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Might start tomorrow - yay!

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  • Might start tomorrow - yay!

    to cut a long story short, I can't get a master/visa till January. Even so, I saw ff11 in my local import store and couldnt resist seeing as they have been having trouble getting it. There's a 80-90% chance that my uncle's gonna let me use his card till February at which time I can transfer to my own card. Basically what I want to ask is this:

    I wanna eventually have White Mage or Summoner as my job, y'know to heal the team etc, but me & the guys I'll be playing with thought it might be better to start off as a Black Mage so, y'know, I can actually kill enemies with my magic and get some EXP, then once I know some black magic start levelling White Mage?

    OK I know I explained that really *really* badly but it's 1am here and I could be playing ff11 tomorrow

    Just wanted to ask people in the know whether this idea is really stupid or whatever.
    Jamiesan - Sylph
    whm66 blm37 smn36 thf27 nin16 bst16 drk15 drg9 rng9 sam8 war8 rdm4
    All others level 7
    Avatars: 7/8
    Lizzy 2/3, Spipi 0/3, Torrent 0/17, Mary 0/0 T.T
    Current Title: Sky Breaker ^^

  • #2
    You can't have Black Magic on your White Mage until you have completed the Support Job quest, minimum level 18.

    My advice is to start as a White Mage, solo to level 10-12, and start joining parties. It won't be hard to find a group for WHM. Once you have the Support Job, level to 15 or so as a BLM/WHM, and then to 30 as a WHM/BLM. Now you can quest for the Advanced jobs, including Summoner.

    To get the good summons though, I'm told 60 is the minimum level at which you can survive... but maybe someone will take pity on you and let you tag along, eh?


    • #3
      Thanks for the advice - as you will (hopefully) see by my new info on the left, I did get FFXI up and running (before reading your post, hence level 6 BLM for now (after a good old 13 hour session). First impressions? Bloody excellent

      I think you're right about the BLM vs WHM... to be honest I didn't think many people would choose BLM as their first job, but after my first party (we were all noobs AND all BLM, so go figure) got totally demolished, I've decided to start WHM. Anyway it's 5am here and I've gotta be up in 3 hours for my best mate's birthday party, so I probably won't get to ply at all for the rest of the weekend
      Jamiesan - Sylph
      whm66 blm37 smn36 thf27 nin16 bst16 drk15 drg9 rng9 sam8 war8 rdm4
      All others level 7
      Avatars: 7/8
      Lizzy 2/3, Spipi 0/3, Torrent 0/17, Mary 0/0 T.T
      Current Title: Sky Breaker ^^

