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BLM/BST any thoughts ??

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  • #16
    Re: BLM/BST any thoughts ??

    Originally posted by Malacite View Post
    or any DoT will also break bind.

    I was casting Poison II on Zipacna last night. I say you're wrong.
    Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
    yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
    Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
    leaving no trace in the water.

    - Mugaku


    • #17
      Re: BLM/BST any thoughts ??

      Yeah, I'm gonna have to disagree as well since I've been binding and tossing enfeebles/DoTs on everything tonight. Also shooting things in the face with arrows doesn't appear to break it either.
      Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
      Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
      Name: Drjones
      Blog: Mediocre Mage


      • #18
        Re: BLM/BST any thoughts ??

        It's actually... quite good, depending on your "BST" experience. As this is my primary "life"/"playstyle" I kinda bend things to make it work.

        In Crawler's Nest I do Bee vs Crawler, I stick a Bee on a crawler, add 1 or 2 enfeebles, semi-afk/look away, bee dies, sleep crawler, blow it up. If it doesn't blow up, I sleep it again and blow it up. I'll be posting more about this in the BST forums once I get higher levels. I'm messing around on SAM/BST, MNK/BST, RNG/BST and COR/BST lately as I've been working a bit more, lacking time to play as much as I would want.

        Good fun BLM/BST, quite relaxing in my opinion as I do not need to worry about building TP to outlast the mob. As long as my MP pool is topped up before my pet dies I can easily finish a mob off.
        Soloed to 75

        [DRG | BST | PLD | NIN | RDM | THF | DRK | WHM | SAM]

        all done via BST sub where applicable (no DRG/BST!)
        .:|The Prototype BST|:.
        Xtreme Precision Soloing [XPS]


        • #19
          Re: BLM/BST any thoughts ??

          SCH disagrees on DoT bind. Its fun watching Hpemdes choke to death on Ebullience-boosted helix magic while bound in place.

          Physical Damage and Nukes will break bind, but not any DoT I've ever seen.

          And keep in mind I am a RNG here, nothing annoys me more that some twit breaking breaking Shadowbind on NMs like Suzaku and Seiryu. So annoying is it that I put <call1> in my Shadowbind macro so people back the fuck off.
          Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 09-10-2009, 02:09 AM.


          • #20
            Re: BLM/BST any thoughts ??

            Bind CAN be broken by physical or magic attacks but its not like sleep where it always breaks. Sometimes you can get lucky and get off a few hits, other times you won't and it'll break quickly. If you're using a pet to attack that's going to be getting hits in a lot quicker than you're nuking so bind isn't going to last very long.

            DoTs shouldn't break it, although something like Bio or Dia might when its first cast since there's also initial damage on them. After that you just have the random duration on bind to contend with.


            • #21
              Re: BLM/BST any thoughts ??

              I've seen Bio II > Bind break enough to say Bio II damage can break Bind, especially on higher level monsters. Think the rule is pretty much DoT without initial damage cannot break Bind--not to say that Bind cannot coincidentally wear off just as the spell lands, of course.

              Elemental enfeebs and Poison are the two types of DoT I'm pretty sure do not break Bind. Not as sure about Helix, but I'll defer to BBQ, esp. if he has tested on harder stuff.
              Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
              yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
              Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
              leaving no trace in the water.

              - Mugaku


              • #22
                Re: BLM/BST any thoughts ??

                Well, as a rule, no one sane would be soloing high mobs and tossing Bio at them. It has a longer duration than Helix and a more frequent tick as well. Dia and Bio I think depend more on the initial damage before the bind. When doing RDM and BLM back in the day, I do remember Bind holding during Bio, though not as long as it would for a Helix spell. You can only get 30 seconds out of a Helix anyway.


                • #23
                  Re: BLM/BST any thoughts ??

                  Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                  Well, as a rule, no one sane would be soloing high mobs and tossing Bio at them.
                  That's not true.

                  I often use Bio on high level stuff I can't sleep--including Zipacna. Bio can (and usually does) break Bind on Zip, especially since I don't have a low-INT Light Staff setup for Bio II/III. Poison II does not break Bind.

                  For RDMs, Bio is a very important tool for soloing (or fighting in small group) when facing high level monsters. Just have to watch /recast for Bind before using it.

                  Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                  It has a longer duration than Helix and a more frequent tick as well. Dia and Bio I think depend more on the initial damage before the bind. When doing RDM and BLM back in the day, I do remember Bind holding during Bio, though not as long as it would for a Helix spell. You can only get 30 seconds out of a Helix anyway.
                  No, if Bio lands while Bind is on, it can break Bind. The DoT effect from Bio, Dia, Poison, elemental enfeeb, and Helix spells (presumably)--none of that affect Bind, as far as I can tell. The initial damage and the level of the monster seems to be the controlling factors for breaking Bind, while the HP/tick and tick duration have no influence.
                  Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                  yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                  Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                  leaving no trace in the water.

                  - Mugaku


                  • #24
                    Re: BLM/BST any thoughts ??

                    DoT doesn't break bind. Initial damage from any spell or hit can.
                    ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                    • #25
                      Re: BLM/BST any thoughts ??

                      Well as for the OP I have decided to work on my BLM (5) as I'm tired of buying instant warp scrolls to go from Jeuno to Sandy.

                      I have always hated playing nukers which is why I never really leveled BLM. I decided that since I have a 33 BST to go ahead and do BLM/BST. I can tell you last night i went from 5-7 (about 4k total xp) in about 30 minutes.. I set this up very close to going to bed so I dident have much time.

                      In the low levels it definatly destroys any sub I can think of as far as XP/Hr.

                      For my Strategy I have been Charm EM / T (worked fine with Elvaan BLM/BST CHA with no +cha yet) and sending it on a EM-VT. Once the target is at about 80% life I toss on the DoTs (at this level only consist of Posion) at about 25-30% I'll toss out a Water (hardest hitting nuke I have at this time). In the rare case it dosent actually finnish the mob off I never had an issue getting a 2nd water off before the target makes it to me (I stand at about 20m away)

                      Using this tactic I havent had a single death or any down time whatsoever.

                      The downside to BLM/BST is you dont toss out near as many nukes as a BLM would in a PT setting.

                      The upside to this is that you can be VERY effective as a Solo BLM using this strategy. I will be doing more testing tonight as I will have more time to play. I have leveled MANY jobs to 37 using /BST(33) and with my CHA (+19) I still dont have many issues charming EMs up to 37 (I am slowly working on BST to get it to 75 just not a top priority)

                      I feel as I level up it will only get stronger as Drain will give me a Heal which will allow me to finnish the mob off with a Drain or Drain+Water(or fire/blizz when I get it) as well as having access to more DoTs.

                      Again my initial experiance went very well with this setup. You just need to get out of the mindset of Nuke Nuke Nuke Kill and more into DoT DoT Wait Nuke Kill. Not to mention that once you get access to sleep and sleepga it will only get easier as broken charms mid fight can be slept while you either bind(if doted) or sleep the target. This then allows you to recharm at your leasure as neither mob will be trying to beat a rain check into your face.

                      All in all I have to say so far it has been a VERY solid combo. Once I get BLM higher I will report more on my findings


                      • #26
                        Re: BLM/BST any thoughts ??

                        Nice to hear from you. To each their own however I still prefer my "mindless" level when it comes to soloing like this:

                        Although I don't sub BST until level 20 but I have tried it:

                        1. Pick up FoV Regen/Refresh
                        2. Meat Jerky, and some sort of staff
                        3. Charm EP/DC instead

                        Rather than sitting back and letting the pet do the initial work, just grind through everything that is EP rather than risking it charming EM/T against a T/VT. Keep fighting EPs. With the EXP adjustment it makes less sense to try and chain some somewhat tricky/difficult fights with an EM pet and a VT mob.

                        I do this method because I find that I need to pay a bit more attention than usual if I have to charm EM/T against a T/VT. So rather than keeping my eye on an EM pet (5mins) or T (less than 3 mins) I can charm a DC (7~10 minutes) or EP (10~ minutes) and then grind away on EPs (50-80 EXP per kill). Since I'll most likely hit harder than the pet I'll be tanking but because level 1-10 mobs are so ... weak (as long as you're fighting EP) the FoV regen will easily make up for the HP loss. Also, with FoV Refresh you can nuke now and then to finish it off even quicker. I normally watch a film or TV at this point and pay little to no attention.

                        If you plan to take it past 37...

                        At high levels (BLM40-45) the "defacto" solo method applies for me, charm EM or DC mob and throw it vs a T, because mobs now are much stronger and can keep hate. Once you get the feel for things, balance out DoTs, and hopefully by the time your pet dies the mob is at 10% or lower HP, sleep, biggest nuke you got, repeat (you want your pet to die rather than risk it uncharming for the next fight). If it lives, bind/sleep it again, and nuke it once more, or drain. Melee with your pet as well as chances are the mob will always get the edge (extra TP moves, etc)

                        I like to note my elemental , enfeebling and dark magic is capped from my RDM and DRK jobs, but you may need to nuke a tiny bit more (low level ones) to get your skill up on par otherwise, but it shouldn't pull hate at that level since mobs begin to get proper strong.

                        Let me know how you get on, I'll be happy to help with more info if you require (camps, advice, etc, since BLM is not too much different from DRK when it comes to solo like this. Replace heavy WS with heavy nukes; actually with WHM it's a lot worst, Banish sucks lol).
                        Soloed to 75

                        [DRG | BST | PLD | NIN | RDM | THF | DRK | WHM | SAM]

                        all done via BST sub where applicable (no DRG/BST!)
                        .:|The Prototype BST|:.
                        Xtreme Precision Soloing [XPS]


                        • #27
                          Re: BLM/BST any thoughts ??

                          Anyone remeber before they altered the spell bind? If you had full merits, and good gear you could bind something, and litterly nuke the jesus out of it, and it wouldn't be able to move. They made it something like a 90% chance to break on dmg now, atleast this was how i seem to rembmer it being


                          • #28
                            Re: BLM/BST any thoughts ??

                            Originally posted by ShepardG View Post
                            Anyone remeber before they altered the spell bind? If you had full merits, and good gear you could bind something, and litterly nuke the jesus out of it, and it wouldn't be able to move. They made it something like a 90% chance to break on dmg now, atleast this was how i seem to rembmer it being
                            There's always some chance of breaking bind when using any spell that does any initial damage. I always thought it was kind of random (ie. day dependant) how many times you could nuke a mob before it broke bind. It's probably also dependant on your enfeeble skill, but I don't think anyone really has any proof of this.
                            ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~

