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Are you able to move while casting a spell?

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  • Are you able to move while casting a spell?

    I was wondering if you could move while conjuring forth your spell. I think I heard that if an enemy hits'll be interrupted, or is there a chance you can be hit and still get the spell off? If not, back to the original question. When i click the button to cast a spell, am I able to run in circles if I felt a strange desire to do so, or must I remain COMPLETELY still???

    ~Seer of Darkness, Knower of Light, I travel the path of Salvation~

  • #2
    yes you can move while conjuring a spell but in a few you can´t move but it will be very slow like somethig cast a slow magic on you.

    if you are hit you won´t stop conjuring that spell


    • #3
      no you can't
      moving is a way to cancel your spell (or sit down) you'll keep casting util you complete but the spell won't come out.

      when you're hit you have chance that the spell will be interupted. the harder the hit is, the higher chance you'll be interupted.
      There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
      but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
      transform a yellow spot into the sun.

      - Pablo Picasso


      • #4
        Oh great!! That excites me that you can be hit, and still get a spell off, in some cases!! Thanks a bunch for the info.

        OOOOOoooo I can't wait to play!!!!!!! ::swoon:: ^_^;;
        ~Seer of Darkness, Knower of Light, I travel the path of Salvation~


        • #5
          There's various AF and equipment that allow you to have been hit or move a little while casting/singing, and without interruption.

          THe only good way to stop a spell from being casted is to force yourself to sit down. There's also a command with the R buttons I believe, but I don't know what.

          Trying to run too late in animation won't cancel.
          RageOfDark & Rinoa.Nu


          • #6
            how effective is the aqua veil spell for this?

            im taking whm as a sub and saw that aqual veil allows you to cast without interruption, no further specifics how long it lasts or how effective.
            Shiro - BLM/WHM - Goldsmith
            Prophecy Linkshell


            • #7
              Aqua is a great spell - I ALWAYS cast it. You can get hit 1-2 times and 90% of time you will still cast.

              As for moving you can move about a few steps with it on, but I wouldn't keep running around (more then 3-5 steps) or you wont cast UNLESS it is a quick cast spell like Dia.


              • #8
                Aquaveil is not that useful IMHO. It's nice to cast if you are bored. Blink and Stoneskin last longer, and their effects are more clearly visible.
                RageOfDark & Rinoa.Nu

