LOL, okay..what's your questions
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:p ok..
1. When the weather change do they have natural effects (like lightning or tornadoes)?if they do can we get hurt...
2. can a blkmage dual weild the club aka {1 hand} staff with a ninja subjob?
3. I know i asked this before but can u set urself on fire?
4. Can a tarutaru get taller than usual?
5. Do we all start with that ugly costume we see in the beginning (char creation)?If ur a lone taru who is seeking to...
fight for the city of Windurst.....
You could just join my linkshell! Machi no Taru's (or however i change the name lol!)
This offer is only limited to every race that lives in windurst...cept Elvaan's
I'm also in TWDM see Daxswells for that!
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1. each area has its own weather effects, (ex. East Ronfaure (sp) is usually sunny or very foggy) and in a thunderstorm area you can see the lighting in the sky and hear the thunder, but you cant' get hurt from it
2. yes, a BLM can duel with a 1 hand staff even without the ninja sub
3. lol no you can't
4. there is no way to get a tarutaru any taller except by using the Small Medium and Large options when you first create your character.
5. unfortunately yes, and i hate that costume, but there is a nice low leveled costume that you can buy from the AH (i'll get you one so when you start you can use it right away :spin: )"From the void all things are born.
To the void all things return."
-philosophy of the Walahra
Thanks 0
ok 2x meanie...and i did it again...I had another question...and i forgot it:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
I still can't remember :mad: :mad: :mad:If ur a lone taru who is seeking to...
fight for the city of Windurst.....
You could just join my linkshell! Machi no Taru's (or however i change the name lol!)
This offer is only limited to every race that lives in windurst...cept Elvaan's
I'm also in TWDM see Daxswells for that!
Thanks 0
hey...y is it sucky to party at the beginning...cause i wanted to party at the beginning....If ur a lone taru who is seeking to...
fight for the city of Windurst.....
You could just join my linkshell! Machi no Taru's (or however i change the name lol!)
This offer is only limited to every race that lives in windurst...cept Elvaan's
I'm also in TWDM see Daxswells for that!
Thanks 0
lvls 1-3 it isn't good to PT cause you get REALLY low EXP, but once you get to lvl 3 (which is really fast) then i would PT....actually, I would PT from lvl 1-70. :spin:"From the void all things are born.
To the void all things return."
-philosophy of the Walahra
Thanks 0
you really should start pting at level 12. But for a mage you can start at 10. Its just an easier way to level up fast. if you start leveling at levels 1-12 you are not going to get good exp. But its up to you, do whatever you what....
Thanks 0
i don't want to hinder u....but i don't wanna be alone....
just leave ur monk class open...we could lvl up together n_n at the same time *hugs him more* thanks vagtork? yeah wateverIf ur a lone taru who is seeking to...
fight for the city of Windurst.....
You could just join my linkshell! Machi no Taru's (or however i change the name lol!)
This offer is only limited to every race that lives in windurst...cept Elvaan's
I'm also in TWDM see Daxswells for that!
Thanks 0
Just to let u know I'm 15, k kiddies?
hey it right this lol I'm gonna put u on my buddy list to ammend my damages to u last time!If ur a lone taru who is seeking to...
fight for the city of Windurst.....
You could just join my linkshell! Machi no Taru's (or however i change the name lol!)
This offer is only limited to every race that lives in windurst...cept Elvaan's
I'm also in TWDM see Daxswells for that!
Thanks 0
Originally posted by Ultimarenee
#1:mad: Renee u suck
#2:mad: no u suck
#1:mad: so atleast I'm not goth
*looks at Ludwig* wat kinda name that is?:confused:
well renee if you look in my profile it says i'm interested in drums. I've been playing them for quite some time and music is everything to me. Ludwig is a drum company. And i'm a guy not a chick, i just think mithra is a cool looking race and they well with Ranger/thief/warrior
Thanks 0
i'll be 16 in a month
if i was a man...i wula knew u ppl are funny tho n_n!
If ur a lone taru who is seeking to...
fight for the city of Windurst.....
You could just join my linkshell! Machi no Taru's (or however i change the name lol!)
This offer is only limited to every race that lives in windurst...cept Elvaan's
I'm also in TWDM see Daxswells for that!
Thanks 0
I have another question...when is the penalty taken...when u get killed or when u get killed then teleport back home?
and how come neel is an action and the thing u use to heal urself?If ur a lone taru who is seeking to...
fight for the city of Windurst.....
You could just join my linkshell! Machi no Taru's (or however i change the name lol!)
This offer is only limited to every race that lives in windurst...cept Elvaan's
I'm also in TWDM see Daxswells for that!
Thanks 0
When your character dies, 10% of the experience needed to max out the current level is lost. I don't believe you lose more additional experience for teleporting home.
Kneel and "Resting" are actions can add them into a Tarutaru dance routine?!?(that would be fun):spin:
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