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Post 35: how much xp/hour should I be getting?

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  • Post 35: how much xp/hour should I be getting?

    I think I'm only getting on average 3k xp per hour, and that's with the xp bonus from my Empress Band. Am I doing something wrong? It seems like I should be getting much better xp/hour, now that I have Leave.

    I used to heal for MP while my first pet started fighting a new mob. This was assuming I would pet swap on a mob. Since I've moved to Sea Serpents Grotto, I've found I can just start meleeing early on and only need one pet. Should I avoid healing for MP until I'm done with an xp chain? Like, once every 3 or 4 fights?

    I think I'm doing everything else right. I'm waiting to join until my pet hits 3 or 4 times, use Dia to try and speed things up, release my pet just before mob dies and then WS. I occasionally see chain 1, and rarely chain 2 and chain 3.
    lvl 75 WAR, 75 BST, 75 BLM, 75 NIN, 47 SCH
    Cooking 100.0+3+3, Culinarian's Signboard, Raw Fish Handling, Noodle Kneading, Patissier
    Fishing 60

    Bonecrafting 100.0+3+3,
    Leather 60+2, Woodworking 60, Alchemy 60
    Smithing 60, Clothcraft 55, Goldsmithing 54.1, Cooking 11
    Boneworker's Signboard, Bone Purification, Bone Ensorcellment, Filing, Lumberjack, Chainwork

  • #2
    Re: Post 35: how much xp/hour should I be getting?

    It sounds like you're doing ok. BST solo will never be as good xp/hr as a good party. If i'm getting 2k/hr without ring, I was generally satisfied.

    If you really want to pick it up, always have a reraise earring on (gorget later) and focus on suicide mobs when you can (Poachers in the jungles 39-46; bombs in ifrits 53-55; bombs in garliage behind gate 2 56-57; bombs in ifrits 69-70).

    I almost always averaged 3k/hr or better in these camps, but died more often than in other camps too, so having reraise on is pretty important if you're really worried about not wasting time.
    75BST 75BLU 40BLM 40DRK 38WHM 37RDM 37NIN 37THF 20WAR
    99.1 Cooking / 20 Alchemy / 15 Woodworking
    Asura Hume LS=Illuminaire
    FFXI Wiki - Beastmaster Page
    FFXI Wiki - Beastmaster Cooking Guide


    • #3
      Re: Post 35: how much xp/hour should I be getting?

      2k exp per hour (didn't have the ring then) is just about how much I used to get and I was satisfied with it.
      I used to choose the camp that did not need much attention.
      I was watching video, surfing the net, and etc while exping bst.


      • #4
        Re: Post 35: how much xp/hour should I be getting?

        EXP Just seems to ebb and flow depending on the level range. THere is also a noticable difference between solo/duo/trio (or those incredible 6BST parties =O).
        I've gotten as low as 1k/hr (10 hours for that level >.> only 2 deaths fortunately. I've got as high as... like 6kish/hr on bombs when, wait till you hear this:

        Garliage Citadel was EMPTY!

        but that doesn't happen too much
        BRD75 BST55 WHM44 NIN37 RDM36 WAR35 BLM34
        MNK20 THF20 SMN17 DRG16 ... all others are <15, but >10.

        Linkshell-Tob (
        Rank-6.2 Windurst


        • #5
          Re: Post 35: how much xp/hour should I be getting?

          Theres a bunch of crap that factors into how much xp/hr you can get in an area.

          Like how many parties youre competing with, other beastmasters, NPC levelers. And also it depends alot on what level range youre in and what area youre using, or are forced into using due to the limited number of choices (especially post patch)

          Some areas due to chain bonus and speed of killing can get you some serious xp/hr.


          • #6
            Re: Post 35: how much xp/hour should I be getting?

            I tend to get about 3-4k an hour without ring and about 6-7k with ring.....

            Balmor: Elvaan Male San D'oria Rank 7
            BST 70 WAR 56 NIN 35 THF 30 MNK 30 PLD 22 DRG 19 RDM 13

            Malag: Tarutaru Male Windurst Rank 10
            BLM 75 WHM 37 BRD 20 THF 16 BST 14


            • #7
              Re: Post 35: how much xp/hour should I be getting?

              I tend to get about 3-4k an hour without ring and about 6-7k with ring.....
              Is that out in an Aht Urhgan zone with Sanction?
              lvl 75 WAR, 75 BST, 75 BLM, 75 NIN, 47 SCH
              Cooking 100.0+3+3, Culinarian's Signboard, Raw Fish Handling, Noodle Kneading, Patissier
              Fishing 60

              Bonecrafting 100.0+3+3,
              Leather 60+2, Woodworking 60, Alchemy 60
              Smithing 60, Clothcraft 55, Goldsmithing 54.1, Cooking 11
              Boneworker's Signboard, Bone Purification, Bone Ensorcellment, Filing, Lumberjack, Chainwork


              • #8
                Re: Post 35: how much xp/hour should I be getting?

                60-62 you can also goto ulg<tab> range and kill snolls. Lots and lots of snolls in the first area, especially if you go down the slope to where the buffalo are. Possible chain 5's with a duo partner. Chain 3/4's easily.
                Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


                • #9
                  Re: Post 35: how much xp/hour should I be getting?

                  Originally posted by Shep View Post
                  I tend to get about 3-4k an hour without ring and about 6-7k with ring.....
                  I'd love to hear how the ring gives +3000 xp. Mine only gives +1000.


                  • #10
                    Re: Post 35: how much xp/hour should I be getting?

                    Yeah EXp is based on some factors. The really big factor is your level vs where you exping vs the mobs your using. Some lvls you will do 2k -2500 an hour. an then the next lvl in a new area 4500 exp with no ring.

                    if your getting 2-3k+ an hour an your not getting killed every other fight, then my friend you are rocking an rolling. Bst have its rockin an rolling lvls, an then it has its drag out lvls.

                    An hey always remember that 3k exp you just got solo, some poor DD has been seeking for a pt in that amount of time or longer.

                    Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


                    • #11
                      Re: Post 35: how much xp/hour should I be getting?

                      Originally posted by Esoa View Post
                      I'd love to hear how the ring gives +3000 xp. Mine only gives +1000.
                      That's what i was thinking. I call BS on that claim. Rings give straight 50% bonus, maxing out at 1000 exp. No way it takes you from 3-4k to 6-7k.

                      Even with a ring, the only way I know of for a BST to get 6-7k per hour solo is by getting extremely lucky with suicide mobs like dolls or bombs.

                      In sky, I managed to get 550 exp off a chain 2 on a Groundskeeper with my ring, (VT mob) so I see how it can be done, but the next doll didn't blow up and took 10 mins to kill, so all of a sudden I'm on pace for 3-4k again...
                      Last edited by Gman; 08-29-2006, 04:57 AM. Reason: Typo
                      FFXIV: ARR - Leviathan Server - 50 Bard, 47 Dragoon, 50 All crafts, 48 Botany, 48 Miner
                      FFXI: Shiva Server


                      • #12
                        Re: Post 35: how much xp/hour should I be getting?

                        Originally posted by Gman View Post
                        That's what i was thinking. I call BS on that claim. Rings give straight 50% bonus, maxing out at 1000 exp. No way it takes you from 3-4k to 6-7k.

                        Even with a ring, the only way I know of for a BST to get 6-7k per hour solo is by getting extremely lucky with suicide mobs like dolls or bombs.

                        In sky, I managed to get 550 exp off a chain 2 on a Groundskeeper with my ring, (VT mob) so I see how it can be done, but the next doll didn't blow up and took 10 mins to kill, so all of a sudden I'm on pace for 3-4k again...

                        Sounds like me, first few fights im at constant chain #3. then all of a sudden im not getting past chain 1. an the mobs are taking 3 pet swaps. in the end i thougth i was gonna get an easy 5-6k, an it ended up being just over 3k.

                        Darn bst nerfs.

                        Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


                        • #13
                          Re: Post 35: how much xp/hour should I be getting?

                          Shep is perfectly correct in his figures; the rest of you aren't reading his statement correctly:

                          Originally posted by Shep
                          I tend to get about 3-4k an hour without ring and about 6-7k with ring.....
                          If you work 15 miles from home, and drive there at 60mph, your speed was still 60mph even though you didn't cover the full 60 miles!

                          If you kill 10 mobs for 200k exp each in 30 minutes, plus the 50% bonus from the ring, you have made 3k exp in 30 minutes, or an average of 6k exp per hour. Nowhere does he say that this is sustained for the entire exp session.

                          Killing a 200exp mob every 3 minutes sounds like quite a feat, but the fact is that chains can up the number per mob significantly. I simply used 10 x 200 for the sake of simplicity of math.

                          Play nice guys!
                          CatrinM WHM75/BST75/BRD45/BLM37/PLD37/WAR37
                          Bastok [10] Sandoria [10] Windurst [9]
                          Linkshell: PromathiaChained / Shiva
                          Catrin BST75/WHM37/BLM31/SMN9/NIN7/MNK6
                          Bastok [6] Sandoria [1] Windurst [1]
                          Linkshell: PromathiaChained / Shiva
                          Beastmasters never die, we just get do-overs!


                          • #14
                            Re: Post 35: how much xp/hour should I be getting?

                            Originally posted by Idun_Midgardsormr View Post
                            Shep is perfectly correct in his figures; the rest of you aren't reading his statement correctly:

                            If you work 15 miles from home, and drive there at 60mph, your speed was still 60mph even though you didn't cover the full 60 miles!

                            If you kill 10 mobs for 200k exp each in 30 minutes, plus the 50% bonus from the ring, you have made 3k exp in 30 minutes, or an average of 6k exp per hour. Nowhere does he say that this is sustained for the entire exp session.

                            Killing a 200exp mob every 3 minutes sounds like quite a feat, but the fact is that chains can up the number per mob significantly. I simply used 10 x 200 for the sake of simplicity of math.

                            Play nice guys!
                            So he plays for 20 minutes per day? If you factor in the extra travel time to recharge the ring every 2.3 hours then he's still not getting an extra 3k per hour.


                            • #15
                              Re: Post 35: how much xp/hour should I be getting?

                              Well, I could get a 300 xp kill on my first mob, and only take 1 minute due to a suicide move. But if I said I was getting 18k xp per hour, at best I'm highly exaggerative, and at worst I'm being downright deceitful.

                              If I could reap the full exp bonus from my ring in just a half hour, I would be ecstatic. I could probably live with playing just 30 minutes each day (along with extra travel time for those days I have to recharge the ring or change camps). Unfortunately, it usually takes anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half before my Dedication effect maxes out.
                              lvl 75 WAR, 75 BST, 75 BLM, 75 NIN, 47 SCH
                              Cooking 100.0+3+3, Culinarian's Signboard, Raw Fish Handling, Noodle Kneading, Patissier
                              Fishing 60

                              Bonecrafting 100.0+3+3,
                              Leather 60+2, Woodworking 60, Alchemy 60
                              Smithing 60, Clothcraft 55, Goldsmithing 54.1, Cooking 11
                              Boneworker's Signboard, Bone Purification, Bone Ensorcellment, Filing, Lumberjack, Chainwork

