I was thinking it's gonna be sooooo cool to be a taru black mage and now i'm thinking otherwise from what everyone is sayin.... :confused: im so very confused....
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black mage trau seem like a pain i guess to bad there isn't a cry emote for icon...
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wat is making u think otherwise? if u like it be it... i am also planning on being a taru bm and it is gonna be great for me cuz i luv magicwhether it will be cool or not will depend on wat type of char u like to play. wat is giving u doubts??
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Probably the topics about how being a hume or elvaan is much easier to be a blm.
But Tarutarus are made for magic, I myself am going to be one as well. The only problem you might have being one would be your hp. But instead of buying +int and mp rings/accessories, get +vit and hp.:spin: It might be hard in the beginning, but if you don't give up Taru blms reap very good rewards.
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Thanks for the support guys I don't know what I was thinking I've been wanting to be a taru blm since i found out about it two years ago I guess I was just so scared of dieng everuyone syaing there mad about dying very two fights....Only one of us is going to live and im going to miss you....
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i don't know how many times this has been stressed by the players who actually played the game
i for one have to agree with this also
play the race/job combination YOU LIKE
a taru can be a good knight (damn it naito in jp w, i mean pld) as an elvaan can
and an elvaan can be a good mage as taru
as for myself, i am elvaan blm, and i personally don't think i am worse a blm than tarus
blah =x
people does too much "research" before play the game, and start making all kind of opinions and think of them as facts
my saying is that, shut up and play the game and go along with it for long enough before saying anything
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I'm a Taru BLM. The first couple hours I played the game were frustrating because I was getting killed often. But what I quickly realized was that I wasn't playing the character right. For instance, I was starting to attack really close to the enemy. That was dumb. Mages should start casting as far away as possible, giving you time to cast at least twice before getting hit.
Also, black mages have to be aware that they are weak in terms of HP but very strong in terms of damage. So your best defense is to kill the enemy as fast as possible when soloing. The Bind spell is great, since it should give you at least one extra cast. And don't be afraid to use Manafont -- unlimited MP for 30 seconds can save your life. Just remember to play it safe for the next 2 hours.
If you're having trouble at early levels, party with a same-level white mage. It's a great combination, since white mages can have trouble doing damage but can heal.
Also, make sure to check your enemies before attacking. Taking on Easy Prey enemies should be pretty safe (with some exceptions!). If it says Decent Challenge, you'll probably have some trouble. If it says Even Match, you should probably stay away unless you have a good strategy for that enemy. If it says Tough, stay away (but there are exceptions to that too).
I love my little mage, and I have great fun nuking the heck out of enemies. It is extremely cool to be this tiny but very powerful force. You've just got to know your limits.
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When u solo as a tarutaru blm if yur between 1-10 u will be able to actualy take hits, dont atack anything thats even match, tough, Very tough, incread tough or impossible to gauge. use bind then nuke the heck out of them, blind may also help.
When u start partying around 20 + most things will kill u in 2-4 hits, but dont worry if u are in a good party u wont get hit, warriors using provoke and atacking to get hate from the monster. You will have so much mp that u will not have to worry about running out of mp.
So dont listen to those other people tarutaru blm are good.look below my name for my character ^^
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As a hume blm, I have taken on toughs solo and won (lv 3 killed a tough goblin fisher, woot). However, I wouldn't recommend that because, A) I knew what I was doing, B) I had a subj, and C) I'm a hume. It's not becaue humes are that much easier to play, it's cause we have that much more hp. Even though I pulled it off, I was beaten to the last 5 hp from max (50) and last of 8 MP from max (45). I didn't have enough MP for one more spell (stone is 9) nor did I have enough HP for one more hit (he was hitting me for 7).
The moral of the story is just because people say something can't be done, doesn't always make it true. I know this because of the sheer number of really tough melee taru's I've seen. They ARE designed for magic, but they have the least HP, so what? RPG history wise, wizards, mages, MUs, all have the least amount of HP, it's their lot in life. The hume mage isn't quite as good as the taru's at the actual spellcasting, but that's the tradeoff I get for being able to take one or two more hits (couldn't tell you just how many more at higher level, I haven't worked blm up that high yet).
Some words of advice:
1) Make no assumptions until you have actually PLAYED the game.
2) Take advice or leave it, it's your character and your game.
3) As far as parties go, joining random strangers is fun, making yourself part of a full time group is funner. It's hard for people like me who have work and school and fraternity stuff, to really do stuff like that, but I consider games my sports and it's FF season.
4) Don't turn into an uberist. I have numerous posts on this and gamefaqs message boards shunning people away from this. Have fun.
5) There are race/class or class/subclass combos that get you into a party better than others. There is very good reasonning behind this, I say learn them, don't swear by them, too many people do that already, learn what works for you and your group, you may yet come up with a combo that's good that no one would think works.
I personnally am going with the w/b mage and b/w mage switchoff. Why am I using such a cookie cutter class? Cause I just got done with my subj quest and am so sick of playing a melee class, I went looking for the purest mage I can find. I would love to switch to a taru, but I already got the subj thing with my hume and don't want to start completely from square 1, even though I have 2 jobs I need to work up instead of 1 for my sub, I still got a sub and a regular party and I'll have neither if I switch to taru taru at this point. I am only in the beta, and I will play a taru in the retail.
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i am a blm taru 63. blm is best as taru who told u elv or hume is better? my int is high other races would have to use mp rings to compensate and still have low int about 20-25 lower at least. less hp doesnt matter anyway if you die that much your pt sucks. taru have best int your spells will be way stronger than other races your weak spells will also be more effective. for blm taru will be first choice in pt selection. i know a few elv blm and they always complained how their blind hardly hits etc or sleep misses. also less mp sucks the mp rings dont help that much. i have about 900 mp at my lvl no mp rings elv or hume have probably 600 with mp rings and such. but be whatever you want other races do get along fine as blm. but taru just have the best stats and mp for it. also as your lv gets higher you cant take on stuff that was same level liek you did at 10.Lonewolfy -- Bismarck
Bastok Rank 10
75BLM, 75THF, 37NIN, 37RDM, 37WHM
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