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Blm/rdm Vs Blm/whm

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  • Blm/rdm Vs Blm/whm

    Which is better? Pros, Cons?

  • #2
    blm alone - caster. stand back and cast magic. ton's of MP to spend

    /whm VS /rdm

    /rdm is less useful than /whm. while both share similar characteristic and magics, there's couple obvious differences.

    - /whm you can heal status such as poison, paralyse, etc. /rdm you can't. Those can mean life or death of you group sometimes

    - /rdm you get some enhancement magics to enhance your weapon. but you will never attack in party anyway

    - /whm you get to use curega. heals everyone in a party. very useful

    - /rdm you learn cure much slower than /whm. rdm learns cure 1 at level 3, cure 2 at level 16 compare to whm cure1 level 1 cure2 level 11.
    so using /rdm you need to be 6/3 and 32/16 to cast cure 1 and 2.
    /whm you only need 1/1 and 22/11 to cast them

    - whm get raise at level 25. so you cna cast it when you reach 50/25
    - rdm get raise at 39. you'll never be able to cast it at the currect level cap.
    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

    - Pablo Picasso


    • #3
      One can't forget about the faster casting times red mage can give, though.


      • #4
        How about their Active Skill

        Consider the combo:
        Mana pool + Continual Magic...

        A blm/rdm can dish a quite a lot of damage in a short time, even though both skills last only 30 sec and have to wait 2hr...
        Really useful when fighting bosses....


        Assuming you have some good spells....

        Not sure if u can use both at the same time though....


        • #5
          You don't get the 2 hour ability from your subjob.

          In other words, you can't use Mana Font(blm) and Chainspell(rdm) at the same time.

          Too bad.

          I think blm/rdm would be interesting for soloing after level 42 because of Gravity, but I've yet to see that in action. In a party . . . blm/whm would probably be better, for the reasons Jei listed. Dispel is nice but you'd have to wait a loooooong time to get it as blm/rdm.


          • #6
            I agree with Jei for the most part. There are some pluses to /RDM however.

            - At BLM40/RDM20, you get an additional Magic Attack Up trait, so your spells will hit a bit harder than a BLM40/WHM20.

            - Your spells will also go off a bit faster because of Fast Cast (6.25% faster). This is normally not a big deal except when casting very long spells (Ancient Magic, Sleepga I/II, Escape). It also makes it a bit easier to Magic Burst.

            - You get the RDM ability to Parry (occasionally useful, even if the skill level is relatively low).

            - At BLM42/RDM21 you get Gravity, which is a nice enfeebling spell (although you should always let a main RDM cast this if there is one in the party, as their Enfeebling Magic is probably higher than yours).

            Overall, the /WHM variant is still more flexible, but BLM/RDM after level 40 is at least "okay."



            • #7
              I would say that black mage/red mage is the purest black magic caster.


              • #8
                i like blm/rdm more then blm/whm because people dont ask you to be back up healers, so you can do what your ment to do......


                • #9
                  I set out to level my BLM (/RDM) to 20 so I could visit Jueno and undertake the chocobo quest yesterday. I was asked to be the main healer. The situation with WHMs is grim at the moment, for us the English speaking noobs of Cerberus. :spin:

