I've been leveling my NPC as of late. I've now done the Tactics Pearl quest twice -- once in Promyvion Dem and once in Promyvion Holla. I've been going as BST/NIN, and using TigerFamiliars. They seem to stand up fairly well against Wanderers and Weepers, though I still find myself using Reward once per pet as I wait on the Call Beast timer.
I was wondering what jugs some of you other BSTs use in this zone. CrabFamiliar? SheepFamiliar?
I notice that my TigerFamiliar does a lot of tanking. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing. But I'd like to see if things go more smoothly if I managed to keep hate a bit more, as I have some Shade Gear and a lot of +evasion. Perhaps a CrabFamiliar would do less damage, letting me tank a bit more, and thus letting me conserve jug usage.
I was wondering what jugs some of you other BSTs use in this zone. CrabFamiliar? SheepFamiliar?
I notice that my TigerFamiliar does a lot of tanking. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing. But I'd like to see if things go more smoothly if I managed to keep hate a bit more, as I have some Shade Gear and a lot of +evasion. Perhaps a CrabFamiliar would do less damage, letting me tank a bit more, and thus letting me conserve jug usage.