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Would this be a good strategy?

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  • GO TARUS!!!
    "From the void all things are born.
    To the void all things return."

    -philosophy of the Walahra


      If ur a lone taru who is seeking to...
      fight for the city of Windurst.....
      You could just join my linkshell! Machi no Taru's (or however i change the name lol!)
      This offer is only limited to every race that lives in windurst...cept Elvaan's

      I'm also in TWDM see Daxswells for that!


      • I mean twin boys!
        Attached Files
        If ur a lone taru who is seeking to...
        fight for the city of Windurst.....
        You could just join my linkshell! Machi no Taru's (or however i change the name lol!)
        This offer is only limited to every race that lives in windurst...cept Elvaan's

        I'm also in TWDM see Daxswells for that!


        • lol
          "From the void all things are born.
          To the void all things return."

          -philosophy of the Walahra


            she looks like what i want to...with the ribbions in the hair!
            Attached Files
            If ur a lone taru who is seeking to...
            fight for the city of Windurst.....
            You could just join my linkshell! Machi no Taru's (or however i change the name lol!)
            This offer is only limited to every race that lives in windurst...cept Elvaan's

            I'm also in TWDM see Daxswells for that!


            • me n u tom!
              Attached Files
              If ur a lone taru who is seeking to...
              fight for the city of Windurst.....
              You could just join my linkshell! Machi no Taru's (or however i change the name lol!)
              This offer is only limited to every race that lives in windurst...cept Elvaan's

              I'm also in TWDM see Daxswells for that!


              • Bad but pretty taru girls!
                Attached Files
                If ur a lone taru who is seeking to...
                fight for the city of Windurst.....
                You could just join my linkshell! Machi no Taru's (or however i change the name lol!)
                This offer is only limited to every race that lives in windurst...cept Elvaan's

                I'm also in TWDM see Daxswells for that!


                • a taru party....
                  Attached Files
                  If ur a lone taru who is seeking to...
                  fight for the city of Windurst.....
                  You could just join my linkshell! Machi no Taru's (or however i change the name lol!)
                  This offer is only limited to every race that lives in windurst...cept Elvaan's

                  I'm also in TWDM see Daxswells for that!


                  • This is the last pic for today cuz i gtg....but me in real jk....a hume that kix butt tho!:sweat: bye all:spin:
                    Attached Files
                    If ur a lone taru who is seeking to...
                    fight for the city of Windurst.....
                    You could just join my linkshell! Machi no Taru's (or however i change the name lol!)
                    This offer is only limited to every race that lives in windurst...cept Elvaan's

                    I'm also in TWDM see Daxswells for that!


                    • cool
                      "From the void all things are born.
                      To the void all things return."

                      -philosophy of the Walahra


                      • ok heres the plan.....

                        Even though this thread has morphed into a different species than what it started as (It went from like rabbit to a dingo.) We have to keep posting and there is the possibility that it could make the top 10. So everyone keep this insane thread going. Maybe I should just let renee handle this shes posted like 80% of the....posts. But it's all good, so........KUPO!!

                        I am the bomb diggity.


                        • yeah

                          yesterday, we had 110 posts...Today we had 220! and I wasn't even on yesterday:sweat: I feel left out, especially being the only hume here...

                          Renee has posts 98 times!
                          I've post 53 times:sweat: .(thats too much for me)
                          tom, you have 32
                          DogsTalkTOMe, you've only post 9 times. this is your thread, come on chat it up!
                          everybody else has less than 7


                          • oh yeah

                            tom, I can't get into the dragonkights site. Whats wrong, is it down?


                            • look whos on right now..HEY DON'T leave daxwells cuz I'm NOT GOING TO MAKE IT HERE> I post like 3 times then tomfin post on a question i asked 2 minutes as u can see i found my skirt. *smiles*
                              OH YEAH my sister gave me a cool cool idea......thre tarutaru girls
                              and our team would be called MSN lol it sounded much more cooler when she said it though...I might revamp it so its like
                              If ur a lone taru who is seeking to...
                              fight for the city of Windurst.....
                              You could just join my linkshell! Machi no Taru's (or however i change the name lol!)
                              This offer is only limited to every race that lives in windurst...cept Elvaan's

                              I'm also in TWDM see Daxswells for that!


                              • whats up with the new avatar....LOL..u don't even look like tidus...LOL
                                If ur a lone taru who is seeking to...
                                fight for the city of Windurst.....
                                You could just join my linkshell! Machi no Taru's (or however i change the name lol!)
                                This offer is only limited to every race that lives in windurst...cept Elvaan's

                                I'm also in TWDM see Daxswells for that!

