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Does lv16 Spell "Shock" do any Damage?

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  • Does lv16 Spell "Shock" do any Damage?

    Based on the description I was looking forwards to Shock being the first Thunder elemental damage spell and expected it to have, in general, higher damage then Fire (as fire does then Aero).

    I have tried it on a number of mobs (some weak to thunder) and realy think it does no to little damage (also has the Mind reduction aspect). The text after you cast it just says Shock effect applied. I have not been able to tell that there is a "Mob" received "xxxx" damage that is related to the Shock spell. Also watching the mobs health bar I have not ever notice a big decrease like you get with a 50-60 point Fire.

    I thought Shock would be out next big nuke spell, but so far I think not. What is the next big nuke after Fire?

  • #2
    thunder is next nuke spell. use shock on mabs that cast magic like gamblers in the dunes.


    • #3
      Yup, Thunder and it will be at level 21. Shock is kind of useless. I regreted buying it.


      • #4
        After Fire comes Blizzard.


        • #5
          Shock is not a worthless spell for a BLM. Shock is one of the debuffing spells that BLM should use on the enemy at the beginning of most battles. You must be aware of what your enemy is weak to before deciding what debuff to use. For instance, Clippers, although pretty resistant to magic in general, are weak to thunder elemntal magic. Therefore, you should cast shock on it at the beginning (since it is a thunder elemental spell)to lower it's Mind (this will make it less resistant to magic), then cast Thunder on it. Same works for Worms: Cast choke (air elemental, lowers Vitality), then cast Aero. This will make the worm more susceptable to physical attacks, and worms are weak against air elemntal attack.

          Keep in mind that the debuffing spells wear off over time, and if you see it wore off during the battle, then recast the debuff.

          Do not ignore the spells that do not do high damage to the enemy, because in reality, they are helping your other spells, or your other pt members deliver higher damage, or take less hits.
          Aerius ~ Elvaan on Carbuncle
          41 DRK / 30BLM / 20WAR / 11WHM / 7BST / 1RNG / 1BRD

