Hello everyone!
part of this is a rant, please forgive me
I have been noticing a lot of changes to the various jobs in vana diel and I wondered about our most precious job. When was the last time we have received a new ability or trait? I have only been playing for lil over a year and never any news about us. How about some new jugs at least. Jug damage is so minimal it seems. I have been partying with a PUP and they do way more damage than me and any of my jugs ( and I have pretty good gear). My parties are like omg PUP impossible to gauge when they see a 4-600 Daze weaponskill (automaton ranger ws) and just 1-300 on Raging fist. Altogether nice damage. Me? I will crank out a 2-400 rampage if im lucky and my pet ; ; - I havent seen a WS more than 1-150 and that is every min and half. The weaponskills are grossly weaken. I was level 54 in Crawlers nest and a exoray did 528 damage with silence gas to me and my pet (exoray) and my pet answered back with a whooping 83 silence gas..
they were both EM mobs. It doesn't make sense. I want to protest this, get some changes. I want ppl when they see a BST to want to invite us. SE says they will listen to the community. How does that work? How do we rally together change? It totally seems like SE has "finished" BST with lack of updates or add ons. I hope it is not the case, they need to do something to keep the job exciting. I have a couple of ideas:
Stronger Jugs / Ultimate Jugs:
Much like how you can get uber gear like the blah dolch or Hagun. Super strong jugs that have awesome output so that BST can be more useful in parties and End game. There could be this quest or ENM that could give this special jug. Some of the more powerful jugs could be Rare ex.
Roar abilities:
Beastmasters job traits do almost nothing for the party. It hardly ever procs when i pull. A Roar ability could stick any learned job traits onto the mob. This could save your tank or healer or whoever in a emergency. Or maybe a variation could be effective on Gods. and assist with pulling
Access to Scythe weaponskills:
I mean seriously…. What is the point of have scythe at Bish and no ws after vorpal scythe. Maybe you can quest and get spiral hell if you want to, but is it worth it for beast? would it be viable to sub DRK in party and use scythe to have access to weapon skills? or if they gave WAR access then we could sub war for parties and have access to these weaponskills
Fix snarl please:
The idea of snarl rocks but why only with a jug pet. we use live pets when soloing more than jugs, so this isnt that useful it seems.
Now mind you I am only 59 BST atm and there are some jugs that I havent gotten too. But nonetheless BST deserves some new abilities to make us viable for End game and parties. How do we get changes going? does SE just read our forums for feedback. Lets totally rally together! (yes, please!!!) They changed fixed DRG 2hr, so maybe they will give us more with these jobs too.
Other thoughts:
I'm sure I could look at other jobs too and see neglect. I have not seen any new RDM abilities or NIN (cept for the sneak spell which it was a no brainer since they had invis) we totally need ammo for NIN to throw! What ever happened to RDM becoming more of a DD? Did I miss something?
For those who were playing back in the day, was the MPK update just for BSTs crowd control (so BST could not MPK) or was it for another reason?
thanks for reading, i would love to know what you guys think...
cyas round!
part of this is a rant, please forgive me
I have been noticing a lot of changes to the various jobs in vana diel and I wondered about our most precious job. When was the last time we have received a new ability or trait? I have only been playing for lil over a year and never any news about us. How about some new jugs at least. Jug damage is so minimal it seems. I have been partying with a PUP and they do way more damage than me and any of my jugs ( and I have pretty good gear). My parties are like omg PUP impossible to gauge when they see a 4-600 Daze weaponskill (automaton ranger ws) and just 1-300 on Raging fist. Altogether nice damage. Me? I will crank out a 2-400 rampage if im lucky and my pet ; ; - I havent seen a WS more than 1-150 and that is every min and half. The weaponskills are grossly weaken. I was level 54 in Crawlers nest and a exoray did 528 damage with silence gas to me and my pet (exoray) and my pet answered back with a whooping 83 silence gas..

Stronger Jugs / Ultimate Jugs:
Much like how you can get uber gear like the blah dolch or Hagun. Super strong jugs that have awesome output so that BST can be more useful in parties and End game. There could be this quest or ENM that could give this special jug. Some of the more powerful jugs could be Rare ex.
Roar abilities:
Beastmasters job traits do almost nothing for the party. It hardly ever procs when i pull. A Roar ability could stick any learned job traits onto the mob. This could save your tank or healer or whoever in a emergency. Or maybe a variation could be effective on Gods. and assist with pulling
Access to Scythe weaponskills:
I mean seriously…. What is the point of have scythe at Bish and no ws after vorpal scythe. Maybe you can quest and get spiral hell if you want to, but is it worth it for beast? would it be viable to sub DRK in party and use scythe to have access to weapon skills? or if they gave WAR access then we could sub war for parties and have access to these weaponskills
Fix snarl please:
The idea of snarl rocks but why only with a jug pet. we use live pets when soloing more than jugs, so this isnt that useful it seems.
Now mind you I am only 59 BST atm and there are some jugs that I havent gotten too. But nonetheless BST deserves some new abilities to make us viable for End game and parties. How do we get changes going? does SE just read our forums for feedback. Lets totally rally together! (yes, please!!!) They changed fixed DRG 2hr, so maybe they will give us more with these jobs too.
Other thoughts:
I'm sure I could look at other jobs too and see neglect. I have not seen any new RDM abilities or NIN (cept for the sneak spell which it was a no brainer since they had invis) we totally need ammo for NIN to throw! What ever happened to RDM becoming more of a DD? Did I miss something?
For those who were playing back in the day, was the MPK update just for BSTs crowd control (so BST could not MPK) or was it for another reason?
thanks for reading, i would love to know what you guys think...
cyas round!