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  • Halvung

    Reserved for information on Halvung.
    Last edited by Bov; 05-10-2006, 09:18 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
    75BST 75BLU 40BLM 40DRK 38WHM 37RDM 37NIN 37THF 20WAR
    99.1 Cooking / 20 Alchemy / 15 Woodworking
    Asura Hume LS=Illuminaire
    FFXI Wiki - Beastmaster Page
    FFXI Wiki - Beastmaster Cooking Guide

  • #2
    Re: Halvung

    Level 71-72:
    Zone: Halvung; near zone line as you zone in from the Bhaflau Thickets at F-8
    Pets: Volcanic Bats (triple), Pergatory Bats (single), Magmatic Eruca (Red Crawler)
    Prey: Magmatic Eruca (Red Crawler)

    You won't be getting the best xp you've ever seen here, but it was fun in a new spot, the drops were nice, and it was a good chance to melee and catch up on my axe. The bombs I've been fighting for the last couple levels don't do much for my axe skill. =p

    Sneak is all you need to get around these pets. A zone line is pretty close, but if you don't have sneak up you'll have to get through a lot of bats to get there, so it might not make it. The red crawlers seem just as easy to charm as normal crawlers and drop crawler eggs, crawler cacoons and silk thread. They have some normal crawler TP moves: Cocoon, Sticky Thread....but instead of poison they have a new one called Incinerate, which is an AoE cone of fire damage. Just fight them on the side or behind like you would the other crawlers.

    At 71 the crawlers are EM-T, the Pergatory Bats are DC-T (I think they only go up to 72 since T was pretty rare), and the Volcanic Bats were DC-EM.

    The red crawlers seem to go asleep at night. They have a cute little 'Z' that floats up above their head. While asleep, they don't move around nor aggro and they don't link. You can still pull and charm them just fine when they're asleep. There have been reports that they have auto TP regen when the weather is fire and can spam weapon skills. I suggest being extra careful when you see this and be ready to take a break or just focus on bat vs bat during these times.
    75BST 75BLU 40BLM 40DRK 38WHM 37RDM 37NIN 37THF 20WAR
    99.1 Cooking / 20 Alchemy / 15 Woodworking
    Asura Hume LS=Illuminaire
    FFXI Wiki - Beastmaster Page
    FFXI Wiki - Beastmaster Cooking Guide


    • #3
      Re: Halvung

      Level 72-74 (Possibly 75)
      Zone: Halvung; Two Camps
      Pets: Magmatic Eruca (Red Crawler)
      Prey: Magmatic Eruca (Red Crawler), Friar's Lantern (Bomb)

      Camp 1 ~ At (H/I-8) You will find a small area with 7-8 Crawlers ranging from DC-T. You can use these against each other easily. To the East of this camp is a long area passing over one of the Fire Ravines. There are 3 Friar's Lanterns here, also ranging from DC -T. Crawlers do well against the bombs, but always check for a swap pet just in case they get crazy. There is a zone nearby to the North if needed in an emergency.

      Camp 2 ~ I moved to this camp at 74 (also see my Mount Zhayolm post) and it worked well for me. At (I-4/5) there are 8 Crawlers to use against each other. In addition West a bit to (H-4) you will find a Crawler and a Friar's Lantern that share roaming radius, out of range of anything else nearby. Occasionally Earth Weather will pop an Ele in the H-4 intersection, easily avoided if you pay attention. To the east of I-4 is a room with 3 Trolls usually EMs (that i didn't have much luck with... Diamondhide >.<)

      Mob Notes:
      Magmatic Eruca
      Very short Sound Aggro Radius, Link, they go to sleep from 21:00 ~ 06:00
      do excellent DMG with Incinerate, and seem to do high DMG when they are above 60% HP, once below that the numbers taper down a bit. Cocoon, and a Slow Ability as well. Be aware, during rare Fire Weather here, the Erucas (and possibly the Lanterns) will get a severe buff. Very rapid TP Gain, Haste, and possibly Regen. This means that your pet will have plenty of TP but given that the Prey acn use skills faster than you can Sic... it can get dangerous.

      Friar's Lanterns
      Magic + Sight Aggro
      Lanterns use some higher Tier Magic like Fire IV, Firaga III, and Flare for example. They do still Self-Destruct and use Berzerk, and seem to do so as often as any other Bombs I have leveled on. If they do in fact receive a Fire Weather Buff (have yet to test it) ... they would likely get VERY nasty.
      ~Beastmaster 75 | White Mage 41 | Ninja 50~

