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Feeding Your Blackmage

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  • Feeding Your Blackmage

    Hello, I'm a soon to be NA player (pre-ordered) and think everyone and their versatile opinons are great! Id like to ask something that I havent seen being asked to much. How do you feed your BLM? I've read many common foods and attainable ones are bad for INT but good for STR. (Im guessing fish lol cause it makes you smart! Says Dr Mom!)So im a little baffeled on what to serve my baby for dinner lol. Does race matter when feeding? I have a wierd feeling that one race is gonna' be like a vegetarian, basing that on my experiances with nature loving races lol I call it the captain planet race. Well any answers are appreciated, thanks so much for reading this far.

    Hope to see you in-game one day,

  • #2
    well just so u know u don't ever have to eat, but...

    Bird Eggs are ALWAYS safe. They increase ur MP and HP by about one levels worth. I do know that rarab tails are bad, and that jugs of milk can be helpful for regen.

    The thing is that many foods don't actually increase stats, they give buffs of one sort or another.
    We are not retreating, we are just advancing in another direction
    General McArthur

    Cor 51 BLM 31, DRK 18, BRD 18, BST 1, SAM 1, WHM 33, WAR 5, SMN 67

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    (god I havent been to this site in ages, I must have left when the solo quests came out....)

    Diabolos and Fenrir: O

    Rank 6 windy Remora server


    • #3
      Hello check this link for the food and their benefits.
      these are from a jpn website.
      food for mage in level up PT is 100% needed.
      Juice is good for the mp refresh
      Fruit type foods(apple,melon,etc) boost either mind or int and give a hefty boost to the mp.

      check it out.

      as a word of advice as a mage cooking is 100% useful to use , so if you need to do guild work do , cooking and alchemy should be up there.
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      • #4
        thanks a bunch! really helped me, now i know if you fast your char it wont need a hospital lol.


        • #5
          I have a friend with skill level 50 cooking.

          My low-level food for missions/quests is:

          Rolanberry / pineapple juice

          My high level food for bosses/BCNMs:

          Baked apple / Melon juice


          • #6
            do you want to be elvaan?
            melon pie while level
            actually i suggest melon pie for every blm other than taru blms which can go screw themselves by apple pies -_-
            omfgbbq ;3

