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Been looking at FFXIclopedia a bit on what BSTs could viably solo, as an up coming BST currently lvl 76, would it be possible with only 1 -PDT axe and no other PDT gear to solo most of my AF3? Thank you for any replies ahead of time
Hmmm, if you mean Emperyean armor, then a 85-95 bst would definetly be able to solo his +1 set. +2 on the other hand, might be a bit harder, but given the correct atmas, you shouldn't have to difficult of a time.
That is gonna be the biggest annoyance probably, is the time factor, because as just a BST with dipper yully, you'll have TH3 but your lack of procs will mean that only 1-2 seals of the 4 possible seals that each mob drops will drop per kill. so efficeny wise, for +1 seals your fastest method would probably bet THF,BLM/brd,WHM/RDM,BLU,NIN that's for a 6 man party, but can honestly drop blu and nin and still have decent kill speed/proc capabilities.
With only -10% in gear…it will be very difficult. 1 axe, level 85 and no other –pdt gear (but the right atmas) here’s my opinion on what you can handle.
Emp Head+1
-Mielikki – No probably not
-Kharon – Yes
-Warbler –not a chance
Emp Body+1
-Ironclad Sunderer – No
-Ironclad Triturator – No
-Koios – maybe…(not likely but maybe)
Emp Hands+1
-Chillwing Hwitti – No
-Xibalba – No
-Bugul Noz - No
Emp Feet+1
-Seps –no
-Dvalinn – no
-Hrosshvalur – Maybe (I suggest using a leech)
I don’t have the +2 NMs off hand but those will be pretty much out of the question w/o the optimal set.
It’s not promising unfortunately but some are worth a try. You can’t use dippy on everything either. Might be ok to call dippy when you have a NM very low, but some have mean spells and you’re better off using something that can resist better (such as a leech vs water NMs).
Here are some helpful hints though to help you become a better soloer
Atmas -Get Atma of the Ducal Guard. Building fame may be boring but this Atma is F-ing amazing and mandatory for 99% of the fights
-Try to get Atma of the Mounted Champ. Its +20 regen for your pet. Another F-ing amazing atma
-Try and get some other –DT atmas if you’re lacking it in gear (Zenith, Tremors, Lion, Heavens…etc)
-Work on another axe in spare time. It’s one of the easier elemental trials that I’ve seen on most jobs
-I suggest you get the legs+1 first. As they will add a little bit of –DT for future fights.
-Shoot for Shepard chain. I’ve heard horror stories on the drop rate…but then again that was pre-dipper days.
-MKE helm with -10% pdt. I know it’s the extra few bucks if you haven’t purchased the Add on but it’s a stellar piece
-Selemus Belt will be helpful also on casting mobs
-Pet food, pet food and more pet food
-Healing Salves I & II (abyssea temp items)
-variety of jugs
Beast Affiny 4/5 (at least)
Reward & Call Beast (5/5)
Pet Regen (5/5) (now you get +25 regen with Mounted Champ)
I can certainly give you info on just about any of the Bst +1 or +2 NMs if you need help on a specific one. I’ve solo’d the majority of them
---------- Post added at 04:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:47 PM ----------
Bah 1 more thing
Some Bsts in my shell have been bashing Run Wild since it’s basically suicide for your pet. But I am in love with it.
Just from eyeballing you’ll see an increase in attack, attack speed and HP regen among other things.
If you feel you can safely call a new pet when it dies, I strongly recommend it.
Wow romyro, thank you so much for putting all of that together for me! That really helps put things in perspective for me, i think the first thing i will be doing is getting my axes and the -DT helm. Then just bring BST to cap and get all the job specific merits done before i even attempt these NMs. Every time i put a question up on here you give me a really solid and step by step answer, thank you very much!
Every time i put a question up on here you give me a really solid and step by step answer, thank you very much!
You’re welcome bud. Just want you to succeed ^^. I learned from experience as well as input/strats from other Bsts. So again, if you have any questions on a specific NM or even suggestions on where to do earth trials, I’ll give you all the tips I can.
My responses are sometimes long, boring and drawn out but I personally hate getting vague yes/no answers back when I ask questions. Because then it just takes longer and more questions to get a reasonable answer I’m looking for.
I have been browsing through the wiki site and they show a few spots to get trials done, ive only done the first trial so i plan on going to Crawler's Nest (S) as soon as i get off work to kill wespes and hopefully finish the second trial. If you can tell me where you went for the earth trials that would be really helpful as well. I just got my BST to 95 and did dynamis for the first time with it with a few of my friend and all i can say is wow i am in love haha. Killed mega boss solo with so much ease.. Now i just need to solo all my wins so i can get beauceadine and xarc access by next weekend. Do you macro in any of the relic or is there better gear out there? Thanks again for all your help! I used slug in dynamis btw, if theres a better jug to use in dyna please let me know that as well.. I have way too many questions haha.
Sorry Pip…coulda sworn I replied to this. Maybe I didn’t hit post though iunno.
For earth trials, I suggest you do the ‘Any’ Trial in abyssea on an earthday. Same for lizard trial.
I did them in Cape Ter pre-abyssea.
For the next 3 trials (Amorph, Bombs, Arcana). Hit Mt. Zhaloym and/or Halvug (sp).
Common earth weather in those areas.
Leech = amorph
Bomb = bomb & arcane
Next trial, Skeletons, hit Eld Necrop. Easy skeletons and semi common earth weather
Final kill trial, Aquans, hit Mt Z. again. There’s easy Crabs/pugils there.
Use Geodes to +2 any of your axes before you +3 them. There is no difference (pet wise) between +2 and +3.
And yes. Dynamis is a breeze now. kinda hard to find a dynamis zone on Cerb these days that isn’t occupied by a few Bsts.
Great way to make gil if you need it.
Use dipper. There are better DDing jugs, but you’ll get the most returns (meaning coins/relic) with your lil thf bug.
As for relic gear. Feet are a must. Hands down the best reward piece. +20% in 1 slot = awesome.
Hands are good as well. Helps you get the highest level pet as possible.
Quick question about the bee trial: I am trying to get weather in Crawler's Nest (S)
It seems like there is never any weather there?
Would i be better of waiting for weather in abyssea la theine?
I think that it is the only trial that may get in my way.
If you have a bored friend at lvl 25 ish (I think) or someone that doesn’t mind AFKing for you in pashmallow, level sync to them in the northwestern area. You can charm fungars and kill bees with ease. I think there’s about 4 or 5 bees.
I’m actually surprised there’s no weather in CS[S]. Last time I was there it was rainy for like…3 days. Did you purchase the weather almanac from the ToM moogle? If not, make sure you do so your not just hangin out.
Did'nt even know about said almanac, thank you very much!
Should'nt take too long to complete a couple of axes i hope.
Started working on The moogle missions as well so i can get the PDT helm.
Got the Atma that regens pet +20 a tick and gives 50 Vit, now to work on ducal guard.
There is so much to work on to get a BST up to par haha.
Good thing most of the stuff isnt too boring.
Thank you for the help as always Romyro i really do appreciate it.
It’s a lot of work now because unfortunately you have to do it all at once. But if you solo/lowman often, it will all be worth it. Even if you have the worst luck getting desired drops, it’s a cool feeling to solo some badass NMs (imo at least).
I realize it’s a lot. I often gloss over the fact that I spent the last 4+ years in a pet-shell (there’s no more of those these days ïŒ). So when all this +pet stuff started coming out, most of our shell jumped on it.
-I did my helm/body/legs when those add-ons came out
-Did my axes sometime when ToM was announced. And they are not to hard to keep up with once they are completed.
-Got Sheppard chain back in Nov/Dec ’09 when they introduced all those NMs. (this was probably pure luck though)
-I got Mounted champ atma before Heros came out.
-Ducal Guard when Heros was announced
None of this is hard to do, just a little time consuming. If you’re just diving into it now, it can be overwhelming. Keep on truckin though.
I made a ‘how to get Ducal Guard’ strat for my buddies a while back. If you want it, I can post it. might be a little long/boring though.
if not, all the info needed is scattered around wiki.
Yes actually, 6 others from my shell are either leveling BST or SMN right now so it would be helpful for all of us to go off of of what someone else did. Basically i just figured we had to do Bastion Ops till our eyes bled and then do a few side quests.
You mean Dominion Ops right? No Bastion in Hero zones. Also…Dominion Ops don’t raise fame
So your eyeballs are safe.
Couldn’t find my guide but I can write up a quick one.
So it looks like you have some help. That is good, it will speed things up.
Ok, so for Ducal Guard, you need to complete 2 quests and all the Dom Ops from the NPC in the Northeast of Aby-Grau. One of the quests requires lvl 3 fame. As for the Ops, I’m not sure what numbers the NPC has but the pages are Djinns, Monitors, Pots & Wirves. Let’s get started on building that fame!!
Go to the gobbie junk shop in jeuno. Buy 1 of the each of these items; Goblin Bread, Goblin Pie & Goblin Chocolate. Should all be cheap items. You’ll need these for the second quest. Now you’re all set. Head to Aby-Grausberg
First Quest:
This IS a required quest. Do the ‘Egg Enthusiast’ quest. Check wiki for exact details. This is an easy quest. Basically talk to the NPC, run to a ??? and run back. Keep in mind though it all has to be done on foot and you cannot agro anything or you will fail. I suggest going for the closest ???. You won’t get a seal reward but it’s the fastest/safest way to go.
Second Quest:
Do the ‘Getting Lucky’ quest next. This is NOT a required but it’s a pre-req quest for another one that you can build fame faster on. Look up the details on wiki for exact locations but the quest is simple. Talk to the NPC, find a ??? (trade the desired Goblin item), then talk to another NPC (not the starter npc). Quite simple. This unlocks “Father’s Legacy†quest which is your fame builder.
You can drop or NPC the other 2 Gob items. He chooses one of the three items randomly…so I had you buy all 3 to save a trip
Third Quest:
This is NOT a required quest but probably one of the fastest ways to build fame (If you’re going with some helpers). Start the quest ‘Her Fathers Legacy’. This quest is easy. Talk to the NPC, kill Wyverns for a Pursuers Wing, then trade it to the NPC…done. This quest is repeatable but you need to zone each time.
Now, the way to do this is have 1 or 2 friends killing wyverns not-stop while you lot the wings and complete the quest. You personally don’t need atmas or buffs, just zone in (get time!), lot wing if there’s one in the pool, Talk to NPC, trade wing and leave zone. Rinse repeat this. I don’t remember how many times you need to do this quest but could be upwards of 15 times. But it should be non-stop if your helpers are killing at a decent speed.
Check your fame level periodically. Once you hit level 3 fame you can stop and do the final quest.
****If you don’t have friends to help you out you can repeat ‘Getting lucky’ but that’s a lot more running around (more time consuming).****
Fourth Quest:
This IS a required quest. This one is called “Brugaire’s Ambitionâ€. Wiki it for in-depth details. Basically you talk to an NPC and he gives you an elixir. You then need to kill Pots for a PI. Once you get it, pop the NM pot and make sure you use the elixir on the pot. Kill pot, talk to NPC and your done. NM is soloable by some jobs (I solo’d on smn).
Go to the Ops guy in the Northeast and complete all 4 of his pages (Monitors, Pots, Djnns & Wirvers).
Once finished, you should be able to purchase the Atma from the Fabricant near the zone. If you cant, you may need to zone out/in…not sure.