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Thinking about PT Bst

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  • Thinking about PT Bst

    So I'm thinking about getting bst job. I like to solo with other jobs, but I'm not into the whole charming thing. So I want to use my bst as a pt bst. Just a DD with a jug pet to help me give more DD. I figure it will be an ok DD for a xp pt.

    I'm not sure on the best combos for subbing tho. I'm thinking going /nin and dual weilding axes. Bst have a good rating, and they will do good damage. Well that with a pet, I'm thinking tiger, cuz it looks cool even tho i see alot of cc which is courier carrie(i assume). I will prolly get both, so when we need an extra tank, I will pop out crab or cc, and when we have a good tank and backup tank, I will have out my tiger(eventually savate or w/e). How does cc tank, assuming thats why she is good? No voke? And jug pets have poor damage output I hear, well when compared to charmed pets. But when doing a xp pt, your surrounded by vt-it, so it will be hard to charm.

    Also as a bst dd used to xp pts, I won't need to stack the cha, cuz I won't be charming much, is this correct? I should focus my equip on acc and att and str and dex and dd stuff, is this assumption correct? Charm increases the duration of charmed monsters only right? And since its only used for charm, something I won't be using except to save my ass maybe, then ITs something I should not invest in, right?

    Maybe I'm completely missing something. I know they can be the BEST solo in the game, I'm just not frankly interested in it, I would love to dual weild axes tho, be good with them,(and not be war, cuz I like my gaxe non-tank with them) and have a sweet action tiger assisting me and being my pet.

    Last edited by Potemken; 02-05-2009, 12:43 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Thinking about PT Bst

    I believe you should consider WAR.
    signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


    • #3
      Re: Thinking about PT Bst

      Lol. I covered that. The main part I'm attracted to is the PET, but I want a permenant one. A jug.

      I have a war, and I love GAXE. I don't like to tank... at all. I hate it, and with /nin subbed, I will be expected to tank. I'm a dd when I go war.


      • #4
        Re: Thinking about PT Bst

        Is BST viable in parties (with real DD gear)? Yes
        Will anyone invite you to a party? No

        BST still has the stigma of a solo only job that it had when I left the game 2 years ago. I cant even get a group to parce myself to see how well I do compared to others =/. If you absolutely cant stand the solo part you wont do well as a BST

        WAR is a good option, its the exact same class, but the damage is more centered around the abilities and traits rather then the pet.

        Pet vs Partys


        • #5
          Re: Thinking about PT Bst

          I know... exactly what and how war works. I'm interested in the jug pets. But knowing that you can't even get a party to parse, lets me know I'm only going to fail. Thanks lol. Imma still try but understand I'm only destined to fail.


          • #6
            Re: Thinking about PT Bst

            I've seen it done before and BST can be a pretty good DD in the earlier levels but your party invite rate will likely be abysmal.

            If you really want to party with a pet job you should probably consider Dragoon. Puppetmaster is also an option but you'd probably get invites even slower than a BST.

            500 hours in MS paint


            • #7
              Re: Thinking about PT Bst

              If you really want to party with a pet job you should probably consider Dragoon. Puppetmaster is also an option but you'd probably get invites even slower than a BST.
              This. I wouldn't really consider jug pets permanent.


              • #8
                Re: Thinking about PT Bst

                Have you considered Drg? Pet 100% of the time as long as it doesn't die, no charming necessary and no jugs to buy.

                I am certainly not going to knock your choice at trying something unconventional, if you read any of the recent threads today you will notice I am going to try something different with Bst myself. It's just that based on everything you said in your original post Drg sounds like a better fit. Plus you love two-handed weapons it seems.

                If you do decide to level Bst, make sure you do research on the jug pets. Each of them have their own level cap. For example the tiger familiar jug is not equipable until level 28, and the Tiger's level range is 28-40. So if you used Call Beast at level 55 Bst your tiger would only be level 40. Even the HQ version of the tiger jug is level 51-63 so not very good to use above that level. Good luck with whatever you do, and let us know how it goes.
                Last edited by Solymir; 02-05-2009, 01:53 PM.
                "All of the biggest technological inventions created by man - the airplane, the automobile, the computer - says little about his intelligence, but speaks volumes about his laziness." - Mark Kennedy


                • #9
                  Re: Thinking about PT Bst

                  Originally posted by Potemken View Post
                  So I'm thinking about getting bst job. I like to solo with other jobs, but I'm not into the whole charming thing. So I want to use my bst as a pt bst. Just a DD with a jug pet to help me give more DD. I figure it will be an ok DD for a xp pt.
                  Not sure what level your BST is but you don't unlock Call Beast (Jugpets) until level 23.

                  Originally posted by Potemken View Post
                  Well that with a pet, I'm thinking tiger, cuz it looks cool even tho i see alot of cc which is courier carrie(i assume). I will prolly get both, so when we need an extra tank, I will pop out crab or cc, and when we have a good tank and backup tank, I will have out my tiger(eventually savate or w/e). How does cc tank, assuming thats why she is good? No voke?
                  BST Pets can't really provoke, although at 45 you can transfer your hate to your pet with Snarl. I've never seen it done in a party so I can't really tell you that the pet can't tank but I'm gonna go with a no on that. However, maybe you could /WAR and provoke it then /snarl to pass off hate. Like I said earlier I've only partied with a few BST and most were pre 30 so I've never seen it done, but it may not be impossible, but don't look forward to it.

                  Originally posted by Potemken View Post
                  And jug pets have poor damage output I hear, well when compared to charmed pets. But when doing a xp pt, your surrounded by vt-it, so it will be hard to charm.
                  Call Beast - FFXIclopedia - a Wikia Gaming wiki according to ffxiclopedia jug pets are about 25% weaker than wild monsters of the same level, and they don't have a subjob.

                  Unless there were some EM mosters in the zone then I wouldn't even think about charming, its hard to charm mobs highter than EM and alot of times it'll wear off really fast. So you'd do best to bring a jugpet.

                  Originally posted by Potemken View Post
                  Also as a bst dd used to xp pts, I won't need to stack the cha, cuz I won't be charming much, is this correct? I should focus my equip on acc and att and str and dex and dd stuff, is this assumption correct?
                  Correct, however you should still have a CHR gear set.

                  Originally posted by Potemken View Post
                  Charm increases the duration of charmed monsters only right? And since its only used for charm, something I won't be using except to save my ass maybe, then ITs something I should not invest in, right?
                  Charm+ increases the duration of charmed monsters. I'd say grab it anyways because you'll most likely be soloing more than you think.

                  Originally posted by Potemken View Post
                  I would love to dual weild axes tho, be good with them,(and not be war, cuz I like my gaxe non-tank with them)
                  You do know that Warrior has the same rating as Beastmaster with Axe... and there are DD warriors....and you will be DD Warrior alot as you pass 35ish... And warriors have a slightly higher rating with Great Axe than Axe and as Warrior you'll want to level both weapons.

                  Originally posted by Potemken View Post
                  and have a sweet action tiger assisting me and being my pet.
                  Uhhhh You do that.

                  Originally posted by Potemken View Post
                  NP, I agree with Balfree though, you should level Warrior instead.
                  {New Sig in the works}
                  "There will come a day when the world will realize that Superman can no longer create miracles. If my name was Superman, that day would be today." 4/29/2009 - Me

                  Originally posted by Aksannyi
                  "Hello! 100+3 Leathercrafting, your materials, 5k! Mention code LTH74 for a special discount!" - they'd get blisted by everyone they sent that to.
                  Originally posted by Solymir
                  What do you have against Ants? Is iVirus some new Apple product?


                  • #10
                    Re: Thinking about PT Bst

                    Right but with merits I can make Savatre or w/e the HQ tiger is to 75 cap, maybe with that equip too.

                    I don't love 2h weapons. I love gaxe on war is all. I love two weps on my nin, and my blu/nin. I just FIGURED the best damage output weapons wise relating to a bst would be to go 2 axes. Not a single scythe, or single axe.

                    I think Pup would be way expensive, but am totally willing to try it since i am familiar with mnk, and my current char has 32 mnk.

                    I've tried polearms with my war and am not to interested in them, but I can't knock a class till I try it. I'll try drg first.

                    Mainly, I was looking forward to getting a tiger and the little homoculous. I also understand they are not permenent, but with a 5 minute recast timer on a jug pet that lasts 30(homo) or 60(tigers), its basically permenant lest they die in 5 mins.

                    I also figured 2 axes like ridill and that other kick ass one(lost for words, but its not new, its a well know weapon name from many games), would pump out lots and lots of damage.

                    I have leveled warrior and im not interested in /nin, the only way for 2 weps. DD war go /nin? or /drk /sam /drg /thf?

                    I actually don't have the class unlocked. You answered alot of questions Dura, but one was not covered.

                    Since we established that they don't tank, and that they have no real abilities for it. Why is the gay crab the king? Why not a sweet action tigger?
                    Last edited by Potemken; 02-05-2009, 02:09 PM.


                    • #11
                      Re: Thinking about PT Bst

                      Courier carrie is used by a lot of 75 bst because its the cheapest uncapped jug. Do not use carrie before 65, Funguar Familiar is the best every level you can use him uncapped (33-65).

                      Snarl is a thread transfer, its general accepted to be a full threat transfer. So effectively it will have its own threat plus yours, so you can probably consider that to threat close enough provoke. Pets have no provokes of their own, so if they pull hate without snarl someones doing something wrong.


                      • #12
                        Re: Thinking about PT Bst

                        I don't love 2h weapons. I love gaxe on war is all. I love two weps on my nin, and my blu/nin. I just FIGURED the best damage output weapons wise relating to a bst would be to go 2 axes. Not a single scythe, or single axe.
                        /WAR is also close in performance to /NIN. Depends on how badly Utsusemi is needed and whether or not you have Suppanomimi to boost Dual Wield.
                        I've tried polearms with my war and am not to interested in them, but I can't knock a class till I try it. I'll try drg first.
                        WAR doesn't get any good polearms though.
                        I also figured 2 axes like ridill and that other kick ass one(lost for words, but its not new, its a well know weapon name from many games), would pump out lots and lots of damage.
                        Ridill's a sword. BST's sword rating is abysmal. That one's a bad idea.


                        • #13
                          Re: Thinking about PT Bst

                          Originally posted by Potemken View Post
                          Right but with merits I can make Savatre or w/e the HQ tiger is to 75 cap, maybe with that equip too.
                          Saber Siravarde would be 73 @ Merited Cap.

                          Originally posted by Potemken View Post
                          I've tried polearms with my war and am not to interested in them, but I can't knock a class till I try it. I'll try drg first.
                          Warrior has a B- in Polearm and since Idk what level your Warrior is I can't tell you how much it'd be effected. However DRG has a A+ in polearm plus it has some Polearm weapons that do more damage since they are DRG only like Dark Knight and Scythes.

                          Originally posted by Potemken View Post
                          Mainly, I was looking forward to getting a tiger and the little homoculous. I also understand they are not permenent, but with a 5 minute recast timer on a jug pet that lasts 30(homo) or 60(tigers), its basically permenant lest they die in 5 mins.
                          Usually they wont as long as you help them with pet food or if you don't try to fight something crazy.

                          Originally posted by Potemken View Post
                          I also figured 2 axes like ridill and that other kick ass one(lost for words, but its not new, its a well know weapon name from many games), would pump out lots and lots of damage.
                          Category:Axes - FFXIclopedia - a Wikia Gaming wiki list of axes, can you point out what you are talking about, I'm lost. I think you might be talking about Aymur - FFXIclopedia - a Wikia Gaming wiki and Temperance Axe - FFXIclopedia - a Wikia Gaming wiki. Aymur is a Mythic weapon so you'll be playing for the next 10 years getting one. Temperance is a drop from a jailer and you'll also need the virtue stone drop to be able to use the effects.
                          {New Sig in the works}
                          "There will come a day when the world will realize that Superman can no longer create miracles. If my name was Superman, that day would be today." 4/29/2009 - Me

                          Originally posted by Aksannyi
                          "Hello! 100+3 Leathercrafting, your materials, 5k! Mention code LTH74 for a special discount!" - they'd get blisted by everyone they sent that to.
                          Originally posted by Solymir
                          What do you have against Ants? Is iVirus some new Apple product?


                          • #14
                            Re: Thinking about PT Bst

                            Sorry, I didn't mean ridill,i thought with joyuse, that was the multi attack sword. Maybe I'm completely confused. It was the multi-hit axe, and then a kick ass axe. Wrath tabar? Fransisca? Juggernaut? That multihit axe? Something else.
                            I saw a bst equipt with both. And he looked kick ass, with no cha+, all dd stuff, so it was exactly like I was talking about.

                            Considering the relics take years off your life, I don't even consider them items lol.

                            73 merited but there is a equip that gives +2, making 75. I think its either a bst only or af armor, can't remember.

                            I tried nearly all the weapons with war starting.... getting the first two weap skills. I know its not a major run thru of them, but I tried them, and liked gaxe and scythe better then polearm. I also went thru like three diffrent actual weps from each type. Again, not an accurate, but I got a feel. Getting everything to about 50.


                            • #15
                              Re: Thinking about PT Bst

                              Jugs spawn a few levels below the master. Monster Gloves adds 2 levels towards the 75 cap. plus theres merits that add 10. So the tiger will spawn at best level 73. Funguar will spawn at a full 75.

                              Swords are not good for BST. (Cap at 200, 63 short of axe, thats HEUG). Temperance axe is the multi hit axe. Aymur does too when your under the aftermath effect which procs from the primal rend weapon skill.

