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Places to level in expansion areas?

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  • Places to level in expansion areas?

    I am playing FFXI again for the first time in four years and currently leveling BST.

    Are there any places to solo in the expansion areas (ToAU, etc.)? I am level 30 at the moment and would like to level at some new places if possible.

    I checked the BST leveling guide, but it is really outdated and doesn't take FoV or expansion areas under consideration.

    Please advise.

    Beyond Vana'diel - Your Gateway to Final Fantasy XIV

  • #2
    Re: Places to level in expansion areas?

    You can search through the areas on the FFXIclopedia, the Final Fantasy XI wiki - Characters, items, jobs, and more page and kind of gauge where you can go if you judge pets about the exact level or a level higher than you, and if there is prey that's a couple levels or so over that. I'm guessing you don't have access to lufaise meadows or misearaux coast, but you're getting close to levels where that's a viable place to level.


    • #3
      Re: Places to level in expansion areas?

      I do have access to those areas, actually! I did the Promyvion missions before I quit. Do those areas have any FoV? Either way, they look beautiful. How's the flow/speed of XP? Any recommended camps/mobs in those areas?

      And kind of an off-topic question, but is there a way to warp to those areas and/or Tavnazian Safehold? I can't remember anything about them (I quit soon after gaining access).


      Beyond Vana'diel - Your Gateway to Final Fantasy XIV


      • #4
        Re: Places to level in expansion areas?

        No CoP areas have FoV. They're utterly crap for EXP except perhaps:

        Level 33~ Bibiki Bay: Rabbits vs Birds vs Dhalmels vs Goblin Shamans
        Level 34~ Outside the safehold in the Lufaise Meadows: there's a pond in the middle of the map with 4-5 leeches and a bunch of Orcs. This could work...
        Level 74-75 Bibiki Bay: Best in a duo, Rabbits vs Dhalmels

        To warp to the safehold either do the outpost supplies quest for it when your nation is in control or beat Promathia Mission 8-1: The Garden of Antiquity to get a Level 60 ring you can use every 24 hours to directly warp there.

        ToAU you need to be 62 mininum to even consider levelling there. EXP flow is regarded the best at 62-65 in Caedarva Mire accessable via the West exit in Nashmau. Then at 68 there's the ultimate drama camp in bhaflau thickets doing Leech vs Colibri. EXP is top noch here but because every BST or even some people that wants to solo casually (DRGs come to mind) this spot is usually occupied, or expect competition.
        Soloed to 75

        [DRG | BST | PLD | NIN | RDM | THF | DRK | WHM | SAM]

        all done via BST sub where applicable (no DRG/BST!)
        .:|The Prototype BST|:.
        Xtreme Precision Soloing [XPS]


        • #5
          Re: Places to level in expansion areas?

          I've not had much luck in expansion areas as a Bst.
          I did Bibiki Bay in my 30's but thats about it.

          Leveling Areas
          30/34 : Qufim Island:
          30 Pets: Bats Crabs and Pugils against - Prey: Giants, Weapons and Wights.
          31/33 Pets: Pugils + a pet swap against - Prey: Giants.
          33/34 Pets Acrophies against Acrophies, Goblin bounty hunters. This is where you learn the power of leech mobs. They are wonderful little tanks and thanks to Sic you can sometimes have regen effect on them.

          34/37 : Bibiki bay:
          Start off on the docks doing Eft against Eft. After 35 and you have leave things get a bit easier for you and more of the monsters become available as pets, You can also take on the goblins near the docks around 35 and the Dhalmels on the way in with some effort

          36/39 : Sea serpent's Grotto:
          Pets : Royal Leech, Undead Bats and Ironshells against starting with Sahagin - Pond - Lake - Spring, Undead bats at 36, Ironshells at 38, and Ghasts from 39 and could take you to 41. Once again you'll find leeches are you best little creatures a DC Leech will destroy a T Undead bats with simplicity toss in a Dia and it's fun to see, A famous camp is F-7 to fight Ghast with the supply of Leeches there. I personally found that I could go from the waterfall entrance and head towards the stone door and back for a relatively safe roaming exp session.
          With this camp I was having alot of fun and stayed here till 41 maybe even 42 had some fun questing Nin scrolls while I was here too.

          41/45: Western Altepa Desert:
          Start at the Rabao zone from 41-43 use spiders against spiders and worms and add a few anticans when you feel brave. 43-45 rinse and repeat but add a few dhalmel in there. It's suggested you /whm for this so you can sneak past the monsters that aggro to sound. it's even possible to grind from here to even 50 but it will be slow, Slow but safe. At lvl 48 I killed the cactuar and it took alot of pets. At 49 I charmed the Tulwar scorpion but had to familiar it.

          These aren't the best places but they were where I went my first time around. I have been there with my mules also on bst it was safe enough but not mega exp.

          Signature created by my good friend Naughtymistress, Remora server.


          • #6
            Re: Places to level in expansion areas?

            This is helpful! Thanks to all of you for the information. I think I'll give Bibiki Bay a try (even though it lacks FoV).

            Beyond Vana'diel - Your Gateway to Final Fantasy XIV

