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Isn't it odd...

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  • #31
    Re: Isn't it odd...

    Wow, some people on here have some real issues with not letting things go. Flame wars go to other forums, not here. Thanks!

    BST/NIN/DRK 75


    • #32
      Re: Isn't it odd...

      Originally posted by Firedevil
      Wow, some people on here have some real issues with not letting things go. Flame wars go to other forums, not here. Thanks!
      I agree.
      75BST 75BLU 40BLM 40DRK 38WHM 37RDM 37NIN 37THF 20WAR
      99.1 Cooking / 20 Alchemy / 15 Woodworking
      Asura Hume LS=Illuminaire
      FFXI Wiki - Beastmaster Page
      FFXI Wiki - Beastmaster Cooking Guide


      • #33
        Re: Isn't it odd...

        Going in circles now. Anyhow, good luck.
        Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
        ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


        • #34
          Re: Isn't it odd...

          Thing is, that XP parties aren't always the villian in the 'Pt vs Bst' debates. People say pts don't like Bst because they get the same exp solo or because you 'play a game of risk' or whatever, well it could be because way back when a Bst screwed them over first.

          I had a PT in the basement of GC, a common area for Bsts, Pts and high lvls looking for items, where we were pulling bats and beetles near the stairs. Then a Bst+Brd duo came along and started fighting Bats and beetles too. Our pt never said anything to them, never fought with them and weren't even near where they *initially* camped. But slowly they started coming over to us, and slowly *they* started fighting near *us*. This was before the MPK patch days too so any AoE their mobs used would hit us.

          It was already pretty crowded there so pulls were kind of slow, but our PT *never* intentionally pulled their pets. But because they were pting right near our PT, when our puller went out to grab a bat he must have saw one they released as we got no exp for one of the kills. Next thing we know they started releasing their bats on our PT while we were fighting. They never said anything to us, never asked us to not pull XXX mob, never even tried to get us to move. They just started trying to MPK us.

          We were there first, they came over to us and they tried to get us to move. Sound similar? It should, because this is exactly what bsts in this topic are complaining about. Completely forgetting how easy the situation can be reversed. Ever think perhaps people don't like Bst because a Bst pissed off the people first?

          And this I just found to be quite ironic:
          Originally posted by Omni-Ragnarok
          So until you've had every xp session shitted on by some punk mid-level pt/ npc leveler or drg staff skillup pt for a good 2 weeks, I dont think its your place to wave the moral police nightstick around.
          A solo job complaining about other people trying to solo now? I solo all the time and I'm not a Bst, I just go where EXP pts don't and never had a problem. I lvled my NPC to 46 with a lvl 50 job duoing DC mobs, it was slow but sure, and never ran into a Bst OR exp pt in the places I went.

          One last thing, it's not the job that defines someone, it's the person themselves. An ass is an ass is an ass whether they lvl Bst, Brd, War, Mnk, Pld, Rdm, ect ect. And someone in an EXP pt who was an ass to a Bst while trying to lvl will more then likely be an ass to an EXP pt if they decide to lvl Bst themselves. Changing their job and lvling ability won't affect the way they treat people.
          "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


          • #35
            Re: Isn't it odd...

            you highlighted the wrong text...

            let me correct it for you...

            npc leveler or drg staff skillup pt
            meaning, a pt of npc levelers or a pt of drg, skilling up their staves.
            got it?

            reading things well...
            that's irony for you...
            Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
            ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


            • #36
              Re: Isn't it odd...

              I don't mind competition, if a party wants to camp near me and pull the same things I'm fighting then that's totally fine. (If they are there first, I leave. I don't expect anyone to follow my moral guidelines though.)

              But parties and Bsts operate totally differently. If they start killing the pets I'm using, I'll let them know which mobs I'm using for pets (Only two mobs, at the very most) and ask them very politely not to kill those mobs. If they continue killing them, then I take that as intent to harass me or get me killed. If it comes to that, then yeah, I'll make sure that their exp sucks without endangering them. It's usually not too long after that one of their party members gets pissed because of the crappy exp and leaves, party disbands, and I'm free to go about my exp grinding again.

              A little vendictive? Yeah, but I promise that those D-bags will think twice about killing a Bst's pets next time they're in a party, if they don't want the party to disband due to the crappy exp they're getting anyway. Like Tomatoes pointed out, GMs are dumbasses, which means no justice will be served using established Vana'Diel law enforcement. Vigilantism is sadly the only way to go about this type of thing, if you don't want to just back down and let these people think that griefing a Bst will get rid of him/her.
              Last edited by Miburo; 07-20-2006, 04:12 PM. Reason: spelling


              • #37
                Re: Isn't it odd...

                [QUOTE=Ziero]I had a PT in the basement of GC, a common area for Bsts, Pts and high lvls looking for items, where we were pulling bats and beetles near the stairs. Then a Bst+Brd duo came along and started fighting Bats and beetles too. Our pt never said anything to them, never fought with them and weren't even near where they *initially* camped. But slowly they started coming over to us, and slowly *they* started fighting near *us*. This was before the MPK patch days too so any AoE their mobs used would hit us.

                It was already pretty crowded there so pulls were kind of slow, but our PT *never* intentionally pulled their pets. But because they were pting right near our PT, when our puller went out to grab a bat he must have saw one they released as we got no exp for one of the kills. Next thing we know they started releasing their bats on our PT while we were fighting. They never said anything to us, never asked us to not pull XXX mob, never even tried to get us to move. They just started trying to MPK us.

                We were there first, they came over to us and they tried to get us to move. Sound similar? It should, because this is exactly what bsts in this topic are complaining about. Completely forgetting how easy the situation can be reversed. Ever think perhaps people don't like Bst because a Bst pissed off the people first?[QUOTE]

                You know what happened to me before the AoE patch?

                I have hate, I'm not meleeing or doing anything really but bomb is going after me and my pet, so I start running away. Next thing I know bomb starts going after me, pet got hate on top of party, and bomb went boom.


                Repeat for 3 hours. This happened a lot more than you think it would. >.>

                BRD72 BST58 Windurst 8
                Got to charm em all!

