Ok I've played Everquest for like 3 years now, and I'm thinking of switching over to FFXI so I've been looking around the sites and checking stuff out and I have a few questions that I hope someone can answer.
First off I noticed that (as with pretty much all MMORPGs) FFXI gameplay and class distinctions are much like Everquest...i.e. Black Mage = Wizard, White Mage = Cleric, Dark Knight = Shadownight, Ninja = Rogue etc. So I figure the classes will play basically the same. I've been playing an end game Wizard in EQ for a long time now and have good working knowledge of how to control aggro and DMG output so I have a very solid foundation for starting another wizard/Blk Mage in FFXI; it seems like all basic knowledge will transfer i.e. Hate/Aggro, and the basics that make decide between a good Blk Mage and a dead one. I guess my question here is...do the classes lend themselves as much as I think they do to EQ equivilants, or am I mistaken?
Another question is about the corrilation between Job and Race. I know certain races lend themselves better to one job or another, and EQ is the same way...but in EQ that differences only matterd in the lower Lvs, and the more your progressed Equipment more than made up any minor deficiancies in race/job combinatoins. Example- I choose a Dark Elf wizard, which is 2nd to the Race Erudite in wizard creation, but as I progressed the Intelligence (stat) gap between the two was reduced to nothing, so basically the difference between the two later in the game was just the way they looked. I plan on playing a Elvaan Blk Mage so are the Race/Job combinations in FFXI the same as in EQ...will they gaps between race/job eventually fill as they do in EQ?
I plan on getting my Blk Mage to the end game as fast as possible (along with skills etc) and from what I've been reading Blk Mage usefullness seems like it decreases the further you play, mainly because of other classes out dmging them etc. What i'm wandering is...in what way do they out damage the Blk mage? I know that in EQ a Wizard can deal amazing amounts of damage in a very short amount of time, but many other classes will outdamage it given the time, but the wizard remains the undesputed kind of DPS (damage per second). Are the classes that outdamage Blk Mages in FFXI doing damage as quickly as the Blk Mages, and if so is there any talk of Job balencing to correct this in upcomming patches?
Sorry for the long post and all the EQ references
First off I noticed that (as with pretty much all MMORPGs) FFXI gameplay and class distinctions are much like Everquest...i.e. Black Mage = Wizard, White Mage = Cleric, Dark Knight = Shadownight, Ninja = Rogue etc. So I figure the classes will play basically the same. I've been playing an end game Wizard in EQ for a long time now and have good working knowledge of how to control aggro and DMG output so I have a very solid foundation for starting another wizard/Blk Mage in FFXI; it seems like all basic knowledge will transfer i.e. Hate/Aggro, and the basics that make decide between a good Blk Mage and a dead one. I guess my question here is...do the classes lend themselves as much as I think they do to EQ equivilants, or am I mistaken?
Another question is about the corrilation between Job and Race. I know certain races lend themselves better to one job or another, and EQ is the same way...but in EQ that differences only matterd in the lower Lvs, and the more your progressed Equipment more than made up any minor deficiancies in race/job combinatoins. Example- I choose a Dark Elf wizard, which is 2nd to the Race Erudite in wizard creation, but as I progressed the Intelligence (stat) gap between the two was reduced to nothing, so basically the difference between the two later in the game was just the way they looked. I plan on playing a Elvaan Blk Mage so are the Race/Job combinations in FFXI the same as in EQ...will they gaps between race/job eventually fill as they do in EQ?
I plan on getting my Blk Mage to the end game as fast as possible (along with skills etc) and from what I've been reading Blk Mage usefullness seems like it decreases the further you play, mainly because of other classes out dmging them etc. What i'm wandering is...in what way do they out damage the Blk mage? I know that in EQ a Wizard can deal amazing amounts of damage in a very short amount of time, but many other classes will outdamage it given the time, but the wizard remains the undesputed kind of DPS (damage per second). Are the classes that outdamage Blk Mages in FFXI doing damage as quickly as the Blk Mages, and if so is there any talk of Job balencing to correct this in upcomming patches?
Sorry for the long post and all the EQ references