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FFXI and Everquest; jobs/classes

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  • #16
    The utility equivalence of a level 75 blm/whm in FFXI is about as good as that of a 65 EQ Wizard with a ~level 50 cleric rolled into one (with the exception of complete heal, as there is no analog in FFXI). You get reasonable patchup heals, a few decent buffs, all but one of the status cures, etc.

    Also, because of the way MP regens in FFXI, playing a caster is fundamentally different than in EQ. There is no cast-med cycle, per se; there's no point in sitting down during battle most of the time because it takes 20 seconds to even start regenerating MP. Outside of bard ballads, red mage refresh, and very high level gear, there is no "standing" mana regen, so MP management is very important.

    Melee, in general, are about the same as EQ classes; casters in FFXI, however, are an entirely different animal. Like all MMOs, though, it doesn't take more than a few levels of grouping to get the hang of it.
    61 MNK | 37 WAR | 37 THF | 35 RDM | 29 BLM | 25 WHM
    Mithra retired November 2004 - Hume started November 2006
    28 WAR | 18 MNK | 15 WHM | 12 BLM


    • #17
      Aganist bones like Liches and the like monk is a hardcore damage dealer. Its still a wonderful damage dealer through the game, just can't take hits well even though they have a ton of HP.
      Relic Stage 5: Excalibur Completed.
      RDM75 / PLD73


      • #18
        Ack now I had to edit my post.

        There once was a woman from China....
        58 BLM/RDM


        • #19
          Originally posted by Discordian
          Biggest advice is to think of FFXI as a different game. Its NOT EQ, if you want to play EQ go to EQ but play FFXI on Vanadiel.
          Ummmm... ok... useful advice there... he wasn't ever saying he was playing FFXI as EQ he was comparing the two and actually came with a good point for anyone that wants to rollover from EQ.

          edit... nevermind fippish responded already (>_<)


          • #20
            I'm sorry I didn't think I was putting anyone down there. I'll edit and remove that. Didn't want anyone to take taht the wrong way. I'll remove it since my intentions weren't to cause any misfeelings.
            Relic Stage 5: Excalibur Completed.
            RDM75 / PLD73


            • #21
              I played a end Game wizard on eq for a long time and now play a Blm in FFXI i think a good choice for race is hume or Mithra
              just so you can swap jobs and never worry about being half assed at it. As far as Race yeah it makes a diffrence but in all honestly it is not that massive. if you are a good player and put the time and thought into it any race can play any class. just the way you play and the way your group works will be a litttle diffrent. Currently i play a Galka BLM/Whm it was a hard road till i was able to get full RSE (Racial specific equipment) after that i have had no problems now that i party with a RDM with refresh i am never OOM. I may not have the mana pool that a taru does but I have tons of HP the gear is out there to make it posible for any race to play any class it just takes more work to do it.
              If you are starting from EQ you have to think diffrently about how to start. and the strat on how you are going to lvl up.
              If I did it over i would lvl BLM to 18 get sub job then lvl WHM to 37 and then back to BLM all the way to 75. Good luck in FFXI
              the class is great it has allot of the great things about the traditional "wizard" role does and depending on how you build you sub-job you can talior you total char the way you like it.
              Keeping up with good gear and spells
              3 or 4 million gil
              Being a Galka BLM PRICELESS

              Galka BLM 60/30 WHM
              AF1,2,3 Done

