Hey I am just wondering if this would be a good idea:
going blm/whm up to blm lev 18 then switching to whm/blm to get whm up to 60 then becoming a summoner.....When I get to this I dont know whether I should then put sum as SJ or main...Could someone tell me whether this is A) a good idea, and then if it is B) should I go Sum/whm or whm/sum
P.S. the blm was just to have some decent attack spells.
going blm/whm up to blm lev 18 then switching to whm/blm to get whm up to 60 then becoming a summoner.....When I get to this I dont know whether I should then put sum as SJ or main...Could someone tell me whether this is A) a good idea, and then if it is B) should I go Sum/whm or whm/sum
P.S. the blm was just to have some decent attack spells.