Ok, as many of you may already know, BST is considered one of the most unpopular jobs. however, that does not make them bad. The usefulness of a BST comes from a very controlled and strict playing style, so IMO this class is for those who seek a challenge.
I would like to give complete credit to importer Bebetaro, who made a BST topic a while back
, as i am basing (ok, copying and pasting) the most important stuff from his topic. and reposting it here, where it will be more usfull.
- Q: Is BST a solo job?
A: Yes and no. BST is an unpopular job among parties mainly due to 3 reasons:
1) BST's best weapon, 1h axe, is a difficult weapon to renkei with.
2) BST's ability, beast taming, has limited use due to fighting location and/or opponent type.
3) Most people still have the wrong conception regarding exp loss and BSTs.
- Q: Does beast taming cuts down exp earned?
A: Yes, but most people simply think that a tamed beast counts as an extra member in exp calculations, which is not true.
Here are the scenarios:
1) All PT member's exp will be affected if and only if the beast is of a higher level than the whole party. In which case the beast's level will become the reference level in exp calculations.
2) If the beast lives after the battle, all members will receive normal exp. The BST will suffer a 30% exp loss.
3) If the beast dies or is released before the battle ends, all members and the BST will receive normal exp. The only exception is if the beast is of a higher level than the BST, in which case the 30% penalty applies no matter what.
BST tame time is base on the CHR stat. more information is needed to make up an accurate Stat to time lenght chart or something. there is a sort of random factor though...
- Basic soloing strategy:
Lv1-11: Level without a beast. Tame ONLY if you can't beat what you are fighting!
Lv10-12: You learn one of the most important BST skill, "modore", which calls the beast to stop attacking and return to your side. The strategy is to use modore when your target is 1 strike away from dying, let your target kills off your beast, and finish the job yourself. This way you can avoid the 30% penalty!
Lv12-15: Same strategy except the beast healing command "itawaru" allows you to aim for tsuyo monsters for exp!
Lv15-35: Same strategy except you can apply "matteru" after "modore", which calls the beast to stay where it is, allowing you to keep your distance while you wait for your beast to die!
Lv35+: The god of all BST commands, "kaere" makes it all easier by simply letting you release the monster when you apply this strategy!
BST suffers from renkei in that their only skill A weapon is 1h axe, making renkei less flexible.
The problem with 1h axe is, before learning spinning axe, there are only 3 links that will give 100% renkei damage:
raging axe->burning blade
smash->seraph strike (1h rod, so it's out of the question)
rafale axe->nightmare scythe
Take "heat lv2" for example, the only skill that can link with combo is smash, but the resultant renkei will be of element thunder. So in order to work out a 3-renkei with combo closing, 1h axe will have to go first.
BST has the ability "honkidase" at level 25 which will call the beast to use its TP skill. However which skill it uses is random, so do it at your own risk! (some beasts use area attacks which could draw links )
There are 2 items which you can buy at chocobo stables, "pet alpha" and "pet beta". Equip it in your range attack equipment slot then you can use the ability "itawaru" to heal your pet. Each alpha is the equivalent of a cure1 and beta the equivalent of cure2.
Please help add to this topic. Any confirmed info would be appreciated, especially from importers.
I would like to give complete credit to importer Bebetaro, who made a BST topic a while back

- Q: Is BST a solo job?
A: Yes and no. BST is an unpopular job among parties mainly due to 3 reasons:
1) BST's best weapon, 1h axe, is a difficult weapon to renkei with.
2) BST's ability, beast taming, has limited use due to fighting location and/or opponent type.
3) Most people still have the wrong conception regarding exp loss and BSTs.
- Q: Does beast taming cuts down exp earned?
A: Yes, but most people simply think that a tamed beast counts as an extra member in exp calculations, which is not true.
Here are the scenarios:
1) All PT member's exp will be affected if and only if the beast is of a higher level than the whole party. In which case the beast's level will become the reference level in exp calculations.
2) If the beast lives after the battle, all members will receive normal exp. The BST will suffer a 30% exp loss.
3) If the beast dies or is released before the battle ends, all members and the BST will receive normal exp. The only exception is if the beast is of a higher level than the BST, in which case the 30% penalty applies no matter what.
BST tame time is base on the CHR stat. more information is needed to make up an accurate Stat to time lenght chart or something. there is a sort of random factor though...
- Basic soloing strategy:
Lv1-11: Level without a beast. Tame ONLY if you can't beat what you are fighting!
Lv10-12: You learn one of the most important BST skill, "modore", which calls the beast to stop attacking and return to your side. The strategy is to use modore when your target is 1 strike away from dying, let your target kills off your beast, and finish the job yourself. This way you can avoid the 30% penalty!
Lv12-15: Same strategy except the beast healing command "itawaru" allows you to aim for tsuyo monsters for exp!
Lv15-35: Same strategy except you can apply "matteru" after "modore", which calls the beast to stay where it is, allowing you to keep your distance while you wait for your beast to die!
Lv35+: The god of all BST commands, "kaere" makes it all easier by simply letting you release the monster when you apply this strategy!
BST suffers from renkei in that their only skill A weapon is 1h axe, making renkei less flexible.
The problem with 1h axe is, before learning spinning axe, there are only 3 links that will give 100% renkei damage:
raging axe->burning blade
smash->seraph strike (1h rod, so it's out of the question)
rafale axe->nightmare scythe
Take "heat lv2" for example, the only skill that can link with combo is smash, but the resultant renkei will be of element thunder. So in order to work out a 3-renkei with combo closing, 1h axe will have to go first.
BST has the ability "honkidase" at level 25 which will call the beast to use its TP skill. However which skill it uses is random, so do it at your own risk! (some beasts use area attacks which could draw links )
There are 2 items which you can buy at chocobo stables, "pet alpha" and "pet beta". Equip it in your range attack equipment slot then you can use the ability "itawaru" to heal your pet. Each alpha is the equivalent of a cure1 and beta the equivalent of cure2.
Please help add to this topic. Any confirmed info would be appreciated, especially from importers.