Also posted on I'm a new member of this community but wanted to make sure this site gets the guide as well.
Begin Repost
Okay, I know soloing Avatar Primes has been done before, but I haven't seen a guide for them yet. Over the last couple of days, I have been soloing Avatar Primes and I just completed all 6 main Primes last night. I had a friend tag along so he could get his Whispers as well, but he in no way, shape or form helped me to any degree other than a few Raise 2's OUTSIDE the battle arena. So, during the fight, no help what-so-ever, but at least I had a witness, lol. If you're anything like me, you perform very badly with others watching... Murphy's Law is much in effect here. So, if you are like me, do these alone, lol. On to the guide.
Items, Gear, Merits, Job, etc.
Job: 75BST/NIN
Merits: 1x Axe Skill, 1x Beast Affinity
Zero 2hr's used in any solo of Avatar Primes.
Weapon: Woodville's Axe, Tabarzin, 2x Rune Axes
Head: O-Hat
Body: Hauberk, Gaudy Harness, Narasimha's Vest
Pants: Ryl. Knight Breeches
Gloves: Ogre Gloves
Feet: Rutter Sabatons, Dance Shoes, Beast Gaiters
Ring1: Flame Ring
Ring2: Ruby Ring
Earring1: Assault Earring, Dodge Earring
Earring2: Coral Earring, Dodge Earring
Neck: Civalrous Chain
Shield: Tatami Shield
NOTE: I only used the Tatami Shield when kiting.
Items: PanzerGallahad, CourierCarrie, Pet Food Zeta, Rice Dumplings and Shihei.
OPTIONAL: If you're over 21 (yeah, right lol), drink a few beers to relax yourself during these fights. Get a nice buzz going so you can think clearly.
I tried to do this with the bare minimum gear and items. For those that don't know me, I do this often so it shows the BST what they can do. If you have better gear, then you're home free and it makes your job easier. But the main reason is to show that you don't need uber gear to solo what I solo and this targets more BSTs overall and the best guides, IMO, are the guides that target more BSTs.
I used melee gear to attack the Avatar Prime, +Eva gear to kite the Avatar Primes, Pet Food to Cure Pet and Jug Pets because we can't use anything else. There is a LOT of kiting involved here and you're going to have to attack the Avatar Prime along side your Pet.
Titan: 2/2
Shiva: 1/1
Ifrit: 1/2
Leviathan: 1/2
Ramuh: 1/2
Garuda: 1/3
First, don't let the records fool you. Shiva was by far the toughest Avatar Prime to solo and I went 1 for 1 on her. Titan on the other end of the spectrum and by far the easiest. Most Avatar Primes have exactly the same strategy and the ones that don't follow a similar strategy, yet you have to make some judgement calls. I rarely engaged Shiva due to Frost Armor (Ice Spikes which causes Paralysis). Heavenly Strike goes right through shadows so you really have to watch your hate here. 2 times I ahd to kite Shiva for approximately 3.5 minutes waiting on Call Beast to reset. This fight took me 27 minutes and some change and there is only a 30 minute time limit. I used 3x CourierCarrie and 2x PanzerGallahad at the end.
Next toughest: Ramuh. Tunderstrike causes Paralysis and goes through shadows and Thunderstorm also goes through shadows. Be very careful with hate on Ramuh and Shiva because they will slowly wittle away at your HP and Tunderstrike/storm and Heavenly Strike are no joke. Plus, Ramuh has Lightning Armor (Lightning Spikes) which will occasionally cause Stun effect.
Now, after mentioning the two toughest Avatar Primes, one thing to say about each of these Avatar Primes is to NOT use any skill/Pet Command/Job Ability that is key to your survival if you are Paralysed. That means, no Call Beast and no Reward. If you're paralysed and you use, say, Call Beast, you have to wait a full 5 minutes before you can call another Pet. So, even if you Call Beast is ready to go, do not use it if you are paralysed and kite the Avatar Prime until you're no longer paralysed unless you are in extreme danger.
On Shiva and Ramuh, use your Gaudy Harness + 2x Rune Axes because Spike damage will tear you up over time. You wanna regen as much HP as you can because you will get hit with Thunderstrike and Heavenly Strike, it's just a matter of when it hits you.
Titan was by far the easiest. I did this one twice (once for me to get the actual Avatar for SMN and once the next day for a Whisper). The first time I used 2x PanzerGallahad and the second time I used 2x CourierCarrie. Both were very easy and I survived the Avatar Prime's 2hr taking only 800+ damage and both times I almost finished the Avatar Prime off with 1 Pet. Use CourierCarrie here as they're cheaper and not much kiting involved.
Garuda, I went 1/3 on because of stupid mistakes. Don't let lil' Ms. J-Lo butt fool you. She's not that tough. I got over confident because I avoided her 2hr the first time and very early, and ended up dying. The second time, I forgot to use my Shihei Toolbelt and I didn't have anything ready to cast shadows, I eneded up getting hit 3 times AND taking her 2hr which left me at less that 100HP. She also Cures herself for 600-1000 HP per Curing ability. She casts a lot of Hastega and Blink but this only give you even more time to cast shadows.
Leviathan also heals itself with Spring Water for roughly the same amount that Garuda does. I tired to stun a couple of these with Smash Axe and it did not work. I don't know if I was late with my Smash Axe, but I never stopped any Curing or Spike spells. My advice to just ignore these spells completely and let them do it.
Ifrit took me out with his 2hr because I was kiting and stopped to cast Utsusemi when he used it. 1600+ damage = The Climhazzard pwnage. The second time I roughed him up pretty severely.
First and foremost, let Call Beast reach about 3 minutes 'til recast before fighting any Avatar. On Shiva and Ramuh, wait until your Call Beast recast is at 2 minutes or less. This is very important. Shiva litterally chews up Jug Pets, especially CourierCarrie.
As I said earlier, most Avatar Primes are the exact same strategy. These strats require a lot of kiting and some Avatar Primes require even more kiting. You have to avoid their 2hrs. No matter what. I survuved some, but all have the ability to one-shot you. I didn't worry about doing these on the perfect day (e.g., doing Garuda on Iceday), I just made sure I didn't do the Avatar Primes on the day their strong to. If you do, for example, Titan on Earthsday, his 2hr will own you even though I survived them. So don't chance it. Let them do their 2hr with you no where near them.
Next, all Avatar Primes do their 2hr ability at roughly 50% HP. So, get away from them once they hit about 50% HP. Now, on to the strategy...
Since we now know to avoid the Avatar Primes' 2hr, we have to move on to the next phase. As soon as your Pet makes contact with Avatar Prime, it's time for you to run up and start meleeing along side your Pet. Bounce hate. If you get hate, turn your back and let your Pet regain hate. When you reach 100%TP, use Gale Axe or save TP until your Pet is about dead and Rampage to gain hate to make your Pet last a little longer. Don't Rampage Shiva or Ramuh as their abilities are particularly vicious with ot without shadows. I chose to use Gale Axe as soon as I had 100TP. This grabs a little hate and causes Choke effect, but hate is not so severe that you cannot shed it after the Avatar Prime hits 2 or 3 shadows.
Now we're going to get into how to cast Utsusemi: Ichi and Ni. KEEP COUNT OF YOUR SHADOWS. This is very important when kiting and you'll do a LOT of kiting. Use Ichi as much as possible. You will use Ichi a LOT more than Ni. The reason for this is that Ichi does not overwrite Ni, but Ni overwrites Ichi. Only use Ni in emergencies. The Avatar Primes' accuracy is so low, you can get away with Ichi for 95% of the battle. Once your Pet gets hate when kiting, click off Utsusemi: Ni if you have it up and recast Ichi. When kiting and when low on HP, DO NOT wait for all shadows to disappear before recasting Ichi. Once you've lost 2x shadows, STOP and recast Ichi. Again, only use Ni when you're Ichi recast timer is not reset. And make sure you have enough Shihei to where you do not have to use the Shihei Toolbag in the middle of kiting. ;;
Okay, back to fighting along side your Pet and bouncing hate in the beginning. Now, your Pet is about dead and your first Call Beast recast timer has reset. Now is time to /equip your +EVA gear and get ready for some heavy kiting. Your Pet now dies. You call another Pet and stick it on the Avatar Prime. But, you've built up so much hate, you now have to kite the Avatar Prime for a while and let it chew away some shadows while your Pet hits here and there for 65 damage or so to get hate from you. Your Pet will eventually get hate. Do not worry. Remember how I instructed to use Utsusemi: Ichi and Ni and you'll be golden.
By the time your Pet grabs hate and a little bit after they start fighting each other again, the Avatar Prime is going to be at about 50% HP or close to. The 2hr is about to come so stay away. The 2hr will come and likely own your Pet with approximately 1 minute and some change on the Call Beast timer. You're kiting with no Pet now. Use all the +EVA gear you have. I know BST is the suck when it comes to EVA, but it really helps when your opponent has low accuracy. I have very, very cheap +EVA gear
Again, remember how I explained Utsusemi and you'll be okay. Like I said earlier, I kited with less than 200HP for over 3 minutes on Shiva and one of those 3 minutes kites I had 80HP. DO NOT WORRY! You can do it! Have faith in your abilities as a BST. Just stick to my strat on casting shadows and you'll be fine. Don't be a wuss and exit the arena because it looks like you might get pwnt. Be a BST and stick it out! Take your lumps like only a BST can do.
After this, it's all about mixing and matching it up ebtween kiting and meleeing. Kite when you have to and melee when your Pet gets hate. Get in there and bang with your Pet. Bounce hate to make your Pet last longer. Don't be afraid to Rampage even when you know you'll get a lot of hate. Just kite if necessary. Use Reward everytime it is up and when you know your Pet has lost as much HP as Reward Cures for.
My times ranged from 11 minutes to 27 minutes in these battles with most lasting in the neighborhood of 13-14 minutes. Of course there are likely better strategies, but I guarantee you will win if you stick to the strats I've given you. The only way you'll die is from stupid mistakes or bad luck. I've used easy-to-come-by gear and anything above this is just bonus. I could've easily done these Avatar Primes with even less gear, so don't be afraid to get out there and do it. I know there are much better BSTs than me out there, so get out there and solo your Avatar Primes! Good luck and go BST!
Begin Repost
Okay, I know soloing Avatar Primes has been done before, but I haven't seen a guide for them yet. Over the last couple of days, I have been soloing Avatar Primes and I just completed all 6 main Primes last night. I had a friend tag along so he could get his Whispers as well, but he in no way, shape or form helped me to any degree other than a few Raise 2's OUTSIDE the battle arena. So, during the fight, no help what-so-ever, but at least I had a witness, lol. If you're anything like me, you perform very badly with others watching... Murphy's Law is much in effect here. So, if you are like me, do these alone, lol. On to the guide.
Items, Gear, Merits, Job, etc.
Job: 75BST/NIN
Merits: 1x Axe Skill, 1x Beast Affinity
Zero 2hr's used in any solo of Avatar Primes.
Weapon: Woodville's Axe, Tabarzin, 2x Rune Axes
Head: O-Hat
Body: Hauberk, Gaudy Harness, Narasimha's Vest
Pants: Ryl. Knight Breeches
Gloves: Ogre Gloves
Feet: Rutter Sabatons, Dance Shoes, Beast Gaiters
Ring1: Flame Ring
Ring2: Ruby Ring
Earring1: Assault Earring, Dodge Earring
Earring2: Coral Earring, Dodge Earring
Neck: Civalrous Chain
Shield: Tatami Shield
NOTE: I only used the Tatami Shield when kiting.
Items: PanzerGallahad, CourierCarrie, Pet Food Zeta, Rice Dumplings and Shihei.
OPTIONAL: If you're over 21 (yeah, right lol), drink a few beers to relax yourself during these fights. Get a nice buzz going so you can think clearly.
I tried to do this with the bare minimum gear and items. For those that don't know me, I do this often so it shows the BST what they can do. If you have better gear, then you're home free and it makes your job easier. But the main reason is to show that you don't need uber gear to solo what I solo and this targets more BSTs overall and the best guides, IMO, are the guides that target more BSTs.
I used melee gear to attack the Avatar Prime, +Eva gear to kite the Avatar Primes, Pet Food to Cure Pet and Jug Pets because we can't use anything else. There is a LOT of kiting involved here and you're going to have to attack the Avatar Prime along side your Pet.
Titan: 2/2
Shiva: 1/1
Ifrit: 1/2
Leviathan: 1/2
Ramuh: 1/2
Garuda: 1/3
First, don't let the records fool you. Shiva was by far the toughest Avatar Prime to solo and I went 1 for 1 on her. Titan on the other end of the spectrum and by far the easiest. Most Avatar Primes have exactly the same strategy and the ones that don't follow a similar strategy, yet you have to make some judgement calls. I rarely engaged Shiva due to Frost Armor (Ice Spikes which causes Paralysis). Heavenly Strike goes right through shadows so you really have to watch your hate here. 2 times I ahd to kite Shiva for approximately 3.5 minutes waiting on Call Beast to reset. This fight took me 27 minutes and some change and there is only a 30 minute time limit. I used 3x CourierCarrie and 2x PanzerGallahad at the end.
Next toughest: Ramuh. Tunderstrike causes Paralysis and goes through shadows and Thunderstorm also goes through shadows. Be very careful with hate on Ramuh and Shiva because they will slowly wittle away at your HP and Tunderstrike/storm and Heavenly Strike are no joke. Plus, Ramuh has Lightning Armor (Lightning Spikes) which will occasionally cause Stun effect.
Now, after mentioning the two toughest Avatar Primes, one thing to say about each of these Avatar Primes is to NOT use any skill/Pet Command/Job Ability that is key to your survival if you are Paralysed. That means, no Call Beast and no Reward. If you're paralysed and you use, say, Call Beast, you have to wait a full 5 minutes before you can call another Pet. So, even if you Call Beast is ready to go, do not use it if you are paralysed and kite the Avatar Prime until you're no longer paralysed unless you are in extreme danger.
On Shiva and Ramuh, use your Gaudy Harness + 2x Rune Axes because Spike damage will tear you up over time. You wanna regen as much HP as you can because you will get hit with Thunderstrike and Heavenly Strike, it's just a matter of when it hits you.
Titan was by far the easiest. I did this one twice (once for me to get the actual Avatar for SMN and once the next day for a Whisper). The first time I used 2x PanzerGallahad and the second time I used 2x CourierCarrie. Both were very easy and I survived the Avatar Prime's 2hr taking only 800+ damage and both times I almost finished the Avatar Prime off with 1 Pet. Use CourierCarrie here as they're cheaper and not much kiting involved.
Garuda, I went 1/3 on because of stupid mistakes. Don't let lil' Ms. J-Lo butt fool you. She's not that tough. I got over confident because I avoided her 2hr the first time and very early, and ended up dying. The second time, I forgot to use my Shihei Toolbelt and I didn't have anything ready to cast shadows, I eneded up getting hit 3 times AND taking her 2hr which left me at less that 100HP. She also Cures herself for 600-1000 HP per Curing ability. She casts a lot of Hastega and Blink but this only give you even more time to cast shadows.
Leviathan also heals itself with Spring Water for roughly the same amount that Garuda does. I tired to stun a couple of these with Smash Axe and it did not work. I don't know if I was late with my Smash Axe, but I never stopped any Curing or Spike spells. My advice to just ignore these spells completely and let them do it.
Ifrit took me out with his 2hr because I was kiting and stopped to cast Utsusemi when he used it. 1600+ damage = The Climhazzard pwnage. The second time I roughed him up pretty severely.
First and foremost, let Call Beast reach about 3 minutes 'til recast before fighting any Avatar. On Shiva and Ramuh, wait until your Call Beast recast is at 2 minutes or less. This is very important. Shiva litterally chews up Jug Pets, especially CourierCarrie.
As I said earlier, most Avatar Primes are the exact same strategy. These strats require a lot of kiting and some Avatar Primes require even more kiting. You have to avoid their 2hrs. No matter what. I survuved some, but all have the ability to one-shot you. I didn't worry about doing these on the perfect day (e.g., doing Garuda on Iceday), I just made sure I didn't do the Avatar Primes on the day their strong to. If you do, for example, Titan on Earthsday, his 2hr will own you even though I survived them. So don't chance it. Let them do their 2hr with you no where near them.
Next, all Avatar Primes do their 2hr ability at roughly 50% HP. So, get away from them once they hit about 50% HP. Now, on to the strategy...
Since we now know to avoid the Avatar Primes' 2hr, we have to move on to the next phase. As soon as your Pet makes contact with Avatar Prime, it's time for you to run up and start meleeing along side your Pet. Bounce hate. If you get hate, turn your back and let your Pet regain hate. When you reach 100%TP, use Gale Axe or save TP until your Pet is about dead and Rampage to gain hate to make your Pet last a little longer. Don't Rampage Shiva or Ramuh as their abilities are particularly vicious with ot without shadows. I chose to use Gale Axe as soon as I had 100TP. This grabs a little hate and causes Choke effect, but hate is not so severe that you cannot shed it after the Avatar Prime hits 2 or 3 shadows.
Now we're going to get into how to cast Utsusemi: Ichi and Ni. KEEP COUNT OF YOUR SHADOWS. This is very important when kiting and you'll do a LOT of kiting. Use Ichi as much as possible. You will use Ichi a LOT more than Ni. The reason for this is that Ichi does not overwrite Ni, but Ni overwrites Ichi. Only use Ni in emergencies. The Avatar Primes' accuracy is so low, you can get away with Ichi for 95% of the battle. Once your Pet gets hate when kiting, click off Utsusemi: Ni if you have it up and recast Ichi. When kiting and when low on HP, DO NOT wait for all shadows to disappear before recasting Ichi. Once you've lost 2x shadows, STOP and recast Ichi. Again, only use Ni when you're Ichi recast timer is not reset. And make sure you have enough Shihei to where you do not have to use the Shihei Toolbag in the middle of kiting. ;;
Okay, back to fighting along side your Pet and bouncing hate in the beginning. Now, your Pet is about dead and your first Call Beast recast timer has reset. Now is time to /equip your +EVA gear and get ready for some heavy kiting. Your Pet now dies. You call another Pet and stick it on the Avatar Prime. But, you've built up so much hate, you now have to kite the Avatar Prime for a while and let it chew away some shadows while your Pet hits here and there for 65 damage or so to get hate from you. Your Pet will eventually get hate. Do not worry. Remember how I instructed to use Utsusemi: Ichi and Ni and you'll be golden.
By the time your Pet grabs hate and a little bit after they start fighting each other again, the Avatar Prime is going to be at about 50% HP or close to. The 2hr is about to come so stay away. The 2hr will come and likely own your Pet with approximately 1 minute and some change on the Call Beast timer. You're kiting with no Pet now. Use all the +EVA gear you have. I know BST is the suck when it comes to EVA, but it really helps when your opponent has low accuracy. I have very, very cheap +EVA gear
Again, remember how I explained Utsusemi and you'll be okay. Like I said earlier, I kited with less than 200HP for over 3 minutes on Shiva and one of those 3 minutes kites I had 80HP. DO NOT WORRY! You can do it! Have faith in your abilities as a BST. Just stick to my strat on casting shadows and you'll be fine. Don't be a wuss and exit the arena because it looks like you might get pwnt. Be a BST and stick it out! Take your lumps like only a BST can do.
After this, it's all about mixing and matching it up ebtween kiting and meleeing. Kite when you have to and melee when your Pet gets hate. Get in there and bang with your Pet. Bounce hate to make your Pet last longer. Don't be afraid to Rampage even when you know you'll get a lot of hate. Just kite if necessary. Use Reward everytime it is up and when you know your Pet has lost as much HP as Reward Cures for.
My times ranged from 11 minutes to 27 minutes in these battles with most lasting in the neighborhood of 13-14 minutes. Of course there are likely better strategies, but I guarantee you will win if you stick to the strats I've given you. The only way you'll die is from stupid mistakes or bad luck. I've used easy-to-come-by gear and anything above this is just bonus. I could've easily done these Avatar Primes with even less gear, so don't be afraid to get out there and do it. I know there are much better BSTs than me out there, so get out there and solo your Avatar Primes! Good luck and go BST!