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Black Mages....

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  • Black Mages....

    I have been thinking. How powerful are Black Mages exactly. I will be Hume Black Mage/Summoner. I am curious to how powerful they can be or atleast what potential they have.
    Creon Arcais - Rank 6 San d'Orian
    Black Mage-70 White Mage-41
    Red Mage-6 Monk-10
    Thief-47 Warrior-30
    Dark Knight-11 Summoner-26
    Ranger - 22 Dragoon - 15
    Samurai - 11 Bard - 10
    Ninja - 31 Paladin - 46

    Dynamis LS - (Can I have it?)

  • #2
    wondering about thier potential? not to be mean, but i thought you were intersted purely in fun...

    as far as black mages go, they're prettymuch the only offensive magic job so... if that's your thing, they're the only real option. and if spellburst is somethin your PT wants to see, BLM is the best at makin it happen

    and as i understand it, (someone guillotine me if i'm wrong), if SMN is your subjob your summons come out a scootch weak so they're not as effective as say, black magic. On the other hand, as i understand it, (someone pentathrust me if i'm wrong), SMN adds a whole wagonload of MP, as far as subs go... which would make any BLM happy...

    feel free to kick me like a dog if i'm spouting nonsense, i'm wasn't a beta tester so i'm just hypothesizing...


    • #3
      Yep you'd get a ton more mp if you sub smn to blm and it's all about how long mages can last in battle thats very important to a party.

      As far as how powerful blackmages are the answer is very. If you can keep all your spells current over the levels you'll be very valuable in any party. They deal great damage and can use elemental effects against enemies....BUT if you come across some things that are immune to magic, and there are some of those, that's when black mages can be a bit weak. I'm not sure though if they can still have a chance of dealing damage though but summons would be useful then.

      Seems a good choice to me only advice is that you should work very hard as you progress to get new armor and spells though it can be a pain getting money it'll be worth it cus you'll be very strong. Though I think getting spells is more important then the armor in the case of a black mage been with mages with lvl 10 armor still very good jus armor can be useful ^^ I'm done
      um :-P


      • #4
        I am interested in fun. I am just curious to how powerful Black Mages become. On EQ wizards and spell casters were the strongest and always wanted in parties to deal out massive damage. I am wondering if it is the same on FFXI. I mean wouldnt the extra damage be good? I geuss you could say I want to compare FFXI spell casters to EQ spell casters. Even though I was a rogue.
        Creon Arcais - Rank 6 San d'Orian
        Black Mage-70 White Mage-41
        Red Mage-6 Monk-10
        Thief-47 Warrior-30
        Dark Knight-11 Summoner-26
        Ranger - 22 Dragoon - 15
        Samurai - 11 Bard - 10
        Ninja - 31 Paladin - 46

        Dynamis LS - (Can I have it?)

