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Wajaom Woodlands
Wajaom Woodlands
99.1 Cooking / 20 Alchemy / 15 Woodworking
Asura Hume LS=Illuminaire
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Re: Wajaom Woodlands
Lvl : 62 (63 should be bettr but I still have to try )
Camp : both I-7 or J-8
Pets : Worker Pephredo
Targets : Colibri
The idea is to charm Worker Pephredo from the packs of bees wandering around the hives and send them on colibri ( an EM one can kill a T colibri with your help ). Bad points are that every bees will link so you will have to take care when charming, EM are not that frequent at lvl 62 and there is only 2 colibris near each hive.
Exp is not that great because of the lack of targets and the camp canbe very dangerous due to mobs wandering around ( Marids are ITs at lvl 62 :D but the J-8 can be pretty safe if you camp south of the hives ) but you will be allone to do your business.
Nice change from the tree.
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Re: Wajaom Woodlands
Level 65 - 67 . . . 68
Location: G-11(or thereabout). Near a hive, a small lake and some Leeches.
Pets: Bees(Workers and Soldiers) Soldiers will aggro, and bring the whole hive with em if the opportunity presents itself, so proceed with caution.
Prey: Puks(still conning from low T to low VT at 66) These guys are spikey marshamllows. At 66, one Worker Pephedro can soften up a VT to the point where you can finish it off with a Soldier with little worry. Appear to aggro both sight and sound. Gain hp from wind-based attacks.
Strategy: Convert the Soldier to Even Match. Allow first Worker to solo the Puk. Use Leave, Charm the Soldier, and run straight to the hive before using Fight. This will let your Soldier regen after Leave until he's needed again. Face toward the Puk spawns East of the hive while you fight, as their special attack "Wind Shear" can easily knock you back into aggro range.
There are more Puk spawns in the hallway south of the hive, and these guys respawn so fast I doubt you'll kill a third one solo before the first has popped again.Last edited by Reauland; 07-10-2006, 11:41 AM.Sig coming soon to a PC near you
You can die on your knees . . . or you can stand.
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Re: Wajaom Woodlands
Pet: Aht Urhgan Attercop 65-67 do not aggro, but link
Prey: Puk 68-70 aggro sound and sight, but do not link
I find the safest way to do this is the use even match and decent challenge spiders and pull the Puks back to the wall near the opening to this clearing. Their AoE knockback move can thus be mitigated, and allows for more bst melee dmg. It may be hard to get converted pets when you first arrive to camp at the lower of the lvls. I decided not to wait, and just used tough spiders vs. tough puks and was still getting very good exp.Last edited by Aunika; 07-13-2006, 12:12 AM.
"Five severed fingers do not make a hand."
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Re: Wajaom Woodlands
The idea is to charm Worker Pephredo from the packs of bees wandering around the hives and send them on colibri ( an EM one can kill a T colibri with your help ). Bad points are that every bees will link so you will have to take care when charming, EM are not that frequent at lvl 62 and there is only 2 colibris near each hive.
the Bees will be lowT-EM to a BST62, DC-EM to a BST63.
Colibri will be EM-T to BST63, i guess this camp is best to BST63 because at 62 you'll have to depop some Worker bees to get Even match ones, any Bee will kill a Colibri and could be enough to kill another Colibri (Thanks to pollen and TAU's gimpy mobs).
Rampage (Wrath tabar/Kabrakan's axe and DD setup) could take 10-15% of a colibri's HP aswell (500DMG).
Dragoon75 | Beastmaster75 | Thief69
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Re: Wajaom Woodlands
Originally posted by Reauland View PostLevel 65 - 67 . . . 68
Location: G-11(or thereabout). Near a hive, a small lake and some Leeches.
Pets: Bees(Workers and Soldiers) Soldiers will aggro, and bring the whole hive with em if the opportunity presents itself, so proceed with caution.
Prey: Puks(still conning from low T to low VT at 66) These guys are spikey marshamllows. At 66, one Worker Pephedro can soften up a VT to the point where you can finish it off with a Soldier with little worry. Appear to aggro both sight and sound. Gain hp from wind-based attacks.
Strategy: Convert the Soldier to Even Match. Allow first Worker to solo the Puk. Use Leave, Charm the Soldier, and run straight to the hive before using Fight. This will let your Soldier regen after Leave until he's needed again. Face toward the Puk spawns East of the hive while you fight, as their special attack "Wind Shear" can easily knock you back into aggro range.
There are more Puk spawns in the hallway south of the hive, and these guys respawn so fast I doubt you'll kill a third one solo before the first has popped again.
On a rare occasion, a VT Puk will give my EM Soldier Pephredo enough of a beating that I have to use Reward to be confident that my EM pet won't die. I would classify NIN sub as a must for Puks. They move fast and hit fast. During a pet swap, Puks consistently take away 2 of my shadows before my new pet establishes hate. Blink just isn't reliable enough, and there isn't enough time to rest back the MP needed to keep Blink/Stoneskin up (since Wind Sheer is going to be taking some of those buffs down during fights).
When things got crowded the other night with exp parties and other BSTs, I tried moving to a hive at F-12. DON'T make the same mistake. The Puks there spend time going all around the hive, so there's no safe place to melee with your pet near the hive. Also, even though all the sites I've seen put Soldier Pephredos at 64-65, I saw one at the F-12 hive that conned T to me.Lyonheart
lvl 75 WAR, 75 BST, 75 BLM, 75 NIN, 47 SCH
Cooking 100.0+3+3, Culinarian's Signboard, Raw Fish Handling, Noodle Kneading, Patissier
Fishing 60
Bonecrafting 100.0+3+3,
Leather 60+2, Woodworking 60, Alchemy 60
Smithing 60, Clothcraft 55, Goldsmithing 54.1, Cooking 11
Boneworker's Signboard, Bone Purification, Bone Ensorcellment, Filing, Lumberjack, Chainwork
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Re: Wajaom Woodlands
I found 63 to be an awkward level in the tree, so I popped my olduum ring, teled back to Wajaom Woodlands and decided to head back to Whitegate. On the way there I made a stop at I/J-9 - the lesser colibri area where Zoraal Ja's Pkuucha NM pops. This camp is usually infested with RMT on any given server, but apparently those RMT got banned in the last wave on Odin
So I hopped off my chocobo and gave the camp a run. After the first 8k and my first charge on the anniversery band wore, I went to whitegate for sanction refresh, pet food, some meat and went back.
The camp was heavenly. You could easily convert two colibri to EM and they go to town for constant Chain #4. I wolfed down two more charges on my Anniversary band and got 64 in less than three hours.
If if you do get the chance to grab this camp, I highly reccomend it, but I can understand if you can't get it due to RMT hoarding the camp most of the time. Colibri do resist charm a bit, especially so on Lightsday, but its usually nothing Light Staff couldn't get you out of and they really don't hit too hard. Could also be problematic if the NM were to show up, so make sure to /check all mobs before engaging. Pkuucha doesn't link, though.
Nice camp, but lacking in loot, so I'm heading back to tree at 64.
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