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Monster Linking?

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  • Monster Linking?

    I know that if 2 monsters are too close and are of the same type they will link if you attack 1, at least sometimes (not sure if this is all the time or not)

    There's some other situations though that I'm not sure if they'll link, or if it's monster specific.

    When I'm already fighting an unlinked monster like a worm, if another worm gets close by to the worm it will start helping out, does this happen with all monsters?

    If I'm fighting a monster but I'm far away from the monster and another of the same type of monster comes close to me, but not close to the monster I'm fighting. Will the 2nd monster start attacking me if I get cast on by the one I'm attacking already? I know if it's an aggressive monster he'll come hit me, but if it's not I'm not sure (I have been trying to avoid them just in case they will)

    Are there any other situations that can cause non aggressive monsters to link?


  • #2
    Umm... Im not quite sure about this but aggressive monsters will just attack and I think even passive ones will help out their own kind. Dont take my word for it though.
    Creon Arcais - Rank 6 San d'Orian
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    Dynamis LS - (Can I have it?)


    • #3
      Seems to depend on how much hate you generate to each monster. Some situations I've seen monsters of totally different types link together. The dirt eaters I'm convinced they hate mage classes more then any other, reason I say that is because every time I've gone to Giddeus area with melee classes they can run past the worm and it won't attack or cast a spell. If I get in range of it's spells though it casts them on me right off.

      I've had monsters come join in on fight while I'm fighting a monster. Usually though it's when the other monster gets close to the one I'm attacking. Not all monsters assist eachother.

      Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


      • #4
        Ah, didn't know that other types could join in too.

        So do you think it's safe to be by a monster that would link as long as the monster I'm fighting is too far for him to link with?

        Ie something like this


        A = the monster I'm fighting
        - = just the space between the monsters and me
        ME = me
        B = the monster that would link if it was like this:


        I think I'm ok in the first situation, but I'm not sure.

        Also a weird thing happened to me the other day, that I didn't realize could happen. I was killing worms in shakrami maze, and a worm popped up and started attacking me (since I was attacking one that was a little behind where he popped up at already)... Anyhow that's normal so far, I switched to the new one since it was closer and I would need to kill it first before finishing off the one I had already started...

        Anyhow so Now I have 2 monsters that both have been engaged by me, I attack for awhile then back up and heal some... while I'm healing someone comes along and kills the first monster I had been killing. How did they do that? It's always told me that I can't attack something that someone else has attacked (not that I mind him killing it, I didn't really want to tie up 2 just had to because of the situation), is there some timer, or if you switch monsters is the first monster free to be hit by others?

        Just wondering since I didn't realize that could happen until last night


        • #5
          Well depends if you stopped to heal then you must of disengaged your fight with that monster. When you disengage and far enough away from the monster, then your battle with it is consider concluded so it becomes a free target for anyone again.

          The first situation seems fine, but if the monster A comes up to you and you attack it with B still close by then you'll get B after you too..

          Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


          • #6
            Ah, thanks a bunch. I bet what I did was I backed up so far that the 1st monster was far enough out of range for that to happen, that's good to know.

            If you do that does the hate get reset also, so that if it wasn't aggressive normally and I got back within range (assuming I didn't have something else close by to it I was fighting) would it not attack me?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Zenyx
              If you do that does the hate get reset also, so that if it wasn't aggressive normally and I got back within range (assuming I didn't have something else close by to it I was fighting) would it not attack me?

              If it was a worm you can run away till the point this it's magic doesn't attack you. Before you run though you should do poison or something. Then when your out of range (monster is still aggroed) you can heal and go finish um up. I do this all the time with BRD. I will fight Really hard (tote) worms and use requiem then run and keep doing that till it dies.
              Dra Bmyhad Ec Toehk - FF7
              Final Fantasy XI - Zandria


              • #8
                That's what I'm doing, just wondering if I ran even farther away if it wouldn't attack when I came back or not...

                The reason I ask is that sometimes (rarely, but it has happened a few times now) a worm will pop up right beside the worm I'm killing already, this is a big problem if they're so close that I can't keep out of range of 1 of them while casting on the other.

                So far I've been lucky and either someone comes and attacks the new worm, or it's not blocking my way back to the zone and I can zone out and let them move apart and start again, but if I can simply move far away that would be alot safer and quicker.


                • #9
                  If you are able to run away, then most likely either the monster is too slow to follow you and hate will decrease or go away. Hate pretty much effects how easily the monster will become aggro to you and how long it'll chase you down.

                  Yagudo generates a lot of hate so once they aggro you, you're pretty much forced to zone or kill it. Digger Bees and Killer Wasps don't generate as much hate, so if it does aggro you and you get a good distance away it'll disengage.

                  Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                  • #10
                    Sounds about right. I'll buy it.
                    Creon Arcais - Rank 6 San d'Orian
                    Black Mage-70 White Mage-41
                    Red Mage-6 Monk-10
                    Thief-47 Warrior-30
                    Dark Knight-11 Summoner-26
                    Ranger - 22 Dragoon - 15
                    Samurai - 11 Bard - 10
                    Ninja - 31 Paladin - 46

                    Dynamis LS - (Can I have it?)

