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Would this be a good strategy?

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  • I'M NOT GOING ON BAHAMUT *eyes glow red* especially not with the faggs on this board like that stupid guy i forget his name!
    If ur a lone taru who is seeking to...
    fight for the city of Windurst.....
    You could just join my linkshell! Machi no Taru's (or however i change the name lol!)
    This offer is only limited to every race that lives in windurst...cept Elvaan's

    I'm also in TWDM see Daxswells for that!


    • Adohleas

      we have two alliesthat have dragoons. Victoria knights that shares our message boards.(click the message link in my sig and go down) Or you can apply for our other ally, Dragoon knights.They specializes in dragoons and white mages. their site is:


      • who?

        It was me and TOMFIN10 idea.
        Whos the person you don't want to go to bahamut with?
        everybody in our clan likes bahamut. Why not you?


        • well taru force (machi no tarus) is a restriction of race besides class so don't fret if ur blkmage wht mage red dragoon or pink warrior i really don't care its the race i put restriction on..and where u live I'm sure ur gonna start in windurst if not see ya! my partnership is to make our conditions in windurst improve not to just rebel against shadow full who can get killed by a behemoth!:sweat:
          If ur a lone taru who is seeking to...
          fight for the city of Windurst.....
          You could just join my linkshell! Machi no Taru's (or however i change the name lol!)
          This offer is only limited to every race that lives in windurst...cept Elvaan's

          I'm also in TWDM see Daxswells for that!


          • well i don't kare *runs away fast from tom and daxwells* take urself to bahamut *jumpps over a montain with her ninja and monk skills*:mad:
            If ur a lone taru who is seeking to...
            fight for the city of Windurst.....
            You could just join my linkshell! Machi no Taru's (or however i change the name lol!)
            This offer is only limited to every race that lives in windurst...cept Elvaan's

            I'm also in TWDM see Daxswells for that!


            • Well my home town is going to be Windurst, however I'll still want to go adventuring too.


              • oh great renee...

                fantastic...I guess you have to give up your position as black mage head at TWDM...Tom will be so upset you left him...


                • well we're gonna have ta but wat i'm saying is that like after I get my basic class in order mnk and blkmage and maybe white mage we are usually gonna be in alliances usually on conquest and/or just killing stuff... we'll do alot of quest but after we've reached our goal of getting each and every class we are going to liberate windurst kk?
                  I also have another deadly team called M(onk)S(amurai)N(inja) dunno how to pull it off but we'll see.

                  MSN!.....8.0! *runs accross the land looking like a blur!*
                  If ur a lone taru who is seeking to...
                  fight for the city of Windurst.....
                  You could just join my linkshell! Machi no Taru's (or however i change the name lol!)
                  This offer is only limited to every race that lives in windurst...cept Elvaan's

                  I'm also in TWDM see Daxswells for that!


                  • too bad* left tom a little letter explaining why she left* ..........*runs right off the server* ..............*her skin rips off to 3 kilobytes of know 10100101000100100001101010101110000101101001...and so on!
                    If ur a lone taru who is seeking to...
                    fight for the city of Windurst.....
                    You could just join my linkshell! Machi no Taru's (or however i change the name lol!)
                    This offer is only limited to every race that lives in windurst...cept Elvaan's

                    I'm also in TWDM see Daxswells for that!


                    • i guess i can put up with that server only ifu promise i get free stuff!:mad:
                      If ur a lone taru who is seeking to...
                      fight for the city of Windurst.....
                      You could just join my linkshell! Machi no Taru's (or however i change the name lol!)
                      This offer is only limited to every race that lives in windurst...cept Elvaan's

                      I'm also in TWDM see Daxswells for that!


                      • alright!

                        Yes! you will get a free world pass. If the mods don't, I'll force all the pc players to save up gil to buy me and you (and other ps2 users) wp early on before we get the game.

                        (but I'm sure they will)


                        • i'm hungry be back later!

                          hey the only time i'll leave tom is when i see him speaking to another taru girl:mad:
                          I'll become jelous then leave him....i was jking but i really don't wanna go to bahamut u_u
                          If ur a lone taru who is seeking to...
                          fight for the city of Windurst.....
                          You could just join my linkshell! Machi no Taru's (or however i change the name lol!)
                          This offer is only limited to every race that lives in windurst...cept Elvaan's

                          I'm also in TWDM see Daxswells for that!


                          • hey it won't be that bad...


                            • Sorry but this is going to be closed... Dont use the fourms for chatting please... its just a waste of space
                              Kelenae - Ramuh - Mithra Female - Windurst Rank 10 - Gone?
                              Dirtha - Taru Taru Female - Windurst Rank 2 - Gone?
                     (|Please check it|)

