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Blackmage Help

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  • Blackmage Help

    OK I thought it would be a good idea to make a Taru Taru Black Mage, whoops. I find myself getting one hit killed in some situations, and I started to wonder what I could do without switching my main job. My one LS friend said to sub monk with it. I thought this sounded like an OK idea, for life and all, but does monk go good subbing for Black Mage, or will anything benefit me in a greater way? Thank you for your advice.
    Member of the Impact and Arcadia Linkshells on Hades.

  • #2
    Don't sub monk, your job as a Black Mage is to cast, you may die but that's part of the game. To stay alive control your casting, cast fire twice or something then let the warrior taunt the monster off of you. Then keep casting and when a monster tries to kill you, get your warrior to taunt, and have a monk attack the monster, this should take hate off of you.
    An importer could explain this better :sweat: but Monk isn't going to help you very much to stay alive and you are supposed to cast so White Mage is a much better sub.


    • #3
      I say boo to white mage, I wanna be dealing dmg, not healing it. Any good alternatives?
      Member of the Impact and Arcadia Linkshells on Hades.


      • #4
        Dark Knight can deal A LOT of damage, and can also use some Black Magic.


        • #5
          Sad to say it but if you don't go mage/mage your going to be wishing you did down the road later. If you really wanted to do physical damage you should go Dark Knight or RDM, but even RDM tends to get stuck in the back.. they are a mage of course.

          Dont know what you mean about healing as a BLM. Every BLM ive partied with never heals unless mob is harder than expected and the WHM runs out of MP and they need backup. Which happens every once in awhile but not often. Why would a BLM be invited to a party to heal? But as being a WHM myself i could agree that it is boring and casting the black spells is funner though.

          As far as getting hit.. if your getting hit a lot its either your casting to quickly generating to much hate. BLM spells do huge amounts of dmg, or your melee members aren't doing their job taunting the mob off you. And if there isn't a taunter then the PT shouldn't even fight until there is cause that just means death of the mages.
          Myriam *DEACTIVATED* [Rank 5](Import)
          WHM 57 THF 41 NIN 17 BLM 25 PLD 27 WAR 15

          Bousch *ACTIVE* [Rank 4] (US retail)
          PLD 37 WAR 30 MNK 10 WHM 10 RDM 3

          Skyelyn *ACTIVE BOT* [Rank 5] (US retail)
          MNK 21 WAR 10 BST 23 WHM 43
          BLM 18 RDM 51

          Hayabusa *ACTIVE* [Rank 3] (US retail
          BST31 WHM 30 THF 18
          Leader of Trigun <(^^)>


          • #6
            Well Ive been dieing less lately, just when my party members are like "Roric almost leveled, les goto Buribuma and fight Tinkers and Ambushers that do mad AOE Dmg." Im just looking for an alternative to BLM/WHM, maybe RDM, can I wear cool armor if I get RDM as support(Scale Male looks sweet)
            Member of the Impact and Arcadia Linkshells on Hades.


            • #7
              Starving really know what he's talking about!

              I myself will go Blm/Whm Taru once when I have the game.
              Oh and that brings me to a question *YaY*

              Can you see another players subjob by watching any info or sumthin?

              Otherwise noone has to know you got whm as sub ^^

              Just sub it anyway. (I'm not forcing you though)
              I suppose it gives you more mana and it will give you better stats to.

              Although I'm not so good with FFXI stats yet but I think more mind and maybe intelligence. (If there are such stats)

              Well now I've been talking to much again

              I gotta learn when to stfu


              • #8
                Hmmm I guess I will goto Whitemage as subjob, though I didnt really wanna, but the int will help. Ill just raise it enough to help decently, get spell Cure and whatnot, and then decide if I wanna swap it with an advanced job later on.
                Member of the Impact and Arcadia Linkshells on Hades.


                • #9
                  are blm/wmg taru taru's a dime a dozen in the game?


                  • #10
                    Specially when they're plump and juicy...LOL:spin:
                    If ur a lone taru who is seeking to...
                    fight for the city of Windurst.....
                    You could just join my linkshell! Machi no Taru's (or however i change the name lol!)
                    This offer is only limited to every race that lives in windurst...cept Elvaan's

                    I'm also in TWDM see Daxswells for that!

