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Sub for beast tamer??

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  • Sub for beast tamer??

    what is the best sub for BST? cause if i get accepted in the pc beta i dont wanna use my combo war.thief until it comes out and all the other combos...i just wanna try this out if i make it into the beta or perhaps sometime after im done with my other characters when the game comes what would be a good sub for bst? thx in advance:spin:

  • #2
    WHM sounds like a good sub. Then you could heal your pets and your self, I think BST solo a lot so it'll work out fine


    • #3
      I think this is the only class I would say a BRD sub would work for...


      • #4
        One: NEVER SUB BARD! Won't be able to use instrument, bad mp, 1 song. Two: You can't heal your pet. Three: Subbing whm is only good for solo 1-10. Its not even that good.


        • #5
          For solo, whm or rdm.
          For PT, war.

          U may try all sort of sub-job combinations u want, but i can tell u that u will fall back to these three.

          BST hardly get PT invites, so they will mostly solo. U can form ur own PT, but u will end up like any melee class. Remember, with a pet around, there will be 30% drop experience. I can tell u that 30% is helluva lot. So u will end up fighting in PT without a pet.

          Check the Beast info topic for more information.
          Weaver:98.1 (+2 & mog:weaver) Blacksmith:57 Goldsmith:55 Tanner: 59


          • #6
            Originally posted by NuLLiFy
            One: NEVER SUB BARD! Won't be able to use instrument, bad mp, 1 song. Two: You can't heal your pet. Three: Subbing whm is only good for solo 1-10. Its not even that good.

            Bah, you are very mistaken. I've seen alot of sub bards and you can use about 8 songs up to level 12 not 1!! Get your facts straight. Oh and two you can heal your pet i've seen it done before. Three subbing WHM is great for BLM because of the MP boost. Make sure what you say is correct before you post.
            Dra Bmyhad Ec Toehk - FF7
            Final Fantasy XI - Zandria


            • #7

              He means with a brd sub job u cannot use an instrument and can only have one song's effects at a time, as opposed to 2. The whole point of subbing whm when u soloing is to be able to heal yourself. Sneak and Inviji are useful to get to LVign spots and theres no one to heal u when u get hit, you need MP
              Alldo - Bastok - Rank 9
              Zilart Missions: 1-12
              Dynamis Cleared: Bastok, San'd Oria
              Relic: 2/5


              • #8
                Do you think PLD would be a good sub for BST? (i know no taunt for PLD is a joke but since its only sub) Cause you get bounus def and you can still heal yourself and your pet. And i was wondering, what race has the best carisma (not including mithra or galka cause they look stupid -_-)


                • #9
                  A: You cannot heal your pets with healing spells, you need to buy Alpha and/or Beta pet food which isnt really worth it to heal ya pets.

                  B: Mithras dont look stupid, honestly I am boggled by how they dont have the highest Charisma. I mean...look at their bodies when fully undressed...well almost all undressed.../drool...sooo sexy

                  C: Hume, Elvaan, and Tarutaru all have the same base Charisma

                  D: It could become a nice sub for BST, but you will have shit for MP with any race..yet, your STR won't be nerfed too much and you would get some decent Defense boost skills that you might be able to use.


                  • #10
                    I've always wondered about the pal sub possibility some too... in some ways it might be possible and doable since just having cure is by far the most important part of whm sub for bst soloing... the added defensive abilities would definitely be handy at times. The main problems I see would be the following: you lose a lot of utility spells such as sneak/inviji/blink/regen which are really handy with a whm... you would lose out on max mp (although sub MP is already way too pathetic, I am hoping square boosts this eventually (1.8 mp per level is just way toooooo low) ... also I am assuming paladin has lower charisma than whm sub, which means you might lose a few points of charisma.
                    Still trying to play way too much...
                    60 BRD, 75 BST, 37 WHM, 15 THF, 16 BLM
                    BCNM40 over 100 wins ><
                    BCNM60 |] 3-0-1 [|

                    Pallas - 2/16 (Solo'd at LVL 64)
                    Alksomething - 0/8


                    • #11
                      actually, Pal has the same Chr bonus as Whm does. Bst/Pal lvl 70/35 is 74 Chr both.

                      when i think about this combo more and more, i think about using a Taru as the race. 130 mp or something at 70/, i dunno...heh...the nice thing tho i like about thinking about subbing Paladin is you will be able to use the Shield Bash technique with ya Bst since u will be 1hand axe and shield most likely.


                      • #12
                        I think the best BST is a Taru BST/RM. You get Good Charisma, strong Support and Debuff spells, and elemental magic.

                        The key is to really understand the beast type you're fighting and take advantage of elemental weakness.

                        I also think that Hume BST/NIN could be cool, but only cause a dual axe weilding BM would be "x-tra mannish".


                        • #13
                          A: u dont have a lot of mp...just by looking at the calculator is the game first before you say Taru Bst/Rdm would be good. Bst/Whm would be way more ideal.

                          B: you cant dual wield axes ~~; /smack...again dont contribute to the Bst thread if you havent played the game...go contribute somewhere else. Not trying to be mean or anything, but Bst is a very delicate job that takes lots of thinking. We need to know what works and what doesnt. Therefore only players that have played the game should be suggesting such subs.

                          C: Bst/War for pt invites Bst/Whm for stronger soloing (heal while monster attacking ya enemy)


                          • #14

                            i'm pretty sure you can Dual wield axes, but i could be wrong.
                            But that would be the only reason to sub NIN

                            THF is okay as a sub for BST, but only because Flee comes in handy when your Pet ends up attacking you in the middle of a fight.

                            you cant heal pets, not with magic but with pet food.

                            BLM also seems to be a good sub for BST

                            and this is a little off topic but

                            RDM/BST is a good combo
                            for soloing because RDM can do decent damage with weapons and magic, heal themselves and you get a pet to cover you. And in some cases liek in Qufim i got Clippers to tank for me, they seemed to keep aggro pretty good, plus they have high defense



                            • #15
                              u cant dual wield axes, it says in the ninja skill swords, daggers, etc...or something ~~;

