, 8 Elemental Magic Skill
        Ice Staff - 10 Elemental magic skill, 4 int, boosts ice
        Phantom Tathlum - 2 Int, 10 MP
        Elemental Torque - +7 Elemental Magic skill
        Morion Earring - 1 Int, 5 MP
        Moldavite's Earring - +5 Magic Attack
        Wizard's Gloves - OGM Awesome +15 Elemental Magic (Arguably some of the best gloves BLM gets)
        2x Zircon Rings - 6 more int
        Black Cape +1 - 3 more int
        Arachne Obi - 2 int
        Wizards Tonban - Meh 15 Dark Magic ^^
        Sorcerer's Sabots - Ehhhh Relic can I have it?

        Anywhow, Thats +22 Intelligence, BUT! More importantly +40 Elemental Magic skill, as you get higher you will realize just how important this is.

        Oh BTW The last time I did 1/10 dmg to something didnt happen to long ago. I was fighting Maat for the first time, Roric Starts casting FiragaIII, Roric looks down at Vanadiel Clock, hmmm Time is 00:05, Whats that blue dot? Roric commits seppuku. (40 damage FiragaIII O_O I think that less then 1/10 actually) Second time around I whomped his ass silly though ^^b.
        Member of the Impact and Arcadia Linkshells on Hades.


        • #64
          More Extensivley...


          Black Cloak - +4 int refresh +8 Elemental Magic Skill
          Errant Hpl + Wizard's Petasos - +14 INT Alltogether

          Ice Staff - +4 int +10 Elemental Magic Skill
          Mythic Wand & Astral Aspis - +11 INT Together

          Phantom Tathlum - 2 Int 10 MP
          Elemental Torque - +7 Elemental Magic skill
          Morion Earring - 1 Int, 5 MP
          Moldavite's Earring - +5 Magic Attack
          Wizard/Sorcerer's Gloves - Wizards Give +15 Elem Magic Sorcerer's Give Magic Burst Bonus Damage (like, 100-150 more damage)
          2x Zircon Rings - +6 INT
          Rainbow Cape- +3 INT
          Ocean Rope- +4 INT
          Errant Slops- +7 INT
          Sorcerer's Sabots - +2 INT Conserve MP+5

          Yeah, Im too tired to do the Math.. ^-^;;
          Sorcerer's Gloves: O (Windurst)
          Sorcerer's Sabots: O (Jeuno)
          Sorcerer's Tonban: O (Bastok)
          3/5 peices of AF2!


          • #65


            • #66
              +29 w/ Food @ lvl 34

              +3 From Black Cape +1
              +3 From Hume RSE boots
              +1 From Merc Capt
              +1 From Morion Earring
              +2 From Mages Robe
              +6 from 2x Eremites +1
              +5 From Solid Wand
              +1 From Morion Tathlum
              +5 From Melon Pie +1
              +1 Black Silk NeckerChief
              +1 Garrison Gloves

              413 MP W/ my Pie and 1 Astral when I get a chance to rest to full.


              • #67
                Level 32/33

                43+26 INT

                Full Seer's +1 Set
                Morion Earring x2
                Black Cape +1
                Solid Wand
                Black Silk Neckerchief
                Morion Tathlum
                Merc Capt Belt
                The Level 14 +INT 2 Rings, Getting the Level 36 +3 INT rings in a few Levels
                Apple Pie's... Switching to Melon +1 as soon as I run out.

                467 MP with Apple Pie's and the above gear.
                | FFXI | SIREN | San D’Oria | Jifan | Monk 56 | WAR 65 | RNG 75 | NIN 38 | LS Ascendence™ |

                | Jifen | Main Job BLM 38 | Sub WHM 22 | RDM 06 |


                • #68
                  Level 32/33

                  43+26 INT

                  Full Seer's +1 Set
                  Morion Earring x2
                  Black Cape +1
                  Solid Wand
                  Black Silk Neckerchief
                  Morion Tathlum
                  Merc Capt Belt
                  The Level 14 +INT 2 Rings, Getting the Level 36 +3 INT rings in a few Levels
                  Apple Pie's... Switching to Melon +1 as soon as I run out.

                  467 MP with Apple Pie's and the above gear.
                  | FFXI | SIREN | San D’Oria | Jifan | Monk 56 | WAR 65 | RNG 75 | NIN 38 | LS Ascendence™ |

                  | Jifen | Main Job BLM 38 | Sub WHM 22 | RDM 06 |


                  • #69
                    Ehh about 95INT total


                    • #70
                      LvL 37
                      Solid Wand +5INT
                      Black Silk Neckerchief +1INT
                      Seer's Crown +1 +3INT
                      Morion Thatlum +1INT
                      Seer's Slacks +1INT
                      Seer's Mitts +1 +2INT
                      Ermites Ringx2 +4INT
                      Shaman's Belt +1INT
                      Black Cape +2INT

                      All 2gether That's +20INT (+24 with Melon Pies)
                      I've been on an INT splurge recently... I gotta focus on getting My Morions Earrings now ^^


                      • #71
                        +26INT with food~
                        i could have 30+ at this level with more money but i dun wanna XD
                        BLM 75 WHM 60
                        Multiplicity - Dynamis -
                        Rank : 7
                        Nation : Windurst


                        • #72
                          Update: 72 Blm now.

                          Aquilo Staff: +5 INT
                          Mythic wand+1 & Astral aspis +12INT

                          Wizard Petasos: +4
                          Errant Houppelande: +10
                          Errant Cuffs: +5
                          Errant Slops: +7
                          Morion Earing+1: +2
                          Phantom Tathlum: +2
                          Rainbow Cape: +3
                          Diamond ring x 2: +8
                          Ocean Rope: +4
                          Custome F Boots: +3

                          Food: Apple Pie+1 = +4

                          Usual int is +48. Max int I can attain is +60 and +64 with food. Although I am swapping gears with every spells.
                          Shiia 75 BLM WHM RDM WAR NIN MNK - semi retired -
                          Riritan 73 WHM 70 SMN 65 BRD 63 RDM -new taru taru-


                          • #73
                            well i'm only level 20 but here goes

                            garrison boots +1 int
                            Yew wand+1 +4 int
                            Mage's tunic +2 int
                            Mage's slacks+1
                            Black silk neck +1
                            garrison gloves +1 int

                            so +10 right now, I have more then that on my red mage =( of course its ten levels higher =)
                            Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


                            • #74
                              Chest Nut Wand +4 int
                              Seers Crown +1 +3 int
                              Morion Earring x2 +1 int each
                              Morion Tathlum +1 int
                              Black Silk Neck +1 int
                              Eremites Ring x2 +2 int each
                              Seer's Mitts +1 int
                              Seer's Pants +1 int
                              RSE Hume F Boots +3 int
                              Black Cape +1 +3 int
                              Merc Capt Belt +1 int

                              Total at level 32 +24 Int + 4 Int Food ( Melon Pie ) = +28 int
                              Deneb - Returned to level puppetmaster


                              • #75

                                i wish i was a taru

