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Few questions about Bst...

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  • #31
    Re: Few questions about Bst...

    Originally posted by Armando View Post
    It doesn't really get resisted unless you're fighting something weird.
    I've never seen BSTs using /RDM under normal situations, though.

    Saw a few Dispel resists from /RDM (BST and SMN main) on Lamia 13's groupies. Not frequent enough to worry over, but it can be annoying.
    Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
    yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
    Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
    leaving no trace in the water.

    - Mugaku


    • #32
      Re: Few questions about Bst...

      Originally posted by Yellowbluebus View Post
      just wait till you get release, it will be the greatest relief of your life lol happy hunting!
      ... I cant wait either... Its so hard having to go Afk and you have a pet charmed. I hate logging out to go to the bathroom or to go make a sandwhich or some thing like that XD Its so annoying, but I did find a small trick with "Stay" though but... It only works if you have some distance between you and your pet (Well... Actually a lot XD).

      Thanks again for all the info ^_^


      • #33
        Re: Few questions about Bst...

        haha not a problem ^^/ if you need any further info, or have questions about bst, these guys have most likely flushed it out entirely... a lot of the content is more endgame oriented, but for more tricky questions like how much chr is too much vs charm gear or setups for certain camps etc, they've got some nice information. If I have a question on BST this is the place I usually go first.

        If you ever need a place to level, these guides can help you as well:
        older but still good guide
        of course the wiki
        a guide I made<-- I made this post quite a while ago, and am going to update it soon, but I went around at the time and did a little take on what I think about the camps that people have listed. I also believe that there is a post on past area leveling grounds somewhere... but it might have been integrated into wiki by now.

        "Ibst" Avatar credits to Siyual, wherever he found it. 75 BST, 75 DRG, 75 WHM, 75 WAR, 75 PLD, 75 THF, 74 BLM (loldelevel)


        • #34
          Re: Few questions about Bst...

          Cool. Thanks for the guides. I've basically been following the FoV for leveling and its been working fairly good for now. But I am looking into looking for other areas to level that people rarely go to, to see how well they work.

          I gotta find a LS for CoP though so that I can get into the Zilart areas.... I hate the requirements to get into it...


          • #35
            Re: Few questions about Bst...

            CoP is for CoP areas which is not required, a bit different from Zilart. Doing CoP will not get you into Sky

            Just to expand on some points you've made others have not addressed:

            Then when I get to 24 gonna shadow full time and let the pet take all the hate and only attack it when the monster has a lower hp.
            Below level 40 (mobs and you) stuff you charm cannot reliably keep hate due to monsters not having enough offense to keep hate. But past level 40 mobs become a lot more tougher than the player counterpart and will keep hate more reliably in a somewhat balanced situation (DC mob vs T or equivalent) so there is more room to be more aggressive.

            Charm is random. On a good day you'll never mischarm. When the game wants to kill you it will, as stated by many BSTs, factors include your Reraise Status, your EXP before next level, how close your are to death and your dependency to stay alive on your next charm... etc

            I hate logging out to go to the bathroom or to go make a sandwhich or some thing like that XD Its so annoying, but I did find a small trick with "Stay" though but... It only works if you have some distance between you and your pet (Well... Actually a lot XD).
            Stay works on mobs that do not find you by smell/scentl. However if you're at a great distance it -can- deaggro by the time it finds you. Otherwise, it's possible to use Stay on your pet and then run out of radar range (the mob should be outside the circles of the radar), and when it uncharms, it will either despawn if it's out of its pop radius, or just return to its normal state (and regenerates HP at a geometric rate)

            As for /RDM sub, I took BST to 75 using that because my WHM was only 15 then. I can live with being poisoned or paralyzed for a short time, I don't recall it ever killing me or hindering me that much. Either way times have changed now.
            Soloed to 75

            [DRG | BST | PLD | NIN | RDM | THF | DRK | WHM | SAM]

            all done via BST sub where applicable (no DRG/BST!)
            .:|The Prototype BST|:.
            Xtreme Precision Soloing [XPS]


            • #36
              Re: Few questions about Bst...

              Originally posted by LadyKiKi View Post
              CoP is for CoP areas which is not required, a bit different from Zilart. Doing CoP will not get you into Sky
              ... I meant to say Promathia XD I was just mixing up my terms lol

              Originally posted by LadyKiKi View Post
              Below level 40 (mobs and you) stuff you charm cannot reliably keep hate due to monsters not having enough offense to keep hate. But past level 40 mobs become a lot more tougher than the player counterpart and will keep hate more reliably in a somewhat balanced situation (DC mob vs T or equivalent) so there is more room to be more aggressive.
              Hmmm... Thanks. This will be helpful as I level up. I was wondering why I was able to take hate from them so easily. One hit and Bam! I get hate.

              Originally posted by LadyKiKi View Post
              Charm is random. On a good day you'll never mischarm. When the game wants to kill you it will, as stated by many BSTs, factors include your Reraise Status, your EXP before next level, how close your are to death and your dependency to stay alive on your next charm... etc
              I know what you mean by this. I have been killed quite a few times already just because the charm wears off right as I start attacking a T mob and takes three + charms to regain the mob back under my control. Cant wait till I get the tame ability... lol

              Originally posted by LadyKiKi View Post
              Stay works on mobs that do not find you by smell/scentl. However if you're at a great distance it -can- deaggro by the time it finds you. Otherwise, it's possible to use Stay on your pet and then run out of radar range (the mob should be outside the circles of the radar), and when it uncharms, it will either despawn if it's out of its pop radius, or just return to its normal state (and regenerates HP at a geometric rate)
              So... It just has to be outside of the Radar unless its scent tracking. Cool, that will help alot.


              • #37
                Re: Few questions about Bst...

                Saw a few Dispel resists from /RDM (BST and SMN main) on Lamia 13's groupies. Not frequent enough to worry over, but it can be annoying.
                My theory is that mobs that take X% less damage from nukes of a given element also have X% chance to completely resist enfeebles of that element.

                Never looked into it empirically but there seems to be a general correlation.

