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Mana when subbig

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  • Mana when subbig


    I was trying to pick a sub for my blm and i cant decied now iam tossing up between 3 choices

    Blm / Whm (always nice to be a drop back healer incase times et nasty)

    Blm / Sum (i hear you get an insane amount of MP and an okay regen)

    Blm / Bard (mainly for the baisc songs and ability to sing mana regen if needed to lessen the pain of casting high end spells)

    Now i know for wanting Mana going bard wouldnt be the best seeming they dont have any boost mana things but how about Sum or White mage does anyone know the dif between mana pools if i sub sum or white mage ?

    Also does anyone have input on what i should lean towards

    i see everyone mention blm/whm simple because summons are useless unless their your major job (even thou to me it looks like they might be slightly less useful but still can give you the benifit of blink ect)

    anyway thanks : )
    In FF -

    Drycha -Changing Summoner / monk (tarutaru)

    In Daoc -

    Drycha Fireflower -50th druid Guinever Convicts

    Dryche Shadowlilly - 50th Nightshade Guinever Convicts

  • #2
    white mage seems best will get some nice healing spells...for if you are soloing or partying...get the ability to take away poison...all kinds or protection against certain things.

    and at level 50blm/25whm you will have awesome would it be to be a black mage that can raise the dead as well.

    i mean cmon...and on top of that you would have tractor...which basically teleports the dead body to your position if it is by a you can tractor bodies over and raise them,

    uh my god...

    the thought of a balance of black and white magic is great.

    heal and do damage.

    and when they raise the level mages will then also be able to teleport.....teleport scrolls are 36..current level would allow 70/35...but if they raise level cap black mage/white mage could teleport.

    then you would have warp 2 where you could warp a whole party back to home point...and teleport where you can teleport parties,people,whatever all over vana diel.


    for me
    Karen Joy Morris is great...I think I love her.


    • #3
      Basically, from what I've read, the argument against Summoner subjob is that while the mana regen looks nice on paper, in reality you're not getting much more back than when you sub White Mage, plus you lose a lot of utility....and parties are far more interested in your ability to heal them if necessary than your ability to toss off an extra nuke and have a full mana pool 15 seconds sooner than you otherwise would have.
      I'm not even here

