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Charming info

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  • Charming info

    So I had a quick question that I didn't see the answer to in the stickies, but that doesn't mean it's not there.

    Charm is based on the BST's max level (not cap) so if you go WHM/BST for example and the BST is only level 37 and the WHM is 75 then charming an easy checked mob will be difficult because to the 37 BST it's very tough.

    If you go WHM/BST and the WHM and BST are both 75, even though the BST is caped at 37 charm still works at a level 75 level. So this means that an easy checked mob will still be easy to charm.

    My question:

    If your BST is 75 and WHM is 10, then you will be 10/5. are you able to charm level 15 mobs for example because it would still check too easy to bother with to the 75 charm ability?

    Also if you have a beast that is higher than you are do you still only suffer a 30% xp loss or do you suffer a larger loss the higher the beast you charm is?
    Last edited by Divinespear; 10-28-2008, 10:24 AM. Reason: second question.

  • #2
    Re: Charming info

    Can't reliably answer the question about caps. In all the discussions I've seen of Charm being based on the actual BST level, I can't remember anyone trying to charm something considerably higher than their current level like that.

    There is no 30% XP cut anymore. If you charm a mob higher level than you, that mob's level is used in determining how much XP you get, that's all. So if you charm a mob one level higher than you and take on an Even Match (to you), you will get 90 XP instead of 100 (since it would be DC to your pet).
    Ellipses on Fenrir
    There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
    . . .


    • #3
      Re: Charming info

      The accepted theory is that your effective "charming level" is (Main Job Level + BST Level)/2, where BST Level is at most the main job level. 10 WHM/5 BST with BST at level 5 can expect to charm like a level 7-8 BST. If you're 10 WHM/5 BST with BST at 10 or higher you can expect to Charm like a level 10 BST that has your WHM's amount of CHR.

      You certainly won't charm like a 75 BST if your WHM is 10.


      • #4
        Re: Charming info

        If you do /BST, when charming, always expect it to go wrong. There's this weird thing in place where it doesn't always go perfect.

        This theory I believe is very much true. A BRD75/BST37 (True BST level 61) was soloing Merrow No.5 in Arrag.Reef. I was watching nearby as I was fighting Imps/Undead on PLD75/BST37 (True BST level 75).

        Now I'm sure you know a BRD has LOTS of CHR. I watched the BRD fail to charm nearby leeches (Decent Challenge at 75) a lot of times and eventually died to repeated mischarms and the NM wailing at him.

        I sent him a /tell and queried his BST level and found it to be 61. He recovered and I invited him and we took the NM down together, if he mischarmed I will Flash the Leech so it won't kill him. He still mischarmed lots despite his overwhelming CHR equip.
        Soloed to 75

        [DRG | BST | PLD | NIN | RDM | THF | DRK | WHM | SAM]

        all done via BST sub where applicable (no DRG/BST!)
        .:|The Prototype BST|:.
        Xtreme Precision Soloing [XPS]

