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Cape Terrigan*
Re: Cape Terrigan*
Additional Alla quotes:
Aiantes @ Sylph
"Gob targets that are good here are, in descending order:
Gob Mercenary
Gob Tamer (the beastmaster)
Gob Alchemist
Gob Thief (try to avoid having to xp off this guy.
The Mercenary is a plain warrior, so only thing you have to worry about is his double attack skill.
The BST Gob has no skills whatsoever, but beware his pet. Kill the pet first with your pet. That pet rabbit of the gobs will link other rabbits in the vicinity, so let your pet pound the rabbit until it's dead, then do leave to reset aggro. Recharm then go to town on the gob. He drops the BST Testimony, so now is a good time to get yours and keep it for your Maat fight. Best way to fight this gob is to keep an eye out for it spawning. You will have about 20seconds from the time it spaws to the time it does Call Beast. If you catch him with his pants down, easy XP from there.
Alchemist is just a money mob. Takes me 1 pet swap to take him down, but drops WHM scrolls which sell for some gil (I usually take down a few of these so I have enough scrolls to sell which will cover my OP teleportation costs as well as other expenses during my session). Very difficult however due to him casting cures and -ga spells like Diaga II and Banishga III. One option here is to bring a silence dagger just for this guy. Crap damage, I know, but a silent WHM is a dead WHM. At 65, try to obtain Garuda's Dagger, I can't stress enough how much I love this dagger.
The THF gob is just plain difficult due to his high evasion. Has triple attack as well so he charges TP like mad and will gob rush or gob bomb you like crazy. Took me anywhere between 2-3 pet swaps to take him down."
Suji @ Phoenix
"Extremely good exp for Lv62-64.
One thing that you will learn very fast (and hopefully not the hard way) about this place is that the goblins respawn EXTREMELY fast. So if you think you can clear out a nice little camp and then keep it clear, think again. Especially with the Goblin Bandits. Being THF, the Bandits have insane evasion. They are far harder than the other enemies due to this fact. The large number of misses your pet does also makes it very easy to pull hate.
Though I haven't died there, I was brought down to 12HP by a 900~ damage bomb toss and Bullet actually got brought down to TWO HP one time! Take those bombs seriously. You can also fight the undead which spawn at night. These guys drop an item that is fairly valuable and needed for a quest, the Cold Bone. I never saw one myself but we've seen people hunting them.
At Lv62, you can expect an average of 200-300 exp per kill solo. Duo it goes down to about 150-300. Going past 300 isn't that hard solo since chain #1 on a VT is usually enough. We also fought some raptors and robber crabs when we felt like it, and of course rabbits and lizards when pet conversion was necessary.
Be sure to kill a goblin shepherd's pet FIRST before you pull him, or you will end up with a legion of rabbits chasing you. You can leave far off but they don't break the chain and die in about 5 hits from an EM pet, so they are worth just killing with Invis up before you pull the goblin itself.
Past the outpost is a little valley with a ledge near you and a raptor above. A goblin will spawn there and if it isn't already spawned somewhere else, a raptor will as well. Kill the raptor and you'll be in a pretty safe spot so long as you're alert to goblin spawns and Heel appropriately. Managed to convert all indigenous pets in that area to EM and had a really amazing zoo to play around with. Stuck it out until 63 when I decided to take a break and haven't been back since, though I'm sure it will still be excellent exp.
Funniest thing I've seen there so far was a high level group doing the Terrigan Garrison."
"Just want to add a little more here... Bullet and I teamed up with another BST on our server when we were all Lv63-64. We headed down towards the Sand Cockatrices and trio'd them. Using lizard pets, these things went down pretty quickly but the area was fairly dangerous so I wanted to mention a few things about it.
~The cockatrices' petrification attack can be very frustrating because your lizards will eventually all lose hate and begin to have less balanced hate so that their HP goes down disproportionally to each other. This never was really a big problem but it was kind of annoying.
~There were full exp parties there at the same level as us killing these mobs. They were killing them much faster, but it was interesting to note that three BST were killing the same thing as a full party and at the same level.
~You probably don't want to fight the raptors because as was previously mentioned, they will disease your pets and make them unusable for potentially a very long time.
~Find a good camp because spawns can be very thick. We were in a valley near the center of H-7, but even there, an occasional Goblin Alchemist would spawn and annoy us a bit.
~BOMBS SPAWN HERE TOO. At first I thought they only spawned during Firesday there because when firesday rolled around, all of a sudden a ton of bombs spawned around us. This was not a particularly good thing because we were busy fighting a Cockatrice. Later I went back and it turns out that they seem to spawn during foggy weather. One time we were fighting a cockatrice, then magic-aggrod a bomb, then the goblin alchemist spawned and aggrod us, then one of us ran around kiting the alchemist and aggrod a mercenary. It was insane but none of us died.
That's about it. I know I paint a pretty grim picture, but to be honest, I think a 5 person BST party would dominate that place. We were just never fortunate enough to see that many BSTs on in the right level range."
Lokkii @ Shiva
"I am currently leveling here and this place is absolutely great. The respawn times for the gobs is insane, so the place will hold a few BST (I have been there when 4 BST are there and never missed a beat).
I have found that the best campsite is in between the Kuftal Zone and the Outpost. There is one Mercenary that spawns between the outpost and the zone and if you get into a rythm, you pull the Gob Shepard (BST Gobbie and make sure you take the pet first like Aiantes states) and/or Mercenary from the main area near outpost, use a pet and a half (actually closer to 3/4) solo, then take down the Mercenary. Rinse and repeat. Like all good gobbies, they like to suicide. I have gotten several 350 EXP chains here.
By the time you finish one gob off, there is another one that spawned. FYI, I gave up on soloing the Alchemist and Bandit as the Alchemist will spam -ga and Cure IV spell and the Bandit took me 5 pet swaps to kill (not worth the time for the EXP, IMO). However, in a duo you can kill these things quick and easy. Also, if you want, you can take a lizard in between as well. If there are plenty of EM rabbits and not enough EM lizards, I will fight a lizard then the Mercenary for good chains (I like having a wide selection of pets, makes me feel warm and fuzzy ^_^)
When soling, I blink, stoneskin, and Barfira with every gob. The gob bombs there are nasty and can take away a ton of HP. However, with the buffs my HP stays up for the most part and I rarely have any downtime as I can Cure/Regen and then rest MP/HP while my first pet hacks away. I am usually buffed up with 100%HP/MP when I join the battle.
The only problem I have found with this spot is if you are using lizzies as pets exclusively. Parties will come in occasionally and EXP off of Lizzies. Also, unlike some zones (Ulegrand comes to mind) you pretty much have to convert your pets for your zoo everytime, expecially at 62.
Also, do not make the mistakes I did. 1) I figured I would set my HP there and teleport back and forth. Wrong! found out later that this is a level 65 outpost warp, so I ended up having to hoof it back. I have set my HP in Bastok now and use a warp scroll 2) Done this twice, once I shoulda learned my lesson but nope, took me twice to figure it out. When you hit Kuftal Tunnel, hit and check your widescan often. Guivre has taken my head twice. First time, I turned the corner and it was right there in front of me. Bam, dead in 3 hits. Second time, I hit widescan and targeted it, but had no idea it roamed the tunnel, FAST. Again, 3 hits and dead. I did get Raise 2 from the gil sellers....err I mean helpful people that are always there camping Amemet.""I have nothing to say and I'm saying it in poetry." ~John Cage
Welcome to the Glompificate Nation of Luck-Related, Cookiefied Rainbowisms! ~Lucky LS~*Evanesce the Taru*~Phoenix~
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Re: Cape Terrigan*
Excellent duo camp north of the beach where the dune fences and the Guard are, just above the drop to the Manticores and the zone to Gustav Tunnel.
Pet: Velociraptors - can be a pain to charm, but handled one at a time by a duo shouldn't pose too great a prob. Blink and Stoneskin a definite plus. Two spawn at the camp, and they regen like absolute mad after Leave.
Prey: Sand Cockatrices - bring some jugs on the off chance that they get trigger happy with the Baleful Gaze and you don't have to risk a trip out through the horde of stuff that would love to make a snack of you. One spawn at camp - every 6 (RL) minutes. He's your handy-dandy chain starter/filler/finisher.Sig coming soon to a PC near you
You can die on your knees . . . or you can stand.
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Re: Cape Terrigan*
I came up with a pretty much fixed camp here which I would like to share with you ... Image of the map below to make it a bit clearer:
Zone in from Kuftal and come out of the tunnel - there will be one gob mercenary in this area (sight aggro), nothing else aggros. Go across the first open part and follow the bend to the left then the right. Straight towards the OP you come to another bend to the right. Stop here.
The area in front of you is 'camp'. There are two invisible lines here, which I will refer to as spawn lines, ie: if you {leave} your pet one side of the line it is in its spawn area and will not depop, if you leave it the other side, it will depop, I hope that makes sense!
The camp area is a large rectangle at G-9, bordered by cliffs on all 4 sides, with an opening on the north side at the east end towards the OP and on the south side at the west end towards the Kuftal zone. The spawn lines are the natural extension of the lines of the rectangle.
There are 5 pets that spawn here, 2 lizzies, 2 rabbits and a placeholder. The placeholder can spawn as either a rabbit, a lizzie or rarely as a Gob Shepherd (BST) - killing him a couple of times will restore the placeholder to a pet type mob.
So now you have a safe camp where you can rest without fear of aggro ... watching footprints running past! Converting the pets is easy - equip apollos, charm them and simply pull them over a spawn line and leave. Once you have them all at EM, you;re ready to begin.
I like to use a pet from outside my zoo to pull with - grab a DC or an EM, set it on your prey (or the Gob's pet if it has one) and then pull it back to camp. Once there, fight the pet on the gob at the end where you came in, then run to the other end for the pet swap. Leave the pulling pet and charm one of your zoo - plenty of time to do this before the gob even gets close to you, even with a mischarm! Then set your pet on the gob, blink will absorb most of the damage from the 1 or 2 hits from the gob. Rinse and repeat if necessary before fighting with your pet.
There is one mercenary towards the kuftal zone - I used this one to start and fninish the chain .... the fast respawn rate has already been mentioned!
There is a Gob Shepherd that patrols just to the NE of the camp, he is normally my #2 target.
Leaving the camp to the NE, hug the right wall until you come to a slope up - there is a mercenary that spawns on this slope and patrols back and forth across it for #3 in the chain. Since #2 is gone, you can safely pull back to camp without links.
Go back and grab the kuftal mercenary for #4 to finish the chain.
There is also a Gob Bandit that spawns over by the OP and will also patrol the area where #2 is - he takes a bit of killing, but its worth the downtime to do so - one killed it will be awhile before he comes near you again leaving the area clear for your chains!
There are a couple of sentinal cactus type plants that you cannot run through in the area due north of the NE corner of the camp. Take the time to invis up and find out where these are so you don't get caught up on them while pulling!
I uploaded an image with the approximate spawns and the camp marked, which I hope will make this a bit clearer:
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