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How to Solo your Gaudy Harness - revisited

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  • How to Solo your Gaudy Harness - revisited

    A long time ago, back on Alla, Truls wrote a fantastic guide on how to solo the Brygid the Stylist Returns quest. Having just completed this, I thought I'd post how to obtain an Ophiuchus Subligar. This is based on Truls' original work, along with my own experiences; I don't claim any credit for the original work.

    The subligar you need drops from Fomor Beastmasters (and only Beastmasters) in Phomiuna Aquaducts and Sacrarium (the Fomor in other areas won't drop it). You need to be on at least CoP mission 2-3 in order to get access to Phomiuna Aquaducts. Although Sacrarium is also a valid place to go hunt, I don't have access there yet. Phomiuna Aquaducts is a level 40 cap area and has one suitable Fomor spawn. If you have any Fomor hate, make sure you clear it before you go in.

    I went as /WHM, forgoing my usual /RDM, so I could use Blink. /NIN would also work. You'll need Sneak in some form.

    I wore Mithra RSE, used standard charming gear, including the Monster Signa I went and bought after getting annoyed at mischarming (I switched to attack gear for the fighting) and ate Tuna Sushi. Get as much +CHR as you can, you'll need it (I was at 40+33 CHR).

    Also worth taking along are:
    Pet Food Zeta - for healing your pet.
    Hi Potions - for healing yourself.
    MP regen juice - for healing yourself if you run out of MP and have been inflicted with Drain.
    Reraise Scroll/Earring - because if you're anything like me, you will die.
    Warp Scroll/Cudgel - for making a speedy and safe exit.

    The entrance to Phomiuna Aquaducts is in the lower level of Tavnazian Stringhold. You gain entry by clicking on the door and confirming entry. You don't need to have obtained the map in game, but it's well worth printing out. Slimes will aggro sound, Tauruses/Stegataurs have true sight (directly in front) and bats, pugils and diremites won't aggro (although bats link).

    First job is to find yourself a pet. There are two Oil Spills which will spawn either VT or IT and are perfect for the job. These can be found at G/H-8 of this map. It's quite a trek to get there if you don't know your way around. Cast Sneak, but don't use your food/Reraise item just yet.

    Follow the waterway around to the right until you get to the circular room at G-7. On the far side of this room is a ladder, which you climb by clicking on, confirming, and getting a short cut scene. To get to the ladder, you need to get past three DC Tauruses with True Sight. Wait till you have a clear path and run through.

    Once at the top of the ladder, carry on along the corridor, recast Sneak if you need to and take a left at the T-junction. Go through the room with the Gloop in and continue until you get to a ladder heading down into a large rectangular room. For those using ffxi-atlas, you should have passed through point B.

    Have a look into the room before you head down (just run straight off to get down). There are three Stegataurs in this room - one on the central bridge and one along each of the long edges. You're heading to the waterway just ahead (G-9), so make sure the bottom of the ladder is clear and hug the wall to the right.

    Just along from here is where you'll find an Oil Spill. Cast Blink/Utusemi, use your food and Reraise item and take a deep breath. Make sure the exit to the steg room is clear, get as far away from the Oil Spill as you can to Charm and start running the moment the Charm animation starts (using an equipment swap macro to give you slightly more time helps too).

    If you mischarm, run back along the waterway towards the ladder; hopefully the Oil Spill will lose aggro just before you pop out into the steg room. Recast buffs as needed and wait for respawn. There is a second Oil Spill just a liittle further on from the first that you can try to Charm if you don't want to wait, but the respawn time is pretty quick.

    This may take you some time. You may die. Don't get frustrated, be patient and eventually Charm will stick. Remember that Darksday is the worst day for charming, so if you find yourself on Darksday and having problems, it may be worth waiting until Firesday.

    If you Charm sucessfully first time, then congratulations. I died five times here...

    When you Charm your Oil Spill, don't forget to hit Familiar. Don't worry if you get a VT rather than an IT - I did and it wasn't a problem, although I didn't get hit with Drain (see below). If you feel confident, hold out for an IT if you like.

    The room with the Fomor Beastmaster is at the opposite corner of the steg room, at D/E-11/12. Getting past the Stegataurs is similar to the Tauruses you had to pass earlier, although I found it much easier. Although they have True Sight, the range they can see really is just straight ahead, and the paths are quite wide.

    If you do get aggroed, don't panic. They are IT and have a nasty Doom attack called Mortal Ray (info here), but your pet (or a jug pet if you get aggro before Charming) can hold one off for 30 seconds so you can log out or Warp. Don't stop and fight it, just get out (although some people are lucky and have sucessfully fought one without it using Mortal Ray, but it's very risky).

    Once past the Stegataurs, head left into the Fomor room. There are four Fomors and two Hell Bats here and there may also be an NM called Eba (acts like a regular Fomor, only much harder - don't take this one on solo). While nothing here will aggro you just now, and the Fomors don't link, the Hell Bats may link with the Fomor Beastmaster's pet bat. If you feel confident that you can pull the Beastmaster to the far tunnel (there's just a diremite in there, so it's safe for fighting in) then ignore the bats. If you can't get a clean pull (which you have to be pretty lucky to get), then play it safe and take out one or both of the Hell Bats first.

    Put up any buffs that you need and take a deep breath.

    Set your pet to fight the Fomor Bat, pull bat and Fomor to the far tunnel and then attack the bat yourself. The Fomor Beastmaster will attack your pet and keep taking hate, so keep repeating the Fight command on the bat. Once the bat is dead, which should only take a few hits, start on the Beastmaster.

    The most potent attack the Beastmaster has is an AoE Drown, which knocks off 15hp/tick and can take up to 600hp (this is why you may need pots and/or juices). He also has a tp cancelling move - if you use your WS as soon as you get to 100tp this shouldn't bother you - and some other moves which were pet only and didn't seem to do much.

    Use pet food when the timer is up but don't use Sic if there are any other mobs in the vicinity. An angry diremite joining in will not be fun.

    If the subligar doesn't drop first time, you may have enough time left on Familiar to use this pet again. The Fomor will respawn after 14 minutes - when I did this, I had almost 20 minutes left. It will respawn without its pet, which will make things much easier. Note that from now on, you will have Fomor hate and the other Fomor in the area will aggro you, detecting via sound and low hp. If you stay in the tunnel while you wait and use Sneak while you pull, you'll be fine.

    After the second battle, you won't have enough time left to reuse your pet again; Leave it or Warp straight out. In the time before Familiar is available again, it may be worth nipping out to Lufaise Meadows to reset your Fomor hate, or you can just log out for a while.

    Once your subligar drops (I was lucky and got mine on the second kill), Warp out and head back to Bastok to hand it over to Brygid to get your Gaudy Harness. You may want to reset Fomor hate on the way (see link above). Congratulate yourself on a job well done and try not to be too disturbed by Brygid's comment. Also remember that you can equip a Gaudy Harness from level 50. When I did this, I delevelled from 52 and forgot that I could wear it. I had it in my inventory for a good 10 minutes before I remembered.
    I have heard that those who celebrate life
    walk safely amongst the wild animals.
    When they go into battle, they remain unharmed,
    the animals find no place to attack them
    and weapons are unable to harm them.
    Why? Because they find no place for death in them.

  • #2
    Re: How to Solo your Gaudy Harness - revisited

    Great guide! 1/17 on mine

    Although I could never charm the slime with WHM... it kept coming after me no matter what I did /NIN worked better for me, but thats just my 2c.
    BRD75 BST55 WHM44 NIN37 RDM36 WAR35 BLM34
    MNK20 THF20 SMN17 DRG16 ... all others are <15, but >10.

    Linkshell-Tob (
    Rank-6.2 Windurst


    • #3
      Re: How to Solo your Gaudy Harness - revisited

      Very good guide. Wish I could solo my Glamor Jupon. XD


      • #4
        Re: How to Solo your Gaudy Harness - revisited

        Glamour Jupon {Yes Please} :p

        I wouldn't mind getting hold of a Gloom Breastplate either.

        Thanks for the great guide Kiffkin, Gaudy Harness is definatly a great piece of kit and I will most certainly try this if my bst ever gets out of the 30s /sigh.


        • #5
          Re: How to Solo your Gaudy Harness - revisited

          I just did this over the past 3 days. It took me roughly 11 kills to get my subligar. Some things I consider noteworthy about my experiences there.

          1. A FunguarFamiliar might give you enough time to emergency log if you draw aggro from a Stegotaurus. This happened to me one time, and my jug pet died just as I reached the 30 second mark.
          2. After you've charmed and 2 houred an Oil Spill, drawing aggro from a Stegotaurus is not the end of the world. My pet and I were able to easily defeat it. My pet didn't take too much of a beating either. I was able to almost fully heal it with a Zeta.
          3. I suggest bringing along at least one fully charged Reraise Earring. Even if you log off from inside the zone, every time you log back on, the level cap effect is re-applied, causing buffs to be removed. Things like Dedication and Food Effect are safe. However, your reraise effect is not.

          Edit: also worth noting, you don't have to be a lvl 52+ BST to do the quest. As long as you have any job at level 52+ with at least one piece of AF, you can obtain the Gaudy Harness. For example, I activated the quest as WAR and told Brygid I wanted the Gaudy Harness. I had to assure her I wasn't making a mistake, since my current job wouldn't allow me to wear the piece of gear I chose. I now have a Gaudy Harness in my inventory for when I ding lvl 50 as BST.
          Last edited by LyonheartLakshmi; 09-19-2006, 06:10 AM. Reason: Added info on quest level requirement
          lvl 75 WAR, 75 BST, 75 BLM, 75 NIN, 47 SCH
          Cooking 100.0+3+3, Culinarian's Signboard, Raw Fish Handling, Noodle Kneading, Patissier
          Fishing 60

          Bonecrafting 100.0+3+3,
          Leather 60+2, Woodworking 60, Alchemy 60
          Smithing 60, Clothcraft 55, Goldsmithing 54.1, Cooking 11
          Boneworker's Signboard, Bone Purification, Bone Ensorcellment, Filing, Lumberjack, Chainwork


          • #6
            Re: How to Solo your Gaudy Harness - revisited

            Don't even wait till 52 - grab a few BST friends and make a party of it with a jugburn! Anyone from level 38 up can join in! You only need level 52 to get the quest, but you can get the subligar before then.

            We did this recently as a group frm the LS with 5BST and a WHM. The WHM is WHM75/BST75 (subbing blm for this) and the BSTs were 75, 72, 67, 46 and 38. The 75's were all getting merits and the rest of us were getting exp. We had a lot of fun, dropped 4 subligars, and I averaged about 2.5k exp per hour.

            The level 38 succeeded in charming and familiaring the diremite there, which killed exp for a bit but it tore through the fomors. The WHM died once early on for using curaga - you can do that in higher level parties, but not a 40-cap bst party! We also wiped once when we decided to try to take on Eba. She has a nasty AOE that hits for 500+ per PC and she spammed this twice in a row with the inevitable results! That's why the WHM was there ^^

            The biggest problem with this quest is that the brat-child will demand that you show up wearing specific items which can be up to level 60. I don't know of any way to get her to pick a different set of items so if you get stuck with these and your highest job is only 52BST, its going to be a long wait to get your gaudy

            If you have sacrarium access, then that is a level 50 cap area. The phomiuna version of the BST fomor is level 41-48, while the sacrarium version is level 54-58.
            CatrinM WHM75/BST75/BRD45/BLM37/PLD37/WAR37
            Bastok [10] Sandoria [10] Windurst [9]
            Linkshell: PromathiaChained / Shiva
            Catrin BST75/WHM37/BLM31/SMN9/NIN7/MNK6
            Bastok [6] Sandoria [1] Windurst [1]
            Linkshell: PromathiaChained / Shiva
            Beastmasters never die, we just get do-overs!


            • #7
              Re: How to Solo your Gaudy Harness - revisited

              When I managed to finally get my subligar to drop, I was doing a solo attempt. But before then, I had attempted it with my friend. As a duo, two DC Gloop pets were enough to beat down the Fomor BST pops. Later on, a 3rd BST joined us. We were able to take down one Fomor BST pop very comfortably with the 3 of us using 2 Funguars and 1 CC. We took down a 2nd BST with one casualty (me), but that was mostly due to my carelessness.

              We also tried to take down Eba with 3 DC Gloops. We stayed out of AoE range, rather than meleeing. We very nearly beat Eba before our Gloops died, and our jug pets didn't last very long at all before we wiped. 4 BSTs all with Gloop pets might be able to take down Eba.

              But enough with derailing this thread. It was, after all, about soloing this quest. And I did find soloing it quite fulfilling and satisfying.
              lvl 75 WAR, 75 BST, 75 BLM, 75 NIN, 47 SCH
              Cooking 100.0+3+3, Culinarian's Signboard, Raw Fish Handling, Noodle Kneading, Patissier
              Fishing 60

              Bonecrafting 100.0+3+3,
              Leather 60+2, Woodworking 60, Alchemy 60
              Smithing 60, Clothcraft 55, Goldsmithing 54.1, Cooking 11
              Boneworker's Signboard, Bone Purification, Bone Ensorcellment, Filing, Lumberjack, Chainwork


              • #8
                Re: How to Solo your Gaudy Harness - revisited

                Originally posted by LyonheartLakshmi
                After you've charmed and 2 houred an Oil Spill, drawing aggro from a Stegotaurus is not the end of the world. My pet and I were able to easily defeat it. My pet didn't take too much of a beating either. I was able to almost fully heal it with a Zeta.
                As far as I can tell, as I don't have personal experience of this myself, it's only if a Stegotaur casts Mortal Ray that you/your pet will die. Therefore if you do get aggro, you can fight on and hope it doesn't use it, but it is a gamble.


                Originally posted by LyonheartLakshmi
                As a duo, two DC Gloop pets were enough to beat down the Fomor BST pops.
                Duoing could well be a nice, safe way of doing this. Soloing, it's pretty hard to use Gloops, given the large run between pets and prey. While theoretically you could pull the Fomor back to the Gloops, it's pretty risky and messy (there's the stegs and a ladder to deal with, and another ladder and the Tauruses if you go further back). Diremites might be handy to use for duoing/trioing/partying too.


                Also, as spotted in another thread...
                Originally posted by Idun_Midgardsormr
       IS possible to tame a mob that hasn't agroed yet ... (Tame) works on an IT slime - did that while soloing my gaudy harness
                Last edited by kiffkin; 09-20-2006, 04:07 PM. Reason: formatting...
                I have heard that those who celebrate life
                walk safely amongst the wild animals.
                When they go into battle, they remain unharmed,
                the animals find no place to attack them
                and weapons are unable to harm them.
                Why? Because they find no place for death in them.


                • #9
                  Re: How to Solo your Gaudy Harness - revisited

                  As far as I can tell, as I don't have personal experience of this myself, it's only if a Stegotaur casts Mortal Ray that you/your pet will die. Therefore if you do get aggro, you can fight on and hope it doesn't use it, but it is a gamble.
                  That thought had occurred to me while we fought the Stegotaur. If I had thought it through a bit more, I probably would have let the Oil Spill fight the Stegotaur while I stayed back. That way, if he did kill my pet with Mortal Ray, I could fall back on a jug pet to buy me enough time to log. I suppose you could just try and log off immediately while your Oil Spill pet engages the Stegotaur. But I figure might as well take the risk and try to preserve your current 2 hour, rather than giving up and trying again in 2 hours.

                  As far as Tame, you probably won't need it right away after you use your 2 hour. So it's probably worth using it on the Oil Spill before you attempt to Charm it. It'll probably miss, but hey, it's not like you're going to be saving it for anything. And if it lands, it might make charming that Oil Spill easier.
                  lvl 75 WAR, 75 BST, 75 BLM, 75 NIN, 47 SCH
                  Cooking 100.0+3+3, Culinarian's Signboard, Raw Fish Handling, Noodle Kneading, Patissier
                  Fishing 60

                  Bonecrafting 100.0+3+3,
                  Leather 60+2, Woodworking 60, Alchemy 60
                  Smithing 60, Clothcraft 55, Goldsmithing 54.1, Cooking 11
                  Boneworker's Signboard, Bone Purification, Bone Ensorcellment, Filing, Lumberjack, Chainwork


                  • #10
                    Re: How to Solo your Gaudy Harness - revisited

                    Thanks Kifkin, yes, I did solo my own gaudy, as did the whm. I went along just for the heck of it!

                    My main point was that this was a good excuse to get some friends together and go have fun. Not too many places where you can go with a 37 level spread in the party and everyone still gets exp (or merits)! Incidentally, the 38bst actually dinged 39 during the party - and he went in with 2400tnl! The big thing was that we had a blast doing it! The other main point is that we didn't have to leave the camp to find pets, this was just one long kill-fest!

                    One other rider I would add - at first I was using fungies while the rest were using carries and I went through half a stack in just 12 fights, often waiting for the timer to cool. Then I started watching the damage - fungie was kicking butt over the carries, and so getting more hate and taking more damage. The whole party switched to fungies and things went even faster and a lot smoother!
                    CatrinM WHM75/BST75/BRD45/BLM37/PLD37/WAR37
                    Bastok [10] Sandoria [10] Windurst [9]
                    Linkshell: PromathiaChained / Shiva
                    Catrin BST75/WHM37/BLM31/SMN9/NIN7/MNK6
                    Bastok [6] Sandoria [1] Windurst [1]
                    Linkshell: PromathiaChained / Shiva
                    Beastmasters never die, we just get do-overs!


                    • #11
                      Re: How to Solo your Gaudy Harness - revisited

                      Originally posted by Idun_Midgardsormr
                      My main point was that this was a good excuse to get some friends together and go have fun.
                      Absolutely . Two days after I got mine, 5 of my linkshell went subligar hunting and had a blast - I was xping in Quicksand Caves for the first time in months (had several months off the game for convoluted reasons, only just getting back into it) and had to settle for encouraging them from afar. I had posted up a picture walkthrough on our ls forum, and I think they were envious of my shiny white panties.
                      Btw, what is it with that Brygid admiring its aroma. I mean, I'd been running around Lufaise Meadows and beating up Orcs while wearing them...
                      I have heard that those who celebrate life
                      walk safely amongst the wild animals.
                      When they go into battle, they remain unharmed,
                      the animals find no place to attack them
                      and weapons are unable to harm them.
                      Why? Because they find no place for death in them.


                      • #12
                        Re: How to Solo your Gaudy Harness - revisited

                        after 75 levels of never even using this item should i really go after it??? Af-AF2-hauberk-haubergeon-osode-bison jacket. not to brag or anything but my bst can use a ton of body pieces i have in my moghouse..

                        Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


                        • #13
                          Re: How to Solo your Gaudy Harness - revisited

                          Actually, it's only 25 levels of never using the item since it's a level 50 body piece. Regardless, by now you should know what you do and don't need, so if the stats don't look useful, then you already know the answer.


                          • #14
                            Re: How to Solo your Gaudy Harness - revisited

                            Originally posted by little ninja
                            after 75 levels of never even using this item should i really go after it??? Af-AF2-hauberk-haubergeon-osode-bison jacket. not to brag or anything but my bst can use a ton of body pieces i have in my moghouse..
                            There's 2 main uses for Gaudy:
                            1) /mage who want the auto-Refresh for mp. This is less important than it was since the Sanction Refresh was brought in, but it depends on your situation (and level) as to whether or not 49mp would be handy.
                            2) /nin who dual wield Rune Axes. The Refresh from Gaudy gives the 1mp needed to get 10hp regen.

                            If either of those are useful to you then use it, if they aren't then don't .

                            Edit: I was writing this in answer to little ninja, who is level 75 and therefore has access to Sanction and Rune Axes. From a personal point of view, I was wearing it for xping tonight (went /whm for poisona/blindna, but am usually /rdm) and in just under two hours, I didn't have to rest at all. I was only held up by waiting for respawns.
                            Last edited by kiffkin; 09-21-2006, 05:36 PM. Reason: clarification
                            I have heard that those who celebrate life
                            walk safely amongst the wild animals.
                            When they go into battle, they remain unharmed,
                            the animals find no place to attack them
                            and weapons are unable to harm them.
                            Why? Because they find no place for death in them.


                            • #15
                              Re: How to Solo your Gaudy Harness - revisited

                              Gaudy is level 50, while sanction is only available in the ToAU area, which only become useful at level 60+. There's 10 immediate levels where it could be used, in conjunction with the AF body. Every BST/WHM I know that has tried this has loved it! Rune Axe is level 70, so a /NIN wouldn't benefit from it as much until then.

                              Given the high price of the alternatives, and the low cost of this item (a couple of hours of time), give it a try before discarding the idea - you may actually like it!
                              CatrinM WHM75/BST75/BRD45/BLM37/PLD37/WAR37
                              Bastok [10] Sandoria [10] Windurst [9]
                              Linkshell: PromathiaChained / Shiva
                              Catrin BST75/WHM37/BLM31/SMN9/NIN7/MNK6
                              Bastok [6] Sandoria [1] Windurst [1]
                              Linkshell: PromathiaChained / Shiva
                              Beastmasters never die, we just get do-overs!

