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quick question from a non-bst

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  • quick question from a non-bst

    Would you consider duo/trioing with a non-BST if they were to invite you.
    I'm not so much talking about SMN or a specific job.

    Now obviously it's situational. But i'm just trying to gauge a gut response here.

    Probably at higher levels most likely you'd take an exp hit and they would be pretty much leeching off you. But at lower levels? I'm currently soloing through 10-20, and am likely to be spending more time doing so in the near future as well. And i wondered whther it would be acceptable to ask a bst in the same level range if we could team up (should there be one around).
    Or would having a dedicated DD, healer or tank help you no matter the level? Could it improve both of your exp right the way through?

    Does their attitude matter?

    I like the BST ideal, but the job itself doesn't appeal to me too much. I spend far too much time soloing stuff i shouldn't as a RDM, but to me solo seems the only way to go out and have an adventure a lot of the time in this game.
    Not a chance... they'll just be sponging off me.
    Maybe depends on... (say why in post)
    Yes but only at low levels.
    Yes in the drop of a hat... The more the merrier.
    Kylestie was defeated by Curiosity.

  • #2
    Re: quick question from a non-bst

    I would, if they werent a moron. but a bst/bst duo is pretty good
    Last edited by Blaez; 06-30-2006, 04:38 AM. Reason: ignorance


    • #3
      Re: quick question from a non-bst

      Last edited by ikkleste; 06-30-2006, 04:59 AM. Reason: clarification given not needed
      Kylestie was defeated by Curiosity.


      • #4
        Re: quick question from a non-bst

        I duo'd with a BST friend for a while as a SMN, he really liked it because my pet could draw hate right before his died so he could go out and get a new pet. My pet did far less DMG then his but even he liked the fact that the battles went smoothly. He also liked the fact that with the extra help he didnt die so much. Occasionally we had another BST with us and between my MP pool, buffs, BP's, and the DMG they did the xp was flowing in better then most parties i've ever had.

        On a side note, I've taken SMN parties up to Bearclaw Pinnacle area just east of where Jergie spawns and fought Agilooks. 4 SMNs ownd there. Party was 63-65 and we were getting massive amounts of exp, at times 13k an hour. XP was so fast guys went from 63 to 65 like nothing. I had asked if any of them had ever heard of doing this b4 and they all said no, and were amazed at how easy the large xp was. However the trip to get there is very long and at times dangerous with the true sight mobs there, and Jergie if up, but the xp pay off was well worth the trouble.


        • #5
          Re: quick question from a non-bst

          Sure thing, although initiating a non-BST to the concept of hate control might be a li'l tricky, since they're used to slamming on all their JAs, eating dd food and dealing 9999 point skillchains.

          But I'd go for it, sure, why play if you're not gonna have fun?

          "And NO sprinkles! For every sprinkle I find... I shall kill you." -Stewie Griffin

          My job levels and goals.


          • #6
            Re: quick question from a non-bst

            Would you be likely to party with a non-BST (gut reaction)
            Short answer: Yes.

            Long answer: It is a purely situational scenario. It depends on if the non-BST job has anything to offer to a duo/trio/etc. SMN, DRG are definite, because 1.) they have that solo/duo/etc aspect to their job and 2.) if they do solo, they probably have a decent feel for hate control.

            A lot of other jobs I would definitely try, but there would be a grace period where we would need to get into the swing of things. High DD (i.e. WAR, MNK, BLM, etc.) jobs might be an issue for hate control, and may not be feasible. On an aside, it might be nice to have a BLM for buffing, debuffing, and then have him drop the last 1/8th of a mob's health while I go pull.

            I think a buff/debuffing or healing job might be nice (i.e. BRD, RDM, BLU, WHM, does COR count?). PLD really wouldn't tank, they would be a minor DD/support/healing member.

            All-in-all, it boils down to having fun As long as that is a possibility, then I’m down with it.

            Have you hugged your Taru today =)


            • #7
              Re: quick question from a non-bst

              that is the response i was hoping for ^^

              see thats why i love you guys... it's all about fun, adventure and giving things a try, something a lot of the rest of the game seems to have forgotten a lot of the time, especially in exp parties.

              I'll certainly start throwing out a few friendly tells to BST's about my level, i just wanted to check that i wouldn't be asking too much from them. if they can take T solo and i can only take DC's (at a push) solo, i wanted to be sure i wouldn't be dragging down their exp and that together we could both achive more.

              Both my 'main' jobs are solo friendly RDM/blm (though i am working on whm and war subs) and DRG/rdm, and as i say i spend more time faffing around soloing than actually exping. It'd be nice to buddy up with these and start getting some exp from that time, and maybe even try out some new camps and stuff.
              Kylestie was defeated by Curiosity.


              • #8
                Re: quick question from a non-bst

                When I used to level BST, it often got boring soloing for hours.
                My average exp time was 2 hours a day.
                So, I would do anything different than just solo.
                The thing I like the most about not solo is it's A LOT safer

                I've duoed with WAR/NIN once.
                Whenever I miss charm, he would voke it.
                Before his blink runs out, I could re-charm it.
                His damage is between the pet and me, so we could kill faster than I solo.
                Exp is much less because it's like killing 1.3 times as fast and exp is 0.6 times as much.
                But it really worths because it's a lot safer.

                I would duo with WHM who wants to skill up.
                Exp might be 70% or so, but I would feel comfortable to have raise 2 or 3 in case I die.


                • #9
                  Re: quick question from a non-bst

                  I do with a ton of jobs, I've duoed with a PLD/THF, WHM/BLM, BLM/WHM, DRG/WHM, THF/NIN

                  All were descent exp, not as amazing as BST & BST but it was still fun.

                  The most fun I had in a party was BST/WHM, BST/WHM, BST/NIN, BST/BRD (me) still though~

                  Elffy the untamed beast... ...master!
                  Paragon of Beastmaster Excellence
                  Paragon of White Mage Excellence
                  Paragon of Red Mage Excellence
                  My quest for a very full wardrobe continues...


                  • #10
                    Re: quick question from a non-bst

                    I'd duo with anyone just to see how well or poorly it works. You just never know until you try and you might make a friend lol.


                    • #11
                      Re: quick question from a non-bst

                      I would only do it if it was a close friend. I started lvling BST because I got tired of others screwing with my exp. Solo = heaven to me now.....

                      Balmor: Elvaan Male San D'oria Rank 7
                      BST 70 WAR 56 NIN 35 THF 30 MNK 30 PLD 22 DRG 19 RDM 13

                      Malag: Tarutaru Male Windurst Rank 10
                      BLM 75 WHM 37 BRD 20 THF 16 BST 14


                      • #12
                        Re: quick question from a non-bst

                        I've leveled with non-bst jobs on occation, but it usually doesn't work too great. I didn't actually exp very long though, not long enough to get the hang of it. With someone who knows how to deal with hate, it's plenty of fun. Someone who ends up tanking instead of the pet... not so much. It does take some getting used to, but if the bst + other can work well together, it makes the exp a lot less boring (and safer, as mentioned).
                        I wish I had more opportunity to party with others, other bst included. I tend to solo a lot, with rare LS invites for 'normal' parties.
                        Fyori - BST of Phoenix
                        My FFXI Photobucket account


                        • #13
                          Re: quick question from a non-bst

                          They have to gimp their weapon damage and manage their hate. I hve duoed with DRGs, THFs, SMNs, and NINs. And while none are as good as BST and BST, it can still come close to 4-5k/hr.


                          • #14
                            Re: quick question from a non-bst

                            Maybe, depends on...

                            The situation, and their attitude.


                            • #15
                              Re: quick question from a non-bst

                              Also if i'm interested in doing this, is there anything you'd reccomend?

                              It seems like learning BSTesqe hate will be important? Is it worth taking BST up some levels to see how this works? I already spend time NPCing, and often drop off to let him take hate. Is this the same sort of control thats needed for BST duoing?

                              Is there any particular gear that will help? (emnity-?)
                              Kylestie was defeated by Curiosity.

