I know that if 2 monsters are too close and are of the same type they will link if you attack 1, at least sometimes (not sure if this is all the time or not)
There's some other situations though that I'm not sure if they'll link, or if it's monster specific.
When I'm already fighting an unlinked monster like a worm, if another worm gets close by to the worm it will start helping out, does this happen with all monsters?
If I'm fighting a monster but I'm far away from the monster and another of the same type of monster comes close to me, but not close to the monster I'm fighting. Will the 2nd monster start attacking me if I get cast on by the one I'm attacking already? I know if it's an aggressive monster he'll come hit me, but if it's not I'm not sure (I have been trying to avoid them just in case they will)
Are there any other situations that can cause non aggressive monsters to link?
There's some other situations though that I'm not sure if they'll link, or if it's monster specific.
When I'm already fighting an unlinked monster like a worm, if another worm gets close by to the worm it will start helping out, does this happen with all monsters?
If I'm fighting a monster but I'm far away from the monster and another of the same type of monster comes close to me, but not close to the monster I'm fighting. Will the 2nd monster start attacking me if I get cast on by the one I'm attacking already? I know if it's an aggressive monster he'll come hit me, but if it's not I'm not sure (I have been trying to avoid them just in case they will)
Are there any other situations that can cause non aggressive monsters to link?
