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Soloing as /BST

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  • Soloing as /BST

    Since I got a new schedule at work, I have found that I will have little time to play on weekdays, and seeing as this character has a 75BST, I'd like to try to take a job to 75 completely solo during times I can be on game. (Might be BLU or NIN)

    Been looking everywhere for a /bst guide, however no luck. I am only guessing that I just follow a normal BST Guide except without the use of Leave.

    Now the only problem is, I did not level this character's BST (Well I did a little bit after the update where no exp loss with pet). But I do not know what it is like before leave. So I wouldn't know what to do with the pet if it is still alive after I kill the mob, do i zone it? (Ouch yeah probably a really noob question, but I honestly do not know). Yeah, stuff like that. Any tips on soloing as /bst would be appreciated.


    The most precious possession that ever comes To a man in this world
    Is a woman's heart.

  • #2
    Re: Soloing as /BST

    Hi there I'm not a very experienced Bst "43 atm"
    Before leave it really isn't much of a big deal now you can heal your pet using the pet comand stay.
    Allthough Leave is great since we had the update where we no longer have the exp cut from pets, Apart from pets that are considerably higher than you.
    Re-charming is probably a good idea.
    There is the "ghetto-leave" but sometimes it doesnt always work "for me anyway lol"
    With a fully levelled Bst and the right gear, charms should be ok for you. I've started to lvl Nin as a sub for my Bst but am doing it Nin/Bst so I can have an idea how to play Bst/nin.

    Good luck with playing like a Bst.

    Signature created by my good friend Naughtymistress, Remora server.


    • #3
      Re: Soloing as /BST

      You will struggle. You absolutely need the "field" experience to endure this.

      Otherwise, if you're still gonna pursue it:
      • Start with a fresh pet per fight. Read the next bullet point.
      • Towards the end of the fight, make absolutely sure your pet dies, if that's not possible, use your weak pet to charm your next pet, and start off the next fight with a slightly weakened pet in terms of HP. I sometimes purposely link my prey with other mobs to quickly kill off my pet. I also sometimes purposely use Sic and hope for something AoEish so other things will attack and kill my pet while I finish the prey off.
      • It is up to you whether you want to zone or logout to leave your pet. I've encountered 1 person who logged out, I watched him for a while and I felt it was such a waste of time, although it is very safe.
      • It is like playing chess, there's a reason why I label my soloing as "XPS", a lot of my actions are preplanned/calculated (before I engage, while engaged, after I engage) and I improvise extremely quickly. This is how I am able to chain with absolutely no problem at all. Ok, sometimes I mess up but that's beyond my control (mischarm hello to you).
      • I would say there isn't really a guide. I have some rough notes on soloing as /BST on PLD NIN RDM DRK THF but it's not compiled onto my website/blog yet.
      • Play aggressively. I've encountered a few BSTs lately who do not play aggressively and end up with 2-3 pet swaps before they finish the mob. Of course, it can get you killed, but now you are looking into the fine balance hate and knowing when it's ok to take damage. Pet swaps are not an option unless it's absolutely necessary.
      • Please don't waste your money. Feeding your wild pet with a Zeta is extremely costly. I had a casual chat with a BST in the Mire, and as you know, at 62-65 it is an extremely good camp. That guy is basically using a sapling vs a bird, feed zeta on it, then pet dies, charms another sapling or leech, and feeds that, and carries it over in the next fight, no pet swaps inbetween fights.

        In my opinion he was abusing the ability Leave by NOT using it. There was absolutely no reason to do that. Here I was sitting there thinking to myself I would love that ability (I was on DRK/BST).

        I explained to him how 1 sapling can down a bird if he changed his playstyle a tiny bit, but he refused to believe that and kept feeding his pets with the quote "At least I'm getting Chain 3!". Chain 4, with a rare 5 is normal for me there.

      • Finally, as you can see in screenshots, do not pimp yourself out in gear especially for attack. There's a reason I'm wearing AF. 1, it's free, 2, to surpress my powers or I die really really fast. That scythe you see there is a Mutilator (Level 40 Scythe). My gear progression is usually Levels 1-33 = Random Shit, Levels 33-60 = RSE, Levels 60-75 = AF, and adjust as needed. On THF I didn't use AF at all, and on PLD I only used Feet.
      • I can tell you now that both NIN and BLU are very easy jobs to do /BST. My BLU is 22 and I haven't /BST yet but when I do I know that I will level it to 75 really fast (if I can learn spells fast. Fuck you spell system...). Both jobs are defensive and offensive in nature.

      EDITED: I updated the 2nd and maybe 3rd bullet point.
      Last edited by LadyKiKi; 09-27-2008, 10:03 AM. Reason: Updated notes.
      Soloed to 75

      [DRG | BST | PLD | NIN | RDM | THF | DRK | WHM | SAM]

      all done via BST sub where applicable (no DRG/BST!)
      .:|The Prototype BST|:.
      Xtreme Precision Soloing [XPS]


      • #4
        Re: Soloing as /BST

        Thanks LadyKiki I was hoping to hear from you. I might be leveling both NIN and BLU with BST subjob. NIN currently being at 37, BLU being at 44.

        Do you have any specific advice for NIN/BST? Do I DD with my pet? Enfeeble?


        The most precious possession that ever comes To a man in this world
        Is a woman's heart.


        • #5
          Re: Soloing as /BST

          Just DD with your pet. Shadows make everything sooooo easier. But don't over DD so you end up tanking and/or with your pet at over 30% HP. Because of your shadows, you can jump right in and not worry tooooo much.

          Enfeebling wise, well, here's my regret/mistake. My Ninjitsu is severely underlevelled. All I used was shadows and stealth tools. But I can safely say I didn't use more than 12 stacks of Shihei. I work on the skill in my spare time now. It won't hurt to use them, but you might cripple your prey so much that your pet isn't gonna die by the end of the fight.

          You can go all out and do everything, elemental wheel and enfeebles, it's up to you. But I can tell you that it wasn't required. And it's easy to tank your mischarm or take a few "hits" (absorbed by shadows).

          Weapon wise, use AF katana and then at 54 buy them 2 HP Drain Katanas, until 75. Swap in the Senju (Rare/Ex) as needed, and the Katana of Trials to learn Blade:Ku.
          Soloed to 75

          [DRG | BST | PLD | NIN | RDM | THF | DRK | WHM | SAM]

          all done via BST sub where applicable (no DRG/BST!)
          .:|The Prototype BST|:.
          Xtreme Precision Soloing [XPS]


          • #6
            Re: Soloing as /BST

            Do you do the usual thing of using Light Staff/CHR gear for charming?

            The most precious possession that ever comes To a man in this world
            Is a woman's heart.


            • #7
              Re: Soloing as /BST

              Yes, I have an extremely basic CHR set because I'm under the impression stacking more in the other few slots won't really make or break anything. Charm is kinda too random at the end of the day and as long as you're not retarded when charming (low HP, standing next to the mob), you can bypass all potential disasters as long as you got a good running start.

              So with that, all I use is:

              Noble's Ribbon
              Bird Whistle
              Hope Rings x2

              (later on)
              Noble's Ribbon
              Bird Whistle
              Loyalty Rings x2
              Corsette +1

              (post 51)
              Add on Light Staff only.

              And any misc gear that has CHR on it. i.e. NIN AF Head has +5 CHR so replace the ribbon.

              On mage jobs of course use that mantle with +7 or +10 (HQ) CHR. And so on. I don't go out of my way to get CHR in all slots.
              Soloed to 75

              [DRG | BST | PLD | NIN | RDM | THF | DRK | WHM | SAM]

              all done via BST sub where applicable (no DRG/BST!)
              .:|The Prototype BST|:.
              Xtreme Precision Soloing [XPS]


              • #8
                Re: Soloing as /BST

                To give you an idea of how BLU/BST will work, I've solo'd with this in the low to mid levels, and it's really nice. Basically, take what LadyKiki just gave you and modify it around the fact you can whip out a massive DD like Bludgeon or the like. If you see the BST solo guide somewhere on here, use that as a starting point for mob selection.

                What I'd do usually is:

                1. Melee with the pet, and use BLU main to put a nice DoT on the mob. I hesistate to send you out there with Poisoned Breath, the AE is annoying, plus you have that fun burst DD spike to overcome later.
                2. Keep your spells to a minimum as you go, avoid using big ones til the end so that the pet has hate the entire fight. You want to be basically invisible to the mob until the pet dies, go ahead and add damage, just don't try to outdo the pet.
                3. If done right, the pet should die and the mob should end up around 20% hp.
                4. Go ahead and BLU nuke that mob down now. Usually goes down in one or two spells. I like the old Head Butt + Bludgeon combo, if done right, you can sneak that Head Butt stun in between something else and Bludgeon for a little extra kick.
                Note: Do go ahead and use your Metallic Body or other buffs, but apply them before the actual fighting starts. You want to do as little hate spiking as you can during the actual fight, let the pet take the brunt. Sometimes MB wears off before the fight does, this is not great, but nothing that will kill you.

                Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!


                • #9
                  Re: Soloing as /BST

                  Not related to /BST but related to BLU, and it really needs to be said: Bludgeon is not the only good low level spell. Feather Storm is just as MP-efficient and only gives 1/3 of the TP to the mob. It's also very consistent and does piercing damage, which is far more exploitable than blunt.


                  • #10
                    Re: Soloing as /BST

                    Good point, I'd also like to point out that Queasyshroom has a better DoT rate that Poisoned Breath, and a smaller initial hate spike. Since it does do more over time, though, you may have to use a weaker weapon to keep hate on the pet.

                    Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!


                    • #11
                      Re: Soloing as /BST

                      Exactly what I intend to do too. I'm extremely tempted to not learn anymore spells, except Wild Carrot/Magical Fruit. I've got all the low level "basics"... and doing BLU/BST would be just very similar to "BST/WHM" if you know what I mean

                      Of course I'll learn the spells eventually, but you know, to just plough to 75 with nothing else stopping me ... it's not like I need anything else. Everything else would be a "bonus" but not essential.

                      I'll panic about the stats that some spells can give me later.
                      Soloed to 75

                      [DRG | BST | PLD | NIN | RDM | THF | DRK | WHM | SAM]

                      all done via BST sub where applicable (no DRG/BST!)
                      .:|The Prototype BST|:.
                      Xtreme Precision Soloing [XPS]


                      • #12
                        Re: Soloing as /BST

                        Good point, I'd also like to point out that Queasyshroom has a better DoT rate that Poisoned Breath, and a smaller initial hate spike. Since it does do more over time, though, you may have to use a weaker weapon to keep hate on the pet.
                        Pretty sure the DoT doesn't count towards your hate.


                        • #13
                          Re: Soloing as /BST

                          Now the only problem is, I did not level this character's BST (Well I did a little bit after the update where no exp loss with pet).
                          Doubt she would have been able to tell you much anyway, she wasn't much of a solo BST, more of a party BST.

                          Since it hasn't been said (and this is more for the benefit of others and not you), it should be kept in mind that Charm works differently for /BST. It actually bends the subjob rules, but you need to have BST at a comprable level to your main job for charm to stick consistantly. Meaning, to solo with /BST as 50 RDM or w/e, you need to have a 50 BST, /25 BST from a level 25 BST will only lead to mischarms and endless death.

                          This will not be a problem for you since Selphiie already has BST at 75. I would, however, give some consideration to a decent CHR build for charming. CHR is somewhat overrated for BST main, but I wouldn't take chances with other jobs.

                          Also, knowing Selphiie, you should probably get in touch with me in-game or PM me here if you want to know some of the holes she left in her jobs that you might not be able to see right away. I'll probably cringe at the sight of the name, but I'll get over it. You shouldn't have to suffer for where she slacked off, at any rate.


                          • #14
                            Re: Soloing as /BST

                            Also, knowing Selphiie, you should probably get in touch with me in-game or PM me here if you want to know some of the holes she left in her jobs that you might not be able to see right away. I'll probably cringe at the sight of the name, but I'll get over it. You shouldn't have to suffer for where she slacked off, at any rate.
                            Curious. Please explain.
                            Soloed to 75

                            [DRG | BST | PLD | NIN | RDM | THF | DRK | WHM | SAM]

                            all done via BST sub where applicable (no DRG/BST!)
                            .:|The Prototype BST|:.
                            Xtreme Precision Soloing [XPS]


                            • #15
                              Re: Soloing as /BST

                              Originally posted by LadyKiKi View Post
                              Curious. Please explain.
                              I dated the original player. All I'm going to say.

