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Complete Jug Recipes with Links... Enjoy!!

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  • Complete Jug Recipes with Links... Enjoy!!

    This is the Jug Pet Recipes, hope you enjoy it.

    Special thanks to Srxjo for helping me with getting the links on here.

    If you want to comment post it HERE

    Jug Pet Recipes

    Carrot Broth

    Desc: Calls a hare familiar.
    Cat: Weapons / Ammo & Misc. / Pet Items Slot: Ammo Level: 23 Jobs: BST Race: All Stack: 12
    Carrot Broth Sellers: 88 gil*
    Neigepance - Elvaan - Zone: Bastok Mines(MAP) - J-9 - Standard Merchant
    Mamerie - Elvaan - Zone: Kazham(MAP) - F-9 - Standard Merchant
    Generoit - Elvaan - Zone: Rabao(MAP) - G-6 - Standard Merchant
    Ferdoulemiont - Elvaan - Zone: San d'Oria South(MAP) - I-11 - Standard Merchant
    Quesse - Elvaan - Zone: Windurst Woods(MAP) - K-12 - Standard Merchant

    Craft:Cooking - 3 - Amateur
    Synthesis: Water Crystal (West) San d'Orian Carrot x4
    Result: Carrot Broth x4 HQ #1: Famous Carrot Broth x2 HQ #2: Famous Carrot Broth x4 HQ #3: Famous Carrot Broth x8

    Dropped from MOBs:
    Goblin Tamer - Kuftal Tunnel (Level: 66-69)

    San d'Orian Carrot Stolen from MOBs:
    Forest Hare - Ronfaure East (Level: 1-5)
    Wild Rabbit - Ronfaure East (Level: 1)
    Forest Hare - Ronfaure West (Level: 1-5)
    Jaggedy-Eared Jack - Ronfaure West (Level: 9-10)
    Wild Rabbit - Ronfaure West (Level: 1)

    San d'Orian Carrot Sellers: 32 gil*
    Faustin - Elvaan - Zone: Bastok Mines (MAP) - J-9 - Ronfaure Regional Merchant
    Aveline - Elvaan - Zone: San d'Oria South (MAP) - F-7 - Standard Merchant
    Corua - Elvaan - Zone: San d'Oria South (MAP) - G-9 - Ronfaure Regional Merchant
    Komalata - Hume - Zone: Tavnazian Safehold (MAP) - G-7 - Standard Merchant
    Chomo Jinjahl - Mithra - Zone: Windurst Waters (MAP) - E-8 - Cooking Guild Merchant
    Jourille - Elvaan - Zone: Windurst Waters (MAP) - J-9 - Ronfaure Regional Merchant
    Kopopo - Tarutaru - Zone: Windurst Waters (MAP) - E-8 - Cooking Guild Merchant

    Herbal Broth

    Desc: Calls a sheep familiar.
    Cat: Weapons / Ammo & Misc. / Pet Items Slot: Ammo Level: 23 Jobs: BST Race: All Stack: 12
    Herbal Broth Sellers: 134 gil*
    Neigepance - Elvaan - Zone: Bastok Mines(MAP) - J-9 - Standard Merchant
    Mamerie - Elvaan - Zone: Kazham(MAP) - F-9 - Standard Merchant
    Generoit - Elvaan - Zone: Rabao(MAP) - G-6 - Standard Merchant
    Ferdoulemiont - Elvaan - Zone: San d'Oria South(MAP) - I-11 - Standard Merchant
    Quesse - Elvaan - Zone: Windurst Woods(MAP) - K-12 - Standard Merchant

    Craft:Cooking - 7 - Amateur
    Synthesis: Water Crystal (West) Beaugreens x2 Frost Turnip x2
    Result: Herbal Broth x4 HQ #1: Singing Herbal Broth x2 HQ #2: Singing Herbal Broth x4 HQ #3: Singing Herbal Broth x8

    Dropped from MOBs:
    Goblin Tamer - Kuftal Tunnel (Level: 66-69)

    Frost Turnip Dropped from MOBs:
    Polar Hare - Uleguerand Range (Level: 65-68)
    Variable Hare - Uleguerand Range (Level: 58-61)
    White Coney - Uleguerand Range (Level: 70-72)

    Frost Turnip Sellers: 32 gil*
    Tibelda - Hume - Zone: Bastok Mines (MAP) - E-6 - Valdeaunia Regional Merchant
    Palguevion - Elvaan - Zone: San d'Oria North (MAP) - F-6 - Valdeaunia Regional Merchant
    Aveline - Elvaan - Zone: San d'Oria South (MAP) - F-7 - Standard Merchant
    Zoreen - Galka - Zone: Windurst Port (MAP) - M-7 - Valdeaunia Regional Merchant

    Beaugreens Sellers: 100 gil*
    Rodellieux - Elvaan - Zone: Bastok Mines (MAP) - H-7 - Fauregandi Regional Merchant
    Vichuel - Elvaan - Zone: San d'Oria North (MAP) - F-4 - Fauregandi Regional Merchant
    Sheia Pohrichamaha - Mithra - Zone: Windurst Port (MAP) - B-4 - Fauregandi Regional Merchant
    Chomo Jinjahl - Mithra - Zone: Windurst Waters (MAP) - E-8 - Cooking Guild Merchant
    Kopopo - Tarutaru - Zone: Windurst Waters (MAP) - E-8 - Cooking Guild Merchant

    Pet Food Alpha Biscuit

    Desc: A biscuit created by the legendary beastmaster Moui. It contains all the nutrients a beast needs for a healthy diet.
    Cat: Weapons / Ammo & Misc. / Pet Items Slot: Ammo Jobs: All Race: All Stack: 12
    Pet Food Alpha Biscuit Sellers: 12 gil*
    Dwago - Galka - Zone: Aht Urhgan Whitegate(MAP) - I-6 - Standard Merchant
    Neigepance - Elvaan - Zone: Bastok Mines(MAP) - J-9 - Standard Merchant
    Mamerie - Elvaan - Zone: Kazham(MAP) - F-9 - Standard Merchant
    Generoit - Elvaan - Zone: Rabao(MAP) - G-6 - Standard Merchant
    Ferdoulemiont - Elvaan - Zone: San d'Oria South(MAP) - I-11 - Standard Merchant
    Quesse - Elvaan - Zone: Windurst Woods(MAP) - K-12 - Standard Merchant

    Guild Pts. Max: 1120 Guild Pts.: 3 Max Req Items: 373.3
    Craft:Cooking - 9 - Amateur
    Synthesis: Earth Crystal (South) Bird Egg, Distilled Water, Hare Meat, Horo Flour
    Result: Pet Food Alpha Biscuit x12

    Bird Egg Sellers: 56 gil*
    Denvihr - Galka - Zone: Bastok Port (MAP) - G-7 - Standard Merchant
    Albinie - Elvaan - Zone: San d'Oria Port (MAP) - H-6 - Standard Merchant
    Uli Pehkowa - Mithra - Zone: Windurst Port (MAP) - M-7 - Standard Merchant
    Chomo Jinjahl - Mithra - Zone: Windurst Waters (MAP) - E-8 - Cooking Guild Merchant
    Kopopo - Tarutaru - Zone: Windurst Waters (MAP) - E-8 - Cooking Guild Merchant
    Dropped from MOBs:
    Ba - Batallia Downs (Level: 25-28)
    Raven - Bibiki Bay (Level: 36-38)
    Zu - Buburimu Peninsula (Level: 20-23)
    Marsh Murre - Caedarva Mire (Level: 64-67)
    Toucan - Purgonorgo Isle (Level: 38-40)
    Vulture - Gustaberg South (Level: 2-6)
    Screamer - Jugner Forest (Level: 15-18)
    Akbaba - La Theine Plateau (Level: 9-13)
    Jubjub - Meriphataud Mountains (Level: 15-18)
    Riverne Vulture - Riverne - Site #A01 (Level: 39-42)
    Flamingo - Ru'Aun Gardens (Level: 72-74)
    Carrion Crow - Sarutabaruta East (Level: 2-5)
    Carrion Crow - Sarutabaruta West (Level: 2-6)
    Akbaba - Tahrongi Canyon (Level: 9-13)

    Distilled Water Sellers: 12 gil*
    Gavrie - Hume - Zone: Aht Urhgan Whitegate (MAP) - F-8 - Standard Merchant
    Tomasa - Hume - Zone: Bastock Metalworks (MAP) - H-9 - Standard Merchant
    Griselda - Hume - Zone: Bastok Mines (MAP) - H-5 - Standard Merchant
    Maymunah - Hume - Zone: Bastok Mines (MAP) - K-7 - Alchemy Guild Merchant
    Odoba - Galka - Zone: Bastok Mines (MAP) - K-6 - Alchemy Guild Merchant
    Melloa - Elvaan - Zone: Bastok Port (MAP) - D-6 - Standard Merchant
    Sawyer - Hume - Zone: Bastok Port (MAP) - E-6 - Standard Merchant
    Yoskolo - Hume - Zone: Jeuno Lower (MAP) - I-8 - Standard Merchant
    Leyla - Hume - Zone: Jeuno Port (MAP) - H-8 - Standard Merchant
    Leillaine - Elvaan - Zone: Jeuno Upper (MAP) - G-9 - Standard Merchant
    Pahya Lolohoiv - Mithra - Zone: Kazham (MAP) - I-8 - Standard Merchant
    Pikini-Mikini - Tarutaru - Zone: Mhaura (MAP) - G-9 - Standard Merchant
    Scamplix - Goblin - Zone: Rabao (MAP) - F-7 - Standard Merchant
    Boncort - Elvaan - Zone: San d'Oria North (MAP) - F-8 - Standard Merchant
    Croumangue - Elvaan - Zone: San d'Oria Port - G-7 - Standard Merchant
    Benaige - Elvaan - Zone: San d'Oria South (MAP) - F-7 - Standard Merchant
    Cletae - Elvaan - Zone: San d'Oria South (MAP) - D-8 - Leathercraft Guild Merchant
    Kueh Igunahmori - Mithra - Zone: San d'Oria South (MAP) - D-8 - Leathercraft Guild Merchant
    Shilah - Hume - Zone: San d'Oria South (MAP) - K-6 - Standard Merchant
    Dohdjuma - Galka - Zone: Selbina (MAP) - G-10 - Standard Merchant
    Komalata - Hume - Zone: Tavnazian Safehold (MAP) - G-7 - Standard Merchant
    Ness Rugetomal - Mithra - Zone: Windurst Waters (MAP) - F-10 - Standard Merchant
    Taajiji - Tarutaru - Zone: Windurst Waters (MAP) - F-10 - Standard Merchant
    Wije Tiren - Mithra - Zone: Windurst Woods (MAP) - I-8 - Standard Merchant
    Dropped from MOBs:
    Sabotender - Eastern Altepa Desert (Level: 42-46)
    Sabotender Bailaor - Quicksand Caves (Level: 52-59)
    Spelunking Sabotender - Quicksand Caves (Level: 62-68)
    Cactuar - Western Altepa Desert (Level: 48-53)
    Goblin Welldigger - Western Altepa Desert (Level: 51-55)

    Hare Meat Sellers:
    Chomo Jinjahl - Mithra - Zone: Windurst Waters (MAP) - E-8 - Cooking Guild Merchant
    Kopopo - Tarutaru - Zone: Windurst Waters (MAP) - E-8 - Cooking Guild Merchant
    Dropped from MOBs:
    Island Rarab - Bibiki Bay (Level: 34-38)
    Tropical Rarab - Bibiki Bay (Level: 73-76)
    Unut - Boyahda Tree (Level: 72)
    Mighty Rarab - Buburimu Peninsula (Level: 15-18)
    Beach Bunny - Cape Teriggan (Level: 62-65)
    Hoarder Hare - Dangruf Wadi (Level: 6-8)
    Wadi Hare - Dangruf Wadi (Level: 11-14)
    Steppe Hare - La Theine Plateau (Level: 7-10)
    Blood Bunny Ordelle's Caves (Level: 17-19)
    Vorpal Bunny - Ordelle's Caves (Level: 23-26)
    Pit Hare - Palborough Mines (Level: 2-6)
    Rabid Rat - Palborough Mines (Level: 11-13)
    Bog Bunny - Pashhow Marshlands (Level: 13-16)
    Forest Hare - Ronfaure East (Level: 1-5)
    Wild Rabbit - Ronfaure East (Level: 1)
    Forest Hare - Ronfaure West (Level: 1-5)
    Jaggedy-Eared Jack - Ronfaure West (Level: 9-10)
    Wild Rabbit - Ronfaure West (Level: 1)
    Savanna Rarab - Sarutabaruta East (Level: 1-6)
    Savanna Rarab - Sarutabaruta West (Level: 1-5)
    Canyon Rarab - Tahrongi Canyon (Level: 7-10)
    Polar Hare - Uleguerand Range (Level: 65-68)
    Variable Hare - Uleguerand Range (Level: 58-61)
    Sand Hare - Valkurm Dunes (Level: 15-18)
    Stolen from MOBs:
    Blood Bunny Ordelle's Caves (Level: 17-19)
    Pit Hare - Palborough Mines (Level: 2-6)
    Savanna Rarab - Sarutabaruta East (Level: 1-6)
    Savanna Rarab - Sarutabaruta West (Level: 1-5)
    Canyon Rarab - Tahrongi Canyon (Level: 7-10)
    Uleguerand Tiger - Uleguerand Range (Level: 60-63)

    Horo Flour Sellers: 40 gil*
    Oggodett - Galka - Zone: Bastok Markets (MAP) - I-9 - Aragoneu Regional Merchant
    Pawkrix - Goblin - Zone: Jeuno Lower (MAP) - H-10 - Standard Merchant
    Antonian - Elvaan - Zone: San d'Oria North (MAP) - J-8 - Aragoneu Regional Merchant
    Maqu Molpih - Mithra - Zone: Windurst Waters (MAP) - H-8 - Aragoneu Regional Merchant
    Last edited by Spiritbear; 02-10-2007, 08:33 AM.

    Created by Eohmer

  • #2
    Re: Complete Jug Recipes with Links... Enjoy!!

    Carrion Broth

    Desc: Calls a lizard familiar.
    Cat: Weapons / Ammo & Misc. / Pet Items Slot: Ammo Level: 33 Jobs: BST Race: All Stack: 12
    Carrion Broth Sellers: 740 gil*
    Neigepance - Elvaan - Zone: Bastok Mines(MAP) - J-9 - Standard Merchant
    Mamerie - Elvaan - Zone: Kazham(MAP) - F-9 - Standard Merchant
    Generoit - Elvaan - Zone: Rabao(MAP) - G-6 - Standard Merchant
    Ferdoulemiont - Elvaan - Zone: San d'Oria South(MAP) - I-11 - Standard Merchant
    Quesse - Elvaan - Zone: Windurst Woods(MAP) - K-12 - Standard Merchant

    Craft: Cooking - 11 - Recruit
    Synthesis: Water Crystal (West) Gelatin, Hare Meat x2, Rotten Meat
    Result: Carrion Broth x4 HQ #1: Cold Carrion Broth x2 HQ #2: Cold Carrion Broth x4 HQ #3: Cold Carrion Broth x8

    Gelatin Sellers:
    Chomo Jinjahl - Mithra - Zone: Windurst Waters (MAP) - E-8 - Cooking Guild Merchant
    Kopopo - Tarutaru - Zone: Windurst Waters (MAP) - E-8 - Cooking Guild Merchant
    Craft: Bonecraft - 13 - Recruit
    Synthesis: Fire Crystal (North West) Chicken Bone x2 Distilled Water
    Result: Gelatin x1 HQ #1: Gelatin x2 HQ #2: Gelatin x3 HQ #3: Gelatin x4
    Craft: Bonecraft - 16 - Recruit
    Synthesis: Fire Crystal (North West) Bone Chip x4 Distilled Water
    Result: Gelatin x1 HQ #1: Gelatin x2 HQ #2: Gelatin x3 HQ #3: Gelatin x4
    Craft: Bonecraft - 28 - Initiate
    Synthesis: Fire Crystal (North West) Distilled Water, Giant Femur
    Result: Gelatin x4 HQ #1: Gelatin x6 HQ #2: Gelatin x8 HQ #3: Gelatin x10

    Hare Meat- See Pet Food Alpha Biscuit

    Rotten Meat Dropped from MOBs:
    Antican Auxiliarius - Eastern Altepa Desert (Level: 35-39)
    Antican Decurio - Eastern Altepa Desert (Level: 44-49)
    Antican Faber - Eastern Altepa Desert (Level: 35-39)
    Antican Funditor - Eastern Altepa Desert (Level: 35-39)
    Antican Sagittarius - Eastern Altepa Desert (Level: 44-49)
    Antican Speculator - Eastern Altepa Desert (Level: 44-49)
    Antican Veles - Eastern Altepa Desert (Level: 50-52)
    Antican Aedilis - Quicksand Caves (Level: 62-72)
    Antican Antesignanus - Quicksand Caves (Level: 62-72)
    Antican Hastatus - Quicksand Caves (Level: 52-59)
    Antican Princeps - Quicksand Caves (Level: 52-59)
    Antican Quaestor - Quicksand Caves (Level: 62-72)
    Antican Signifer - Quicksand Caves (Level: 52-59)
    Antican Triarius - Quicksand Caves (Level: 62-72)
    Antican Eques - Western Altepa Desert (Level: 45-49)
    Antican Essedarius - Western Altepa Desert (Level: 41-45)
    Antican Hoplomachus - Western Altepa Desert (Level: 54-58)
    Antican Lanista - Western Altepa Desert (Level: 54-58)
    Antican Retiarius - Western Altepa Desert (Level: 45-49)
    Antican Secutor - Western Altepa Desert (Level: 54-58)

    Bug Broth

    Desc: Calls a mayfly familiar.
    Cat: Weapons / Ammo & Misc. / Pet Items Slot: Ammo Level: 33 Jobs: BST Race: All Stack: 12
    Bug Broth Sellers: 740 gil*
    Dwago - Galka - Zone: Aht Urhgan Whitegate (MAP) - I-6 - Standard Merchant
    Neigepance - Elvaan - Zone: Bastok Mines(MAP) - J-9 - Standard Merchant
    Mamerie - Elvaan - Zone: Kazham(MAP) - F-9 - Standard Merchant
    Generoit - Elvaan - Zone: Rabao(MAP) - G-6 - Standard Merchant
    Ferdoulemiont - Elvaan - Zone: San d'Oria South(MAP) - I-11 - Standard Merchant
    Quesse - Elvaan - Zone: Windurst Woods(MAP) - K-12 - Standard Merchant

    Craft: Cooking - 15 - Recruit
    Synthesis: Water Crystal (West) Lugworm x2 Shell Bug x2
    Result: Bug Broth x4 HQ #1: Quadav Bug Broth x2 HQ #2: Quadav Bug Broth x4 HQ #3: Quadav Bug Broth x8

    Lugworm Sellers: 10 gil*
    Dwago - Galka - Zone: Aht Urhgan Whitegate (MAP) - I-6 - Standard Merchant
    Wahnid - Hume - Zone: Aht Urhgan Whitegate (MAP) - H-11 - Guild Merchant
    Gelzerio - Galka - Zone: Bastok Mines (MAP) - H-7 - Standard Merchant
    Jidwahn - Hume - Zone: Ferry: Al Zahbi - Nashmau (MAP) - ?-? - Guild Merchant
    Cehn Teyohngo - Mithra - Zone: Ferry: Mhaura - Al Zahbi (MAP) - ?-? - Guild Merchant
    Lokhong - Hume - Zone: Ferry: Mhaura - Selbina (MAP) - Standard Merchant
    Rajmonda - Hume - Zone: Ferry: Mhaura - Selbina (MAP) - ?-? - Guild Merchant
    Pikini-Mikini - Tarutaru - Zone: Mhaura (MAP) - G-9 - Standard Merchant
    Solby-Maholby - Tarutaru - Zone: Norg (MAP) - H-9 - Tenshodo Merchant
    Lusiane - Elvaan - Zone: San d'Oria South (MAP) - F-8 - Standard Merchant
    Dohdjuma - Galka - Zone: Selbina (MAP) - G-10 - Standard Merchant
    Babubu - Tarutaru - Zone: Windurst Port (MAP) - C-8 - Guild Merchant
    Ensasa - Tarutaru - Zone: Windurst Waters (MAP) - H-9 - Standard Merchant

    Shell Bug Dropped from MOBs:
    Brass Quadav - Beadeaux (Level: 24-28)
    Bronze Quadav - Beadeaux (Level: 32-36)
    Copper Quadav - Beadeaux (Level: 22-27)
    Brass Quadav - Palborough Mines (Level: 21-23)
    Brass Quadav - Pashhow Marshlands (Level: 20-26)
    Copper Quadav - Pashhow Marshlands (Level: 20-26)

    Pet Food Beta Biscuit

    Desc: A biscuit created by the legendary beastmaster Moui. It contains all the nutrients a beast needs for a healthy diet.
    Cat: Weapons / Ammo & Misc. / Pet Items Slot: Ammo Jobs: All Race: All Stack: 12
    Pet Food Beta Biscuit Sellers: 88 gil*
    Dwago - Galka - Zone: Aht Urhgan Whitegate (MAP) - I-6 - Standard Merchant
    Neigepance - Elvaan - Zone: Bastok Mines(MAP) - J-9 - Standard Merchant
    Mamerie - Elvaan - Zone: Kazham(MAP) - F-9 - Standard Merchant
    Generoit - Elvaan - Zone: Rabao(MAP) - G-6 - Standard Merchant
    Ferdoulemiont - Elvaan - Zone: San d'Oria South(MAP) - I-11 - Standard Merchant
    Quesse - Elvaan - Zone: Windurst Woods(MAP) - K-12 - Standard Merchant

    Craft: Cooking - 19 - Recruit
    Synthesis: Earth Crystal (South), Bird Egg, Distilled Water, G. Sheep Meat, Horo Flour
    Result: Pet Food Beta Biscuit x12

    Dropped from MOBs:
    Goblin Tamer - Kuftal Tunnel (Level: 66-69)

    G. Sheep Meat Sellers: 48 gil*
    Rosswald - Hume - Zone: Bastok Port (MAP) - J-7 - Zulkheim Regional Merchant
    Phamelise - Elvaan - Zone: San d'Oria South (MAP) - K-9 - Zulkheim Regional Merchant
    Chomo Jinjahl - Mithra - Zone: Windurst Waters (MAP) - E-8 - Cooking Guild Merchant
    Kopopo - Tarutaru - Zone: Windurst Waters (MAP) - E-8 - Cooking Guild Merchant
    Bin Stejihna - Mithra - Zone: Windurst Woods (MAP) - G-8 - Zulkheim Regional Merchant
    Dropped from MOBs:
    Broo Beadeaux (Level: 39-41)
    Charging Sheep - Beadeaux (Level: 28-30)
    Ornery Sheep - Gustaberg North (Level: 5-8)
    Ornery Sheep - Gustaberg South (Level: 5-8)
    Brutal Sheep - Jugner Forest (Level: 18-21)
    Mad Sheep - Konschtat Highlands (Level: 11-13)
    Stray Mary - Konschtat Highlands (Level: 19-20)
    Mad Sheep - La Theine Plateau (Level: 11-13)
    Tavnazian Sheep - Lufaise Meadows (Level: 33-37)
    Tavnazian Sheep- Misareaux Coast (Level: 33-37)
    Wild Sheep - Ronfaure East (Level: 5-8)
    Wild Sheep - Ronfaure West (Level: 5-8)
    Brutal Sheep - Valkurm Dunes (Level: 20-23)
    Stolen from MOBs:
    Forest Tiger - Carpenters' Landing (Level: 22-25)
    Bugard - Lufaise Meadows (Level: 34-37)
    Gigantobugard - Lufaise Meadows (Level: 40-43)
    Bugard - Misareaux Coast (Level: 34-37)
    Gigantobugard - Misareaux Coast (Level: 40-43)

    Bird Egg- See Pet Food Alpha Biscuit

    Distilled Water- See Pet Food Alpha Biscuit

    Horo Flour- See Pet Food Alpha Biscuit

    Meat Broth

    Desc: Calls a tiger familiar.
    Cat: Weapons / Ammo & Misc. / Pet Items Slot: Ammo Level: 28 Jobs: BST Race: All Stack: 12
    Craft: Cooking - 28 - Initiate
    Synthesis: Water Crystal (West), Dhalmel Meat, G. Sheep Meat, Gelatin, Hare Meat
    Result: Meat Broth x4 HQ #1: Warm Meat Broth x2 HQ #2: Warm Meat Broth x4 HQ #3: Warm Meat Broth x8

    Dhalmel Meat Sellers: 240 gil*
    Yafafa - Tarutaru - Zone: Bastok Markets (MAP) - I-5 - Kolshushu Regional Merchant
    Fiva - Elvaan - Zone: San d'Oria Port (MAP) - G-6 - Kolshushu Regional Merchant
    Ahyeekih - Hume - Zone: Windurst Waters (MAP) - H-10 - Kolshushu Regional Merchant
    Chomo Jinjahl - Mithra - Zone: Windurst Waters (MAP) - E-8 - Cooking Guild Merchant
    Kopopo - Tarutaru - Zone: Windurst Waters (MAP) - E-8 - Cooking Guild Merchant
    Dropped from MOBs:
    Catoblepas - Bibiki Bay (Level: 76-80)
    Marine Dhalmel - Bibiki Bay (Level: 34-37)
    Bull Dhalmel - Buburimu Peninsula (Level: 20-23)
    Desert Dhalmel - Eastern Altepa Desert (Level: 39-44)
    Wild Dhalmel - Tahrongi Canyon (Level: 14-16)
    Desert Dhalmel - Western Altepa Desert (Level: 44-48)

    G. Sheep Meat- See Pet Food Beta Biscuit

    Gelatin- See Carrion Broth

    Hare Meat- See Pet Food Beta Biscuit
    Last edited by Spiritbear; 02-10-2007, 09:38 AM.

    Created by Eohmer


    • #3
      Re: Complete Jug Recipes with Links... Enjoy!!

      Pet Food Gamma Biscuit

      Desc: A biscuit created by the legendary beastmaster Moui. It contains all the nutrients a beast needs for a healthy diet.
      Cat: Weapons / Ammo & Misc. / Pet Items Slot: Ammo Jobs: All Race: All Stack: 12
      Craft: Cooking - 29 - Initiate
      Synthesis: Earth Crystal (South), Bird Egg, Dhalmel Meat, Distilled Water, Horo Flour
      Result: Pet Food Gamma Biscuit x6 HQ #1: Pet Food Gamma Biscuit x8 HQ #2: Pet Food Gamma Biscuit x10 HQ #3: Pet Food Gamma Biscuit x12

      Bird Egg- See Pet Food Alpha Biscuit

      Dhalmel Meat- See Meat Broth

      Distilled Water- See Pet Food Alpha Biscuit

      Horo Flour-See Pet Food Alpha Biscuit

      Fish Broth

      Desc: Calls a crab familiar.
      Cat: Weapons / Ammo & Misc. / Pet Items Slot: Ammo Level: 23 Jobs: BST Race: All Stack: 12
      Fish Broth Sellers: 165 gil
      Toji Mumosulah - Mithra - Zone: Kazham (MAP) - I-8 - Standard Merchant
      Craft: Cooking - 37 - Novice
      Synthesis: Water Crystal (West) Bastore Sardine x4
      Result: Fish Broth x2 HQ #1: Fish Oil Broth x1 HQ #2: Fish Oil Broth x2 HQ #3: Fish Oil Broth x3
      Craft: Cooking - 45 - Apprentice
      Synthesis: Water Crystal (West) Gugru Tuna
      Result: Fish Broth x4 HQ #1: Fish Oil Broth x2 HQ #2: Fish Oil Broth x4 HQ #3: Fish Oil Broth x6
      Craft: Cooking - 45 - Apprentice
      Synthesis: Water Crystal (West) Bluetail x2
      Result: Fish Broth x12 HQ #1: Fish Oil Broth x4 HQ #2: Fish Oil Broth x8 HQ #3: Fish Oil Broth x12
      Dropped from MOBs:
      Goblin Tamer - Kuftal Tunnel (Level: 66-69)

      Bastore Sardine Sellers:
      Jidwahn - Hume - Zone: Ferry: Al Zahbi - Nashmau (MAP) - ?-? - Guild Merchant
      Lokhong - Hume - Zone: Ferry: Mhaura - Selbina (MAP) - Standard Merchant
      Rajmonda - Hume - Zone: Ferry: Mhaura - Selbina (MAP) - ?-? - Guild Merchant
      Graegham - Hume - Zone: Selbina (MAP) - H-9 - Guild Merchant
      Mendoline - Hume - Zone: Selbina (MAP) - H-9 - Guild Merchant
      Babubu - Tarutaru - Zone: Windurst Port (MAP) - C-8 - Guild Merchant
      Chomo Jinjahl - Mithra - Zone: Windurst Waters (MAP) - E-8 - Cooking Guild Merchant
      Kopopo - Tarutaru - Zone: Windurst Waters (MAP) - E-8 - Cooking Guild Merchant
      Dropped from MOBs:
      Abyss Sahagin - Sea Serpent Grotto (Level: 72-74)
      Coastal Sahagin - Sea Serpent Grotto (Level: 62-72)
      Coral Sahagin -Sea Serpent Grotto (Level: 72-74)
      Delta Sahagin - Sea Serpent Grotto (Level: 62-72)
      Fyuu the Seabellow - Sea Serpent Grotto (Level: 48)
      Lagoon Sahagin - Sea Serpent Grotto (Level: 62-72)
      Novv the Whitehearted - Sea Serpent Grotto (Level: 66)
      Shore Sahagin - Sea Serpent Grotto (Level: 62-72)
      Wuur the Sandcomber - Sea Serpent Grotto (Level: 48-50)
      Yarr the Pearleyed - Sea Serpent Grotto (Level: 64-66)

      Gugru Tuna Sellers:
      Lokhong - Hume - Zone: Ferry: Mhaura - Selbina (MAP) - Standard Merchant
      Rajmonda - Hume - Zone: Ferry: Mhaura - Selbina (MAP) - ?-? - Guild Merchant
      Graegham - Hume - Zone: Selbina (MAP) - H-9 - Guild Merchant
      Mendoline - Hume - Zone: Selbina (MAP) - H-9 - Guild Merchant

      Bluetail Sellers:
      Mep Nhapopoluko - Mithra - Zone: Bibiki Bay (MAP) - H-7 - Guild Merchant
      Lokhong - Hume - Zone: Ferry: Mhaura - Selbina (MAP) - Standard Merchant
      Rajmonda - Hume - Zone: Ferry: Mhaura - Selbina (MAP) - ?-? - Guild Merchant
      Graegham - Hume - Zone: Selbina (MAP) - H-9 - Guild Merchant
      Mendoline - Hume - Zone: Selbina (MAP) - H-9 - Guild Merchant
      Babubu - Tarutaru - Zone: Windurst Port (MAP) - C-8 - Guild Merchant
      Chomo Jinjahl - Mithra - Zone: Windurst Waters (MAP) - E-8 - Cooking Guild Merchant
      Kopopo - Tarutaru - Zone: Windurst Waters (MAP) - E-8 - Cooking Guild Merchant

      Pet Food Delta Biscuit

      Desc: A biscuit created by the legendary beastmaster Moui. It contains all the nutrients a beast needs for a healthy diet.
      Cat: Weapons / Ammo & Misc. / Pet Items Slot: Ammo Jobs: All Race: All Stack: 12
      Craft: Cooking - 39 - Novice
      Synthesis: Earth Crystal (South), Bird Egg, Distilled Water, Land Crab Meat, Rye Flour
      Result: Pet Food Delta Biscuit x6 HQ #1: Pet Food Delta Biscuit x8 HQ #2: Pet Food Delta Biscuit x10 HQ #3: Pet Food Delta Biscuit x12
      Dropped from MOBs:
      Goblin Tamer - Kuftal Tunnel (Level: 66-69)

      Bird Egg- See Pet Food Alpha Biscuit

      Distilled Water- See Pet Food Alpha Biscuit

      Land Crap Meat Dropped from MOBs:
      Aquarius - Boyahda Tree (Level: 69-71)
      Robber Crab - Boyahda Tree (Level: 62-66)
      Steelshell - Boyahda Tree (Level: 73-76)
      Snipper - Buburimu Peninsula (Level: 18-22)
      Robber Crab - Cape Teriggan (Level: 64-67)
      Rock Crab - Cape Teriggan (Level: 59-60)
      Snipper - Carpenters' Landing (Level: 15-19)
      Triangle Crab - Carpenters' Landing (Level: 15-19)
      Cutter - Castle Oztroja (Level: 29-31)
      Coral Crab - Dangruf Wadi (Level: 10-12)
      Land Crab - Dangruf Wadi (Level: 5-7)
      Rock Crab - Den of Rancor (Level: 53-55)
      Bigclaw - Eastern Altepa Desert (Level: 48-51)
      Cutter - Eastern Altepa Desert (Level: 30-33)
      Ironshell -Eastern Altepa Desert (Level: 36-39)
      Bigclaw - Ferry: Al Zahbi - Nashmau (Level: 50-52)
      Cyan Deep Crab - Ferry: Al Zahbi - Nashmau (Level: 50-52)
      Cyan Deep Pugil - Ferry: Al Zahbi - Nashmau (Level: 50-52)
      Gugru Crab - Ferry: Mhaura - Al Zahbi (Level: 33-35)
      Passage Crab - Ferry: Mhaura - Al Zahbi (Level: 34-37)
      Ocean Crab - Ferry: Mhaura - Selbina (Level: 10-14)
      Sea Crab - Ferry: Mhaura - Selbina (Level: 10-20)
      Land Crab - Gustaberg South (Level: 5-6)
      Robber Crab - Gustav Tunnel (Level: 65-68)
      King Arthro - Jugner Forest (Level: 55)
      Knight Crab - Jugner Forest (Level: 35)
      Stag Crab - Jugner Forest (Level: 16-18)
      Cargo Crab Colin - Korroloka Tunnel (Level: 35-37)
      Clipper - Korroloka Tunnel (Level: 29-32)
      Snipper - Korroloka Tunnel (Level: 22-24)
      Cancer - Kuftal Tunnel (Level: 65)
      Robber Crab - Kuftal Tunnel (Level: 60-63)
      Scavenger Crab - Kuftal Tunnel (Level: 60-62)
      Coral Crab - La Theine Plateau (Level: 8-10)
      Thickshell - La Theine Plateau (Level: 12-14)
      Crimson Knight Crab - Lufaise Meadows (Level: 33-36)
      Cutter Manaclipper (Level: 25-35)
      Bigclaw - Misareaux Coast (Level: 45-48)
      Crimson Knight Crab - Misareaux Coast (Level: 33-36)
      Wootzshell - Mount Zhayolm (Level: 70-71)
      Snipper - Phanauet Channel (Level: 15-19)
      Thickshell - Phanauet Channel (Level: 10-20)
      Clipper - Qufim Island (Level: 25-29)
      Bigclaw - Sanctuary of Zi'Tah (Level: 42-45)
      Bigclaw - Sea Serpent Grotto (Level: 43-48)
      Bigclaw - Sea Serpent Grotto (Level: 43-47)
      Greatclaw - Sea Serpent Grotto (Level: 66-69)
      Ironshell - Sea Serpent Grotto (Level: 37-40)
      Robber Crab - Sea Serpent Grotto (Level: 62-67)
      Rock Crab - Sea Serpent Grotto (Level: 55-57)
      Rock Crab - Sea Serpent Grotto (Level: 53-58)
      Scavenger Crab - Toraimarai Canal (Level: 60-62)
      Cutter - Valkurm Dunes (Level: 28-30)
      Snipper - Valkurm Dunes (Level: 20-22)
      Stag Crab - Valkurm Dunes (Level: 15-17)
      Clipper - Yhoator Jungle (Level: 30-33)
      Bigclaw - Yuhtunga Jungle (Level: 41-43)
      Bigclaw - Yuhtunga Jungle (Level: 47-49)
      Stolen from MOBs:
      Sabertooth Tiger - Batallia Downs (Level: 28-32)
      Nue - Beaucedine Glacier (Level: 41-42)
      Tundra Tiger - Beaucedine Glacier (Level: 34-37)
      Sabertooth Tiger - Carpenters' Landing (Level: 29-32)
      Forest Tiger - Jugner Forest (Level: 22-25)
      Ovinnik - Kuftal Tunnel (Level: 77-79)

      Rye Flour Sellers: 40 gil*
      Evelyn - Hume - Zone: Bastok Port (MAP) - J-7 - Gustaberg Regional Merchant
      Rosswald - Hume - Zone: Bastok Port (MAP) - J-7 - Zulkheim Regional Merchant
      Apairemant - Elvaan - Zone: San d'Oria South (MAP) - K-9 - Gustaberg Regional Merchant
      Benaige - Elvaan - Zone: San d'Oria South (MAP) - F-7 - Standard Merchant
      Phamelise - Elvaan - Zone: San d'Oria South (MAP) - K-9 - Zulkheim Regional Merchant
      Dohdjuma - Galka - Zone: Selbina (MAP) - G-10 - Standard Merchant
      Komalata - Hume - Zone: Tavnazian Safehold (MAP) - G-7 - Standard Merchant
      Chomo Jinjahl - Mithra - Zone: Windurst Waters (MAP) - E-8 - Cooking Guild Merchant
      Kopopo - Tarutaru - Zone: Windurst Waters (MAP) - E-8 - Cooking Guild Merchant
      Bin Stejihna - Mithra - Zone: Windurst Woods (MAP) - G-8 - Zulkheim Regional Merchant
      Nya Labiccio - Mithra - Zone: Windurst Woods (MAP) - H-11 - Gustaberg Regional Merchant

      Pet Food Epsilon Biscuit

      Desc: A biscuit created by the legendary beastmaster Moui. It contains all the nutrients a beast needs for a healthy diet.
      Cat: Weapons / Ammo & Misc. / Pet Items Slot: Ammo Jobs: All Race: All Stack: 12
      Craft: Cooking - 49 - Apprentice
      Synthesis: Earth Crystal (South), Cockatrice Meat, Distilled Water, Lizard Egg, Rye Flour
      Result: Pet Food Epsilon Biscuit x4 HQ #1: Pet Food Epsilon Biscuit x6 HQ #2: Pet Food Epsilon Biscuit x8 HQ #3: Pet Food Epsilon Biscuit x10
      Dropped from MOBs:
      Sand Cockatrice - Cape Teriggan (Level: 71-74)
      Greater Cockatrice - Kuftal Tunnel (Level: 78-80)
      Pelican - Kuftal Tunnel (Level: 80-81)
      Cockatrice - Labyrinth of Onzozo (Level: 50-53)
      Axe Beak - Meriphataud Mountains (Level: 25-28)
      Waraxe Beak - Meriphataud Mountains (Level: 55-56)
      Deadly Dodo - Sauromugue Champaign (Level: 39-40)
      Tabar Beak - Sauromugue Champaign (Level: 34-37)
      Stolen from MOBs:
      Sabertooth Tiger - Sauromugue Champaign (Level: 28-32)

      Distilled Water- See Pet Food Alpha Biscuit

      Lizard Egg Dropped from MOBs:
      Bane Lizard - Attohwa Chasm (Level: 47-49)
      Chasm Lizard - Attohwa Chasm (Level: 40-42)
      Sand Lizard - Attohwa Chasm (Level: 65-67)
      Eft - Bibiki Bay (Level: 33-36)
      Tartarus Eft - Bibiki Bay (Level: 76-78)
      Sand Lizard - Cape Teriggan (Level: 62-66)
      Labyrinth Lizard - Crawlers' Nest (Level: 49-51)
      Maze Lizard - Crawlers' Nest (Level: 41-43)
      Geyser Lizard - Dangruf Wadi (Level: 28-30)
      Steam Lizard - Dangruf Wadi (Level: 16-20)
      War Lizard - Davoi (Level: 29-32)
      Tormentor - Den of Rancor (Level: 75-79)
      Labyrinth Lizard - Gustav Tunnel (Level: 46-49)
      Ash Lizard - Ifrit's Cauldron (Level: 73-76)
      Amemet - Kuftal Tunnel (Level: 66)
      Sand Lizard - Kuftal Tunnel (Level: 61-64)
      Hill Lizard - Meriphataud Mountains (Level: 19-22)
      Labyrinth Lizard - Pso'Xja (Level: 52-58)
      Maze Lizard - Pso'Xja (Level: 43-45)
      Nussknacker - Quicksand Caves (Level: 60)
      Sand Lizard - Quicksand Caves (Level: 56-59)
      Hill Lizard - Sauromugue Champaign (Level: 22-26)
      White Lizard - Yhoator Jungle (Level: 36-39)
      Ivory Lizard - Yuhtunga Jungle (Level: 32-35)
      Stolen from MOBs:
      Bane Lizard - Attohwa Chasm (Level: 47-49)
      Chasm Lizard - Attohwa Chasm (Level: 40-42)
      Eft - Bibiki Bay (Level: 33-36)
      Intulo - Bibiki Bay (Level: 46-47)
      Tartarus Eft - Bibiki Bay (Level: 76-78)
      Sand Lizard - Cape Teriggan (Level: 62-66)
      Labyrinth Lizard - Crawlers' Nest (Level: 49-51)
      Steam Lizard - Dangruf Wadi (Level: 16-20)
      Geezard - Davoi (Level: 34-37)
      War Lizard - Davoi (Level: 29-32)
      Sand Lizard - Kuftal Tunnel (Level: 61-64)
      Hill Lizard - Meriphataud Mountains (Level: 19-22)
      Sand Lizard - Quicksand Caves (Level: 56-59)
      Hill Lizard - Valkurm Dunes (Level: 15-18)

      Rye Flour- See Pet Food Delta Biscuit

      Grasshopper Broth

      Desc: Calls a flytrap familiar.
      Cat: Weapons / Ammo & Misc. / Pet Items Slot: Ammo Level: 28 Jobs: BST Race: All Stack: 12
      Craft: Cooking - 52 - Journeyman
      Synthesis: Water Crystal (West), Gysahl Greens, King Locust, La Theine Cabbage, Mushroom Locust, Skull Locust x2
      Result: Grasshopper Broth x4 HQ #1: Noisy Grasshopper Broth x2 HQ #2: Noisy Grasshopper Broth x4 HQ #3: Noisy Grasshopper Broth x6

      Gysahl Greens Sellers: 68 gil*
      Neigepance - Elvaan - Zone: Bastok Mines (MAP) - J-9 - Standard Merchant
      Belka - Hume - Zone: Bastok Port (MAP) - E-7 - Derfland Regional Merchant
      Rhimonne - Elvaan - Zone: Jeuno Lower (MAP) - G-11 - Standard Merchant
      Challoux - Elvaan - Zone: Jeuno Port (MAP) - I-8 - Standard Merchant
      Mejuone - Elvaan - Zone: Jeuno Upper (MAP) - G-7 - Standard Merchant
      Mamerie - Elvaan - Zone: Kazham (MAP) - F-9 - Standard Merchant
      Generoit - Elvaan - Zone: Rabao (MAP) - G-6 - Standard Merchant
      Ferdoulemiont - Elvaan - Zone: San d'Oria South (MAP) - I-11 - Standard Merchant
      Pourette - Elvaan - Zone: San d'Oria South (MAP) - J-9 - Derfland Regional Merchant
      Quesse - Elvaan - Zone: Windurst Woods (MAP) - K-12 - Standard Merchant
      Taraihi-Perunhi - Tarutaru - Zone: Windurst Woods (MAP) - J-10 - Derfland Regional Merchant
      King Locust- Buy in AH. Food/Ingredients or by Harvesting in Giddeus.
      La Theine Cabbage Sellers: 24 gil*
      Rosswald - Hume - Zone: Bastok Port (MAP) - J-7 - Zulkheim Regional Merchant
      Aveline - Elvaan - Zone: San d'Oria South (MAP) - F-7 - Standard Merchant
      Phamelise - Elvaan - Zone: San d'Oria South (MAP) - K-9 - Zulkheim Regional Merchant
      Chomo Jinjahl - Mithra - Zone: Windurst Waters (MAP) - E-8 - Cooking Guild Merchant
      Kopopo - Tarutaru - Zone: Windurst Waters (MAP) - E-8 - Cooking Guild Merchant
      Bin Stejihna - Mithra - Zone: Windurst Woods (MAP) - G-8 - Zulkheim Regional Merchant
      Dropped from MOBs:
      Steppe Hare - La Theine Plateau (Level: 7-10)
      Stolen from MOBs:
      Steppe Hare- La Theine Plateau (Level: 7-10)
      Sand Hare - Valkurm Dunes (Level: 15-18)
      Mushroom Locust - Buy in AH. Food/Ingredients or by Harvesting in Yuhtunga and Yhoator Jungles.
      Skull Locust - Buy in AH. Food/Ingredients or by Harvesting in West Sarutabaruta.

      Pet Food Zeta Biscuit

      Desc: A biscuit created by the legendary beastmaster Moui. It contains all the nutrients a beast needs for a healthy diet.
      Cat: Weapons / Ammo & Misc. / Pet Items Slot: Ammo Jobs: All Race: All Stack: 12
      Craft: Cooking - 59 - Journeyman
      Synthesis: Earth Crystal (South), Coeurl Meat, Distilled Water, Lizard Egg, San d'Orian Flour
      Result: Pet Food Zeta Biscuit x4 HQ #1: Pet Food Zeta Biscuit x6 HQ #2: Pet Food Zeta Biscuit x8 HQ #3: Pet Food Zeta Biscuit x10

      Coeurl Meat Dropped from MOBs:
      Attohwa Coeurl - Attohwa Chasm (Level: 37-39)
      Master Coeurl - Attohwa Chasm (Level: 46-48)
      Torama - Labyrinth of Onzozo (Level: 70-73)
      Coeurl - Meriphataud Mountains (Level: 22-25)
      Master Coeurl - Sanctuary of Zi'Tah (Level: 44-47)
      Champaign Coeurl - Sauromugue Champaign (Level: 30-34)
      Flauros - Temple of Uggalepih (Level: 59-60)
      Torama - Temple of Uggalepih (Level: 55-58)
      Master Coeurl - Yhoator Jungle (Level: 47-50)
      Jungle Coeurl - Yuhtunga Jungle (Level: 35-38)

      Distilled Water- See Pet Food Alpha Biscuit

      Lizard Egg- See Pet Food Epsilon Biscuit

      San d'Orian Flour Sellers: 60 gil*
      Faustin - Elvaan - Zone: Bastok Mines (MAP) - J-9 - Ronfaure Regional Merchant
      Rosswald - Hume - Zone: Bastok Port (MAP) - J-7 - Zulkheim Regional Merchant
      Benaige - Elvaan - Zone: San d'Oria South (MAP) - F-7 - Standard Merchant
      Corua - Elvaan - Zone: San d'Oria South (MAP) - G-9 - Ronfaure Regional Merchant
      Phamelise - Elvaan - Zone: San d'Oria South (MAP) - K-9 - Zulkheim Regional Merchant
      Komalata - Hume - Zone: Tavnazian Safehold (MAP) - G-7 - Standard Merchant
      Chomo Jinjahl - Mithra - Zone: Windurst Waters (MAP) - E-8 - Cooking Guild Merchant
      Jourille - Elvaan - Zone: Windurst Waters (MAP) - J-9 - Ronfaure Regional Merchant
      Kopopo - Tarutaru - Zone: Windurst Waters (MAP) - E-8 - Cooking Guild Merchant
      Bin Stejihna - Mithra - Zone: Windurst Woods (MAP) - G-8 - Zulkheim Regional Merchant
      Last edited by Spiritbear; 02-10-2007, 11:50 AM.

      Created by Eohmer


      • #4
        Re: Complete Jug Recipes with Links... Enjoy!!

        Mole Broth

        Desc: Calls an eft familiar.
        Cat: Weapons / Ammo & Misc. / Pet Items Slot: Ammo Level: 33 Jobs: BST Race: All Stack: 12
        Craft: Cooking - 63 - Craftsman
        Synthesis: Water Crystal (West) Helmet Mole Little Worm Loam Shell Bug Snapping Mole x2
        Result: Mole Broth x4 HQ #1: Lively Mole Broth x2 HQ #2: Lively Mole Broth x4 HQ #3: Lively Mole Broth x6

        Helmet Mole – Buy at AH. Food/Ingredients or Excavating in Korroloka Tunnel.

        Little Worm Sellers: 4 gil*
        Dwago - Galka - Zone: Aht Urhgan Whitegate (MAP) - I-6 - Standard Merchant
        Wahnid - Hume - Zone: Aht Urhgan Whitegate (MAP) - H-11 - Guild Merchant
        Gelzerio - Galka - Zone: Bastok Mines (MAP) - H-7 - Standard Merchant
        Lusiane - Elvaan - Zone: San d'Oria South (MAP) - F-8 - Standard Merchant
        Babubu - Tarutaru - Zone: Windurst Port (MAP) - C-8 - Guild Merchant
        Ensasa - Tarutaru - Zone: Windurst Waters (MAP) - H-9 - Standard Merchant

        Loam Dropped from MOBs:
        Caveberry - Crawlers' Nest (Level: 42-44)
        Witch Hazel - Crawlers' Nest (Level: 50-52)

        Shell Bug – See Bug Broth

        Snapping Mole - Buy at AH. Food/Ingredients or Mining in Zeruhn.

        Blood Broth

        Desc: Calls a diremite familiar.
        Cat: Weapons / Ammo & Misc. / Pet Items Slot: Ammo Level: 43 Jobs: BST Race: All Stack: 12
        Craft: Cooking - 73 - Artisan
        Synthesis: Water Crystal (West) Beast Blood Beastman Blood Bird Blood Leech Saliva Lizard Blood
        Result: Blood Broth x4 HQ #1: Clear Blood Broth x2 HQ #2: Clear Blood Broth x4 HQ #3: Clear Blood Broth x6

        Beast Blood Dropped from MOBs:
        Lesser Gaylas - Sanctuary of Zi'Tah (Level: 39-42)

        Beastman Blood Dropped from MOBs:
        Bloodsucker - Bostaunieux Oubliette (Level: 56-58)
        Bloodsucker - Bostaunieux Oubliette (Level: 71)
        Bloodsucker - Bostaunieux Oubliette (Level: 52-54)
        Bloodsucker - Bostaunieux Oubliette (Level: 65-68)
        Blood Ball - Boyahda Tree (Level: 75-78)
        Incubus Bats - Delkfutt's Tower Upper (Level: 62-64)
        Bloodsucker - Den of Rancor (Level: 58-60)
        Succubus Bats - Den of Rancor (Level: 65-69)
        Baronial Bat - Gustav Tunnel (Level: 82)
        Greater Gaylas - Gustav Tunnel (Level: 46-49)
        Hell Bat - Gustav Tunnel (Level: 44-48)
        Labyrinth Leech - Gustav Tunnel (Level: 45-48)
        Nightmare Bats - Ifrit's Cauldron (Level: 68-72)
        Huge Leech - Jugner Forest (Level: 27-29)
        Dire Bat - King Ranperre's Tomb (Level: 62-64)
        Jammer Leech - Korroloka Tunnel (Level: 60)
        Korroloka Leech - Korroloka Tunnel (Level: 32)
        Plague Bats - La Theine Plateau (Level: 9-11)
        Labyrinth Leech - Labyrinth of Onzozo (Level: 45-48)
        Acrophies - Lufaise Meadows (Level: 33-36)
        Mamool Ja - Bloodsucker Mamook (Level: 69-70)
        Stirge - Oldton Movalpolos (Level: 33-36)
        Thread Leech - Ordelle's Caves (Level: 18-21)
        Bloodpool Vorax - Pashhow Marshlands (Level: 24-25)
        Thread Leech - Pashhow Marshlands (Level: 19-22)
        Thread Leech - Pashhow Marshlands (Level: 20-23)
        Dire Bat - Pso'Xja (Level: 64-68)
        Black Triple Stars - Rolanberry Fields (Level: 26-27)
        Poison Leech - Rolanberry Fields (Level: 24-26)
        Goobbue Parasite - Sanctuary of Zi'Tah (Level: 42-45)
        Dire Bat - Sea Serpent Grotto (Level: 63-66)
        Masan - Sea Serpent Grotto (Level: 39)
        Nightmare Bats - Sea Serpent Grotto (Level: 66-69)
        Sahagin Parasite - Sea Serpent Grotto (Level: 50-53)
        Undead Bats - Sea Serpent Grotto (Level: 36-39)
        Vampire Bat - Sea Serpent Grotto (Level: 42-45)
        Arrapago Leech - Talacca Cove (Level: 74-75)
        Bloodsucker - Temple of Uggalepih (Level: 55-57)
        Bloodsucker - Temple of Uggalepih (Level: 60-62)
        Bouncing Ball - Temple of Uggalepih (Level: 65-67)
        Uggalepih Leech - Temple of Uggalepih (Level: 50-52)
        Hell Bat - Toraimarai Canal (Level: 47-49)
        Impish Bats - Toraimarai Canal (Level: 58-60)
        Esbat - Uleguerand Range (Level: 59-61)
        Nightmare Bats - Uleguerand Range (Level: 69-72)
        Succubus Bats - Uleguerand Range (Level: 65-68)
        Red Kisser - Wajaom Woodlands (Level: 68-71)
        Bloodsucker - Yuhtunga Jungle (Level: 53-55)

        Bird Blood Dropped from MOBs:
        Poison Leech - Buburimu Peninsula (Level: 21-25)
        Labyrinth Leech - Labyrinth of Onzozo (Level: 45-48)

        Leech Saliva Dropped from MOBs:
        Royal Leech - Sea Serpent Grotto (Level: 35-38)

        Lizard Blood Dropped from MOBs:
        Diremite - Pso'Xja (Level: 42-45)
        Snow Lizard - Pso'Xja (Level: 65-68)

        Antica Broth

        Desc: Calls an antlion familiar.
        Cat: Weapons / Ammo & Misc. / Pet Items Slot: Ammo Level: 38 Jobs: BST Race: All Stack: 12
        Craft: Cooking - 87 - Adept
        Synthesis: Water Crystal (West) Antican Acid x2 Antican Robe x2 Gelatin
        Result: Antica Broth x4 HQ #1: Fragrant Antica Broth x2 HQ #2: Fragrant Antica Broth x4 HQ #3: Fragrant Antica Broth x6

        Antican Acid Dropped from MOBs:
        Antican Signifer - Quicksand Caves (Level: 52-59)
        Antican Lanista - Western Altepa Desert (Level: 54-58)

        Antican Robe Dropped from MOBs:
        Antican Faber - Eastern Altepa Desert (Level: 35-39)
        Antican Funditor - Eastern Altepa Desert (Level: 35-39)
        Antican Sagittarius - Eastern Altepa Desert (Level: 44-49)
        Antican Speculator - Eastern Altepa Desert (Level: 44-49)
        Antican Aedilis - Quicksand Caves (Level: 62-72)
        Antican Praetor - Quicksand Caves (Level: 72-74)
        Antican Proconsul - Quicksand Caves (Level: 65)
        Antican Quaestor - Quicksand Caves (Level: 62-72)
        Antican Signifer - Quicksand Caves (Level: 52-59)
        Antican Tribunus - Quicksand Caves (Level: 72-74)
        Centurio X-I - Quicksand Caves (Level: 56-58)
        Sagittarius X-XIII - Quicksand Caves (Level: 57-58)
        Antican Essedarius - Western Altepa Desert (Level: 41-45)
        Antican Retiarius - Western Altepa Desert (Level: 45-49)

        Gelatin- See Carrion Broth

        Alchemist's Water

        Desc: Calls Homunculus.
        Cat: Weapons / Ammo & Misc. / Pet Items Slot: Ammo Level: 23 Jobs: BST Race: All Stack: 12
        Craft: Alchemy - 86 - Adept
        Synthesis: Dark Crystal (North) Beastman Blood Dryad Root Mercury Philosopher's Stone
        Result: Alchemist's Water x9 HQ #1: Alchemist's Water x12

        Beastman Blood – See Blood Broth.

        Dryad Root Dropped from MOBs:
        Ahtu - Batallia Downs (Level: 51-52)
        Treant - Batallia Downs (Level: 35-37)
        Olden Treant - Bhaflau Thickets (Level: 72-74)
        Walking Tree - Jugner Forest (Level: 25-28)
        Leshy - Lufaise Meadows (Level: 52-54)
        Llamhigyn Y Dwr - Talacca Cove (Level: 77-79)
        Defoliate Treant - Wajaom Woodlands (Level: 71-73)

        Mercury Sellers:
        Gathweeda - Elvaan - Zone: Aht Urhgan Whitegate (MAP) - G-5 - Alchemy Guild Merchant
        Wahraga - Elvaan - Zone: Aht Urhgan Whitegate (MAP) - G-5 - Alchemy Guild Merchant
        Maymunah - Hume - Zone: Bastok Mines (MAP) - K-7 - Alchemy Guild Merchant
        Odoba - Galka - Zone: Bastok Mines (MAP) - K-6 - Alchemy Guild Merchant

        Philosopher's Stone Dropped from MOBs:
        Tzee Xicu the Manifest - Castle Oztroja (Level: 85)
        Overlord Bakgodek - Monastic Cavern (Level: 85)
        Za'Dha Adamantking - Qulun Dome (Level: 85)


        Desc: Calls Flowerpot Bill.
        Cat: Weapons / Ammo & Misc. / Pet Items Slot: Ammo Level: 28 Jobs: BST Race: All Stack: 12
        Craft: Woodworking - 9 - Amateur
        Synthesis: Dark Crystal (North) Bay Leaves Elm Log
        Result: Humus x2 HQ #1: Rich Humus x1

        Bay Leaves Sellers: 130 gil*
        Galdeo - Galka - Zone: Bastok Mines (MAP) - E-6 - Li'Telor Regional Merchant
        Attarena - Elvaan - Zone: San d'Oria North (MAP) - M-9 - Li'Telor Regional Merchant
        Aveline - Elvaan - Zone: San d'Oria South (MAP) - F-7 - Standard Merchant
        Otete - Tarutaru - Zone: Windurst Waters (MAP) - J-8 - Li'Telor Regional Merchant

        Elm Log Sellers: 7800 gil
        Dehbi Moshal - Mithra - Zone: Al Zahbi (MAP) - G-10 - Woodworking Guild Merchant
        Cauzeriste - Elvaan - Zone: San d'Oria North (MAP) - E-3 - Woodworking Guild Merchant
        Chaupire - Elvaan - Zone: San d'Oria North (MAP) - E-3 - Woodworking Guild Merchant
        Mazuro-Oozuro - Tarutaru - Zone: Tavnazian Safehold (MAP) - F-9 - Standard Merchant
        Nilerouche - Elvaan - Zone: Tavnazian Safehold (MAP) - F-7 - Standard Merchant

        Used in Recipes: Elshimo Palm - Woodworking - 83
        Scimitar Cactus - Woodworking - 79
        Scimitar Cactus - Smithing - 20

        Dropped from MOBs:
        Korrigan Boyahda Tree (Level: 72-75)
        Mourioche Boyahda Tree (Level: 62-68)
        Yhoator Mandragora Yhoator Jungle (Level: 35-37)

        Seedbed Soil

        Desc: Calls a funguar familiar.
        Cat: Weapons / Ammo & Misc. / Pet Items Slot: Ammo Level: 33 Jobs: BST Race: All Stack: 12
        Seedbed Soil Sellers: 695 gil
        Toji Mumosulah - Mithra - Zone: Kazham (MAP) - I-8 - Standard Merchant

        Tree Sap

        Desc: Calls a beetle familiar.
        Cat: Weapons / Ammo & Misc. / Pet Items Slot: Ammo Level: 38 Jobs: BST Race: All Stack: 12
        Craft: Woodworking - 12 - Recruit
        Synthesis: Lightning Crystal (South West) Chestnut Log Maple Sugar
        Result: Tree Sap x2 HQ #1: Scarlet Sap x1

        Chestnut Log Sellers: 2826 gil*
        Dehbi Moshal - Mithra - Zone: Al Zahbi (MAP) - G-10 - Woodworking Guild Merchant
        Denvihr - Galka - Zone: Bastok Port (MAP) - G-7 - Standard Merchant
        Cauzeriste - Elvaan - Zone: San d'Oria North (MAP) - E-3 - Woodworking Guild Merchant
        Chaupire - Elvaan - Zone: San d'Oria North (MAP) - E-3 - Woodworking Guild Merchant
        Albinie - Elvaan - Zone: San d'Oria Port (MAP) - H-6 - Standard Merchant
        Uli Pehkowa - Mithra - Zone: Windurst Port (MAP) - M-7 - Standard Merchant

        Maple Sugar Sellers: 38 gil*
        Benaige - Elvaan - Zone: San d'Oria South (MAP) - F-7 - Standard Merchant
        Chomo Jinjahl - Mithra - Zone: Windurst Waters (MAP) - E-8 - Cooking Guild Merchant
        Kopopo - Tarutaru - Zone: Windurst Waters (MAP) - E-8 - Cooking Guild Merchant

        Dropped from MOBs:
        Goblin Tamer Kuftal Tunnel (Level: 66-69)

        Sun Water

        Desc: Calls Amigo Sabotender.
        Cat: Weapons / Ammo & Misc. / Pet Items Slot: Ammo Level: 75 Jobs: BST Race: All Stack: 12
        Craft: Alchemy - 100 - Veteran
        Synthesis: Light Crystal (North East) Beastman Blood Cactuar Root Mercury Philosopher's Stone
        Result: Sun Water x1 HQ #1: Sun Water x2 HQ #2: Sun Water x3 HQ #3: Sun Water x4

        Beastman Blood- See Blood Broth.

        Cactuar Root Dropped from MOBs:
        Cactrot Rapido Eastern Altepa Desert (Level: 80-81)
        Sabotender Mariachi Kuftal Tunnel (Level: 68-70)
        Sabotender Bailarin Quicksand Caves (Level: Unknown)
        Sabotender Bailarina Quicksand Caves (Level: 80-82)

        Mercury- See Alchemist’s Water.

        Philosopher’s Stone- See Alchemist’s Water
        Last edited by Spiritbear; 02-08-2007, 08:37 PM.

        Created by Eohmer


        • #5
          Re: Complete Jug Recipes with Links... Enjoy!!

          Nice attempt, but use Spoiler tags next time.
          Originally posted by Ellipses
          Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
          Originally posted by MCLV
          A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
          More Sig:


          • #6
            Re: Complete Jug Recipes with Links... Enjoy!!

            you know what would be great? A thread compilation of bst views on jugs to use and detailed ratiings for each jug

            yes we know CC is king but there are others albeit more expensive and rarer that out do CC

            Main Jobs- Rdm 60 Smn 31 Bst 28 Blu 27

            The Quetzlcoatl Gimp's SS Gallery

