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Magic burst question.

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  • Magic burst question.

    Is it possible for the same mage to magic burst two spells in a row? For example... fast blade > burning blade > fire magic burst > flat blade > fire magic burst

    I would have enough time to cast at the liquefaction renkei and the fusion renkei. Could I do this or does it have to alternate within the same chain?

  • #2
    With multiple skillchains/renkei, yes, you can Magic Burst on all of them in theory. However, you would either have to:

    (1) Use different spells. For instance, in your above example, you could use Fire to Magic Burst on the first, and use Fire II to Magic Burst on the second.

    (2) Activate Chainspell as a Red Mage to remove the spell timers, so you could then Fire II on both skillchain/renkei.

    The spell recast timer is usually too long to allow a mage to Magic Burst twice in a row with the same spell.



    • #3
      Hmmm. Time to try to find some combos that let me magic burst twice in a chain. Thanks Icemage.


      • #4
        One more question.

        It is possible to magic burst your own weapon skill. Let's say you are a whm (sorry, I know this is a blm forum but I am just making a metaphor) and you use holy strike (I am not sure but it is the first weapon skill for clubs) on an undead. Could you cast a cure straight away on him to form a magic burst?


        • #5
          You can't Magic Burst on regular weapon skills. You have to have someone else there to skillchain/renkei with, since it requires at least 2 different weapon skills. That being said, you could do something like:

          WAR uses Red Lotus Blade
          WHM uses Seraph Strike -> Produces Skillchain: Fusion
          WHM immediately casts Banish to Magic Burst from Fusion

          I had a group a couple of days ago with 3 WHM beating up on Wights and we were doing 2-3 Magic Bursts per Fusion.



          • #6
            Oh icemage thanks. I realised what a stupid question I posted.


            • #7
              OK heres a dumb question, how do you do renkei's and magic bursts?

              Ice, Dark, Fire, & Thunder Staves Aquired
              Genkai FINISHED!!
              Maat finally went down.
              All BLM AF1 - Acquired
              All WHM AF1 - Acquired
              Windurst Rank 7


              • #8
                Hey Irinicus,

                Let me direct you to the FFXI faq section of the website. It gives the best explanation I have seen on how to perform both. The short version of how to do both is two Weapons skills performed within three seconds of each other creating a skill chain then a magic burst is done by hitting the monster with the same element of the skillchain. So if someone does Red Lotus Blade->Fast Blade creating a Fusion skill chain I could then cause a burst on the end by casting Fire and timing it so the spell hit between 1-5 seconds after the skillchain graphic occurs.

                Irinicus its me Radagast from the beta did you get the retail version of this yet?? If so what server and stuff are you on?


                Currently Radav on Phoenix server.
                Bc 40 - 28-4
                Bc 60- still have not done one yet ;;
                Behemoth 4/4
                Simurgh 0/5 I hate you bird!!
                Amemet 4/4
                Proconsul XI 0/4
                Genbu 3/3 on Venomous Claw drops!
                Proud wearer of an Opo-opo crown


                • #9
                  Click Here for Instructions

