I've had the Gaudy Harness forever and never really triggered the latent on BRD, but found out how to do so on BST, I'm aware that later the Refresh effects do play into triggering the DMG latent on Rune Axes. So that considered, what would be the best way to make that aspect remain active? I'm thinking some kind of MP > HP gear.
I can see that with how these latents trigger, meritting my MP beyond the 40 MP I have gained might be detrimental to BST/NIN in getting that effect to work, so I've decided to leave my merits as is on MP. As BST/WHM I generally keep it below the 49 MP since I don't usually need more than Blink and Regen for healing myself and MP conservation.
I guess the other question would be does the Rune Axe latent trigger activate off of Sanction refresh, if so, that's might make it easier to work around and I could use a Hauby more often instead of Gaudy in an EXP PT.
Also what gear should I be considering 55+, for solo, seems like BST AF and JSE later on look pretty good. Assault gear doesn't seem to offer BST much, though. So melee gear for EXP PTs and to macro out is what I'm seriously considering now.
I have noticed some Aht'Urghan Quests give you gear for Resist Charm and Aquan Killer, are there any more of those quests with similar items? Seems like some stuff I should keep around for solo.
I can see that with how these latents trigger, meritting my MP beyond the 40 MP I have gained might be detrimental to BST/NIN in getting that effect to work, so I've decided to leave my merits as is on MP. As BST/WHM I generally keep it below the 49 MP since I don't usually need more than Blink and Regen for healing myself and MP conservation.
I guess the other question would be does the Rune Axe latent trigger activate off of Sanction refresh, if so, that's might make it easier to work around and I could use a Hauby more often instead of Gaudy in an EXP PT.
Also what gear should I be considering 55+, for solo, seems like BST AF and JSE later on look pretty good. Assault gear doesn't seem to offer BST much, though. So melee gear for EXP PTs and to macro out is what I'm seriously considering now.
I have noticed some Aht'Urghan Quests give you gear for Resist Charm and Aquan Killer, are there any more of those quests with similar items? Seems like some stuff I should keep around for solo.