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BST Info Topic

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  • BST Info Topic

    Ok, as many of you may already know, BST is considered one of the most unpopular jobs. however, that does not make them bad. The usefulness of a BST comes from a very controlled and strict playing style, so IMO this class is for those who seek a challenge.

    I would like to give complete credit to importer Bebetaro, who made a BST topic a while back , as i am basing (ok, copying and pasting) the most important stuff from his topic. and reposting it here, where it will be more usfull.

    - Q: Is BST a solo job?
    A: Yes and no. BST is an unpopular job among parties mainly due to 3 reasons:
    1) BST's best weapon, 1h axe, is a difficult weapon to renkei with.
    2) BST's ability, beast taming, has limited use due to fighting location and/or opponent type.
    3) Most people still have the wrong conception regarding exp loss and BSTs.

    - Q: Does beast taming cuts down exp earned?
    A: Yes, but most people simply think that a tamed beast counts as an extra member in exp calculations, which is not true.
    Here are the scenarios:
    1) All PT member's exp will be affected if and only if the beast is of a higher level than the whole party. In which case the beast's level will become the reference level in exp calculations.
    2) If the beast lives after the battle, all members will receive normal exp. The BST will suffer a 30% exp loss.
    3) If the beast dies or is released before the battle ends, all members and the BST will receive normal exp. The only exception is if the beast is of a higher level than the BST, in which case the 30% penalty applies no matter what.

    BST tame time is base on the CHR stat. more information is needed to make up an accurate Stat to time lenght chart or something. there is a sort of random factor though...

    - Basic soloing strategy:
    Lv1-11: Level without a beast. Tame ONLY if you can't beat what you are fighting!
    Lv10-12: You learn one of the most important BST skill, "modore", which calls the beast to stop attacking and return to your side. The strategy is to use modore when your target is 1 strike away from dying, let your target kills off your beast, and finish the job yourself. This way you can avoid the 30% penalty!
    Lv12-15: Same strategy except the beast healing command "itawaru" allows you to aim for tsuyo monsters for exp!
    Lv15-35: Same strategy except you can apply "matteru" after "modore", which calls the beast to stay where it is, allowing you to keep your distance while you wait for your beast to die!
    Lv35+: The god of all BST commands, "kaere" makes it all easier by simply letting you release the monster when you apply this strategy!

    BST suffers from renkei in that their only skill A weapon is 1h axe, making renkei less flexible.
    The problem with 1h axe is, before learning spinning axe, there are only 3 links that will give 100% renkei damage:
    raging axe->burning blade
    smash->seraph strike (1h rod, so it's out of the question)
    rafale axe->nightmare scythe
    Take "heat lv2" for example, the only skill that can link with combo is smash, but the resultant renkei will be of element thunder. So in order to work out a 3-renkei with combo closing, 1h axe will have to go first.

    BST has the ability "honkidase" at level 25 which will call the beast to use its TP skill. However which skill it uses is random, so do it at your own risk! (some beasts use area attacks which could draw links )

    There are 2 items which you can buy at chocobo stables, "pet alpha" and "pet beta". Equip it in your range attack equipment slot then you can use the ability "itawaru" to heal your pet. Each alpha is the equivalent of a cure1 and beta the equivalent of cure2.

    Please help add to this topic. Any confirmed info would be appreciated, especially from importers.

  • #2
    Some info, i will like to add and hope some can build on these. The area where u can solo.

    Lv 1 ~ 10: Lvl as normal, no need to tame
    Lv 10 - 15: Anywhere will do
    Lv16 - 21: Ordelles, Bat on Goblin
    Lv 26 - 35: Qufim,
    Lv 36 - 39: Altepa Desert, Feiyin
    Lv 40 - ??: Crawler Nest, Garliage
    Lv 45 - ??: Kustal

    The problem with solo BST is that u really need the whole area to urself, and u need an exit. Need to come up with chain to get good enuff experience. The max I did was 3 chain (rarely), but some good ones can go up to 4 chains. And always try to release the beast for more experience.

    Always know which beast is good for which beast. In garliage, I alway use siege bats on borer beetle. Rather than the opposite.
    Bats seem stronger, even though it is lower in lvl. Problem is when there are other pt there, i cant chain ><. So it is good to go lvling when the japs are asleep.

    Another problem (major), like what bebetaro says, renkei problem. Axe cant do bent renkei. Hardly PT invites, where hunting ground is in crawler nest.
    Weaver:98.1 (+2 & mog:weaver) Blacksmith:57 Goldsmith:55 Tanner: 59


    • #3
      ok, I have some questions.

      1. what can you do with a beast tamer subjob?

      2. are you basically saying that you can only keep a beast for a short period of time, then you have to find a new one? or can you re-tame something right after it becomes untamed?? If you are familiar with the 'pet' classes of most mmorpgs, you keep the pet indefinitely. If in this game, you constantly have to re-tame pets, then yeah, this class sucks.

      3. Why are you releasing the pet? Sure, you get 30% more xp, but isn't it easier to just keep the same pet around for lots of kills instead of finding and taming them over and over?

      4. I assume that with a pet you can kill very high level mobs relative to your characters level. At least that is how it is in every other game. I realize you guys may not know how to do this very well, but assuming that's the case, do you get a lot more xp for higher level kills or only a small amount more?


      • #4
        1. what can you do with a beast tamer subjob?

        BST as subjob? -> nothing much

        2. are you basically saying that you can only keep a beast for a short period of time, then you have to find a new one? or can you re-tame something right after it becomes untamed?? If you are familiar with the 'pet' classes of most mmorpgs, you keep the pet indefinitely.

        yes, it can go untamed, and starts attking u. -> re-tamed it then.

        3. Why are you releasing the pet? Sure, you get 30% more xp, but isn't it easier to just keep the same pet around for lots of kills instead of finding and taming them over and over?

        eh, 30% is a lot of exp. It will be much faster to release. And by releasing, pet hp get regenerated. U cant regen pet hp except by releasing it and using pet food ( cure miserable hp)

        4. I assume that with a pet you can kill very high level mobs relative to your characters level. At least that is how it is in every other game. I realize you guys may not know how to do this very well, but assuming that's the case, do you get a lot more xp for higher level kills or only a small amount more?

        I m not sure abt other MMORPG. But exp in FFXI is very hard to come by. This qn here seem to be abt why BST dun lvl faster than other classes. No, this is not the case. BST lvl faster fighting bombs solo, much faster than in PTs. BUt S-Ex dun provide u with bombs to fight at every lvl. .... And 2 BST PT lvl very very fast.

        There are pple at BST 65 and they reach 65 much faster than other classes. Just that, most pple dun like to lvl BST, becos its a solo job. Imagine fixing urself on the monitor lvlling for 24 hours. PTing offers easier lvlling option, can go AFK for a while, dun have to hunt all the time.
        Weaver:98.1 (+2 & mog:weaver) Blacksmith:57 Goldsmith:55 Tanner: 59


        • #5
          It seems the job has been designed all wrong. Wouldn't it make sense that people would WANT and PREFER to keep pets for as long as possible? That way you get attached to them, and want to keep them alive. It sounds here like they're just a tool you play with and have to worry about all the time. They sound like a drain and an annoyance rather than a benefit/friend/pet. It really seems all backwards & broken!! Square needs to rethink this job or no one will bother playing it. Why make something overly complicated and hard to do?

          Theres plenty of history and research from other games regarding pet classes, how they should work, and what NOT to do. I'm so surprised the job isn't designed around a mini-Pokemon game. I completely figured since its a Japanese company at the helm.

          I hate Pokemon, but being able to capture pets, name them, let them grow, build up experience with them and get REALLY pissed off when they die, sounds like the way it should be. Thats how the summoner kind of works right?


          • #6
            When i use my white mage main lvl 31 and have bt as my subjob(with it be lvl 4...) i can charm pets that are even match,decent match, and even match and tough, to my lvl 31 whitemage and they last like 3-6 minutes, except the toughs last for like 30seonds - 1 i think subbing beast tamer is nice..if you think about it.
            RDM 50/SAM 38/WAR 24/BLM 27/WHM 30/SMN 50/DRG 23/NIN 20/MNK14/PLD14/BRD12
            Shiva,Ifrit,Ramuh,Leviathan,Garuda,Titan Obtained.


            • #7
              I know what you mean Josher but they are they trying something hard and new

              Maybe in later expansion they will add that you can keep them


              • #8
                Josh... BST class is make this way by Square. THe way u put it is that BST should do this and that. Its as good as saying Whm or BLm should have this spell or wat not???

                Well, pple who played BST are pple who took up the challenge or who love soloing. And some BST are make rich doing BCNM. So there aint anything wrong with BST as of now.

                BTW, It is not a drain/pain that u cant keep pet charmed all the time. But it is more of a pain not getting into PT.
                Weaver:98.1 (+2 & mog:weaver) Blacksmith:57 Goldsmith:55 Tanner: 59


                • #9
                  Obviously the job is fubar if its not beneficial to party with one, dontcha think? Does anyone honestly think the designers sat around a table and said how they can make the job complicated and difficult? NO!! Jobs are supposed to be fun. A beast tamer obviously can be made betetr by changing a few things which many are saying is wrong, like exp loss for the pet and having to retame your pet all the time.

                  Also, different isn't always better. Its much better to use whats been done and add gameplay to it. Make it play more like a Pokemon game instead of the almost worthless job it is now. Is anyone really happy with the class? No. So fix it for the US release. Let pets gain exp and grow with your character so its better to keep them then to just let them go. Don't hurt the job because the pet sucks up exp when you're in a group. How is that not better than what we have now? All the pet should be is an alternative way for a character to attack using a minigame of sorts with rules to manage your pets, not some curse upon the player!!

                  Square knows how to make it better, because its obvious.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Josher
                    Obviously the job is Fubar if its not beneficial to party with one, dontcha think? Do anyone honestly think the designers sat around a table and said how we can make the job complicated and difficult? NO!! JObs are supposed to be fun. A beast tamer obviously can be made by changing a few things which many are saying is wrong, like exp loss and losing your pet.

                    Also, different isn't always better. Better to make it play more like Pokemon instead of the almost worthless job it is now.
                    As AlphaBLUE said BT was not really a pt job
                    Not all job are fun to everybody some people thinks White mage are not fun
                    And as you said about different is not always better the same goes for being the same


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Josher
                      exp loss

                      I'm sure they made exp loss for a reason or everyone would gain exp like mad in a PT if they had 4 BST's in one PT..bah.
                      Dra Bmyhad Ec Toehk - FF7
                      Final Fantasy XI - Zandria


                      • #12
                        When making a game that lots of people are supposed to enjoy, designing the jobs so that the MAJORITY actually enjoy it is the point. Its a screw up plain and simple. The exp penalty is just a problem. The pet should make its own exp and the player shouldn't have to share it. The power of the player should be balanced enough so that its not like 2 people playing. Depending on the type of pet, the player should be inversely effected. If your pet is a brute, you become weak to balance it. That kind of thing. Punishing everyone playing around you doesn't promote multiplayer. Every job shold be viable in a group. Apparently, the beast tamer is a drain instead of a bonus. Thats bad.


                        • #13
                          There should only be a penalty if its used for something. Beasts don't need EXP for anything.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Josher
                            When making a game that lots of people are supposed to enjoy, designing the jobs so that the MAJORITY actually enjoy it is the point. Its a screw up plain and simple. The exp penalty is just a problem. The pet should make its own exp and the player shouldn't have to share it. The power of the player should be balanced enough so that its not like 2 people playing. Depending on the type of pet, the player should be inversely effected. If your pet is a brute, you become weak to balance it. That kind of thing. Punishing everyone playing around you doesn't promote multiplayer. Every job shold be viable in a group. Apparently, the beast tamer is a drain instead of a bonus. Thats bad.
                            I really dun understand what u trying to say. Why is BST a drain??? BST is not pokemon or a zoo keeper. The beast are beasts, BST dun rear them. BST in PT, other PT members dun suffer exp loss. Not sure whether u are in the game or not.

                            BST offers two ways of lvlling, solo or PTing. So what so bad abt it? Even for other jobs, they aint easy too. U think thf is easy(try missing a yokodama during important renkei) or pld(if the beast dun stick to u, u r goner too) is easy. Brd in BCNM fight is easy?
                            Weaver:98.1 (+2 & mog:weaver) Blacksmith:57 Goldsmith:55 Tanner: 59


                            • #15
                              I would have to agree with Josher and say that it would be better if you could keep the pets. Now, I'm not a fan of Pokemon or anything, but I do think the concept around it was good. I've always been a fan of the monster raising games like Monster Rancher and the likes, so I think it would be better to keep the monsters. I'm not real sure about the monsters gaining exp, or anything like that, but just to keep them around so you dont have the hassle of taming and killing the pet, then finding a new one and repeating the process. the exp. penalty isnt that bad, so thats not a problem. I just like the idea of going into a city, start looking around, and having your monster buddy trailing behind.

