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  • Sleep

    I will be getting the spell sleep soon. I wanted to discuss it with some of the more experienced players here so that I will have a better understaqnding on how it is used.

    If it is like most sleep spells it will drop if the sleeping mob takes damage. I am assuming it is of this nature. Now I am wondering how most high level blms use it. I would assume it helps out when there are adds in a group. I would think a macro letting your group know that you are casting sleep on a certain mob would help you keep from getting creamed. Does this spell make us alot more attractive to groups due to our ability to do crowd control? Are there any other uses in group? What kind of strategy do blms use with sleep in groups?

    I would think that this spell would be really nice in soloing. For one it could be saved as lifesaver in case you get low on hits and need a chance to zone or heal yourself. I think it could be used in conjunction with some of the damage over time and blind spells. Say you put an animal to sleep, then you hit it with a blind, no damage so root doesn't break. Then you can cast a dot on it, and the dot wont do damage until the first tick, giving you a chance to get a nuke off. Now cast bind, and you get three more nukes in for free. Seems like a really awesome tool to have at your disposal.

    So, how do you older folks use sleep in grouping and soloing (if you still solo at all) situations?

  • #2
    Sleep is great, but it is mainly used for handling linking monsters (adds). The BLM should be on the lookout for these. You have to communicate with your party, as you said, so no one attacks the monster until the party is ready or Sleep wears off. Sleep can also be resisted, so if it's a really bad situation, consider using Elemental Seal + Sleep, which will make Sleep significantly stronger.

    I never used Sleep when solo. You would have to bind first, move out of melee range, and then cast Sleep. Then you'd do your cures or run for the zone. It would be hard to do all that, even with just one monster, and either Bind or Sleep could be resisted. Also, I believe any further casting, even non-damaging debuffs, will break Sleep.


    • #3
      As Calianeri says, Sleep?@is MUST spell.
      On the party play,sometimes adds happen.

      BLM or RDM or BRD's essential work make added monster sleep.
      and Warrior's work is Provoke sleeping monster (It will not wake)
      When the monster wake up,not to attack Mage or Bard.
      (When mages make added monster?@sleep,they earn without Provoke Mage will beaten.)
      This is the safe party play's way.

      10/21 We BLM got new spell,Sleepga(I don't know how to spell)
      And Sleepga II.This spell make many monsters sleep once.

      I use sleep sometimes on solo play,(I can fight with only "Not a plactise" to earn small gils..otherwise I'll die)when monsters added. use sleep and kill them one by one.

      huh....Writeing in English is harder than party play,
      Could you understand this ?
      :sweat: :sweat:

      BLM68 WHM45 THF19 BRD12 SMN10
      Born in Windurst 06/2002 Rank 7(and half)
      Cooking 61,Goldsmithing 28,Fishing 12.Alchemy 19(began 2004)
      My SS=Copyright (C) 2003 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.


      • #4
        I understood every word, caramelmania. I appreciate both of you for taking the time to help some of the younger blms. The friendliness of the Japanese players has been so nice. I was worried when they announced that we were going to be on the same servers as other older players. Now I could not be happier. I try to group with as many japanese players as possible. They are always curteous, and take time to teach the new people how to work as a team.

        This board has become a wonderful resource for new players, and now that it isn't so slow, I can stop by here frequently and read alot of good threads.


        • #5
          Very happy to read ur reply, Jasmill.

          We JP player was warried too,cause we have distance of
          culture and language,
          Now I feel "Good people are in every country,bad people are
          too,it's the same."
          In this forum,I find NA people trying to use Japanese letter.

          step by step,we will be able to talk and play easyly,
          patience will need,but we will get more

          BLM68 WHM45 THF19 BRD12 SMN10
          Born in Windurst 06/2002 Rank 7(and half)
          Cooking 61,Goldsmithing 28,Fishing 12.Alchemy 19(began 2004)
          My SS=Copyright (C) 2003 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.


          • #6

