ive only recently started leveling Bst and was wondering if there is another job that uses mostly the same gear as Bst (i want to be able to level something else when i get bored and not have to change gear alot) i was thinking Brd becuase it needs +Chr but im not sure. any help would be great
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what other job uses the same gear as Bst?
Re: what other job uses the same gear as Bst?
A lot of special CHR+ gear can go to bard, but most of the armor and weapons you use may be best with Warrior, as they share a lot of armor sets and axes.PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
Rockman - Fairy
WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
Currently Playing: FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta
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Re: what other job uses the same gear as Bst?
really depends the style that you like to play. If you're looking to interchange gear alot of the heavy armor that you get to wear will be war/drk/bst as you approach mid to later levels and since alot of bsts do carry around an axe and a scythe you've got half of war and drk's necessary weapons already leveled and probably some pretty good attack gear.
Another option is of course bard since you can just throw on your charm/mp gear and go at it. Since you wont be attacking you wont need to worry too much about weapons but the monster signa is always a bonus for brds and a nice piece of charming gear until light/apollo staff become available.
Gear isnt always number 1 thing to focus on interchanging either, if you want a change of pace maybe think about adding a new sub to your arsenal like nin for soloing or thf and war for ptying.
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Re: what other job uses the same gear as Bst?
Originally posted by FebaMost of your gear is going to be WAR or DRK, but the beautiful thing about BST is that it doesn't matter what your equip is like.Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
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Re: what other job uses the same gear as Bst?
Right now I'm doing a lot of concurrent levelling with BLU. It's essentially the same setup as my party DD gear with a few of my mp+ items and a pair of scimitars thrown into the mix. Also, there's the added bonus of being able to learn Blue Magic as BLU/BST, which makes it much much easier to get some of the mid range spells as a Taru. Up until I put BRD aside at 26, I was able to level that as well, although BRD tends to more of the softer armors and you end up buying a lot of instruments if you take it past the capped subjob range. One additional benefit of going BLU, is that if you eat something long lasting like Dhalmel Steaks for +ATK you can still make use of that 3 hr duration should your party break up or someone take over your solo camp. It's kind of hard to go WHM or SMN with Dhalmel Steak on, as that's another 3 hrs you can't pop a cookie, pie or roast 'shroom to help with the mp situation.
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Re: what other job uses the same gear as Bst?
Every piece of my bst gear is usable on war, but thats mostly because i orient my gear towards being a better DD then having alot of chr+ gear, the only things that i would not equip on my war is my light staff (the only thing i swap for charms) and my bst exclusive axed, but for bst who rather equip chr it would better suite a brds but brds are better off equiping MP gear anyways imo since equiping the proper elemental staff will give a bigger effect then any chr+ will.
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