whats ancient magic i read one refering it in athread just wondering what it is
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whats ancient magic?
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freeze, tornade, flare, quake are monster drop. monster that holds quake are tougher than others.
burst is from coffer.There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
transform a yellow spot into the sun.
- Pablo Picasso
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quake is also from bcnm50
which i will probably try my luck some day -_-
flare cost way too much... i am thinking about a flare party when i hit 60
acient magic isn't all that great all all
it cost way too much to cast, if resisted, you are just a sucker
if it does hit, the monster will really hate you, and that ain't good either -_-omfgbbq ;3
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around 600 up to a thousand if not resisted.
they are great to play with sometimes ^^There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
transform a yellow spot into the sun.
- Pablo Picasso
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1 shot? XD
i think you missed a 0 there
well that's exadrating but you get the oint
you will not beable to 1 shot anything that even give you exp with any class's attacks
and blm's acient sucks in my most humble opinionomfgbbq ;3
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I have 52/54/56/58 Old Magic, they are pretty cheap on unicorn (from 2-50k) just flair cost 250k
They are prette useless, need around 300 MP and make 600-1000DMG, but if you have great skill you can use them for MB and deal around 1-2k DMG, need teamplay whit tank's at all.
Flair is useless because it deals area DMG, use area damage in boyahada and your dead :sweat:
sorry if i made a mistake my english is a little bit rusty lol
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