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Just gotta post...

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  • Just gotta post...

    OK... I have lived my life as being someone who rarely gets upset, especially about a video game. But today, I crossed that line. I was PISSED!

    So...I was soloing, trying to finish of level 67. Wojam Woodlands (H-11), Attercops v. Puks. Had been there for almost three hours. Not a soul around. Started with 13k tnl and was enjoying a smooth, almost effortless ride to 68. I had just gotten to 1k tnl, when I see a group come in invisible, and they began to check me. I was fighting at the time, and they came out from invis and stood right next to me and watched. All of them. Then it happens. The bard (Cybercecil - Leviathan server) pulls a puk right to my camp. Not to the right...not to the left. ON MY CAMP!!! I finish this puk off...660 tnl. I politely ask if they will move. No answer. I send tells to the bard, no answer. I know he is a Japanese player, but at least a <I dont' speak English> response would have been nice. Then, the bard starts yankin puks out from under me. Left and right...I can't get a claim on anything. They take the mobs I am killing, and the ones I am using for pets. Now...that was not the problem. I can share areas no prob. The area could support a BST and a prob. What pissed me off was that they came and camped right on my spot. Yes...I had a spot. Had been using it for 3 hours, and they came and tried to nudge me out. It was a battle...I would pull my puks right into the middle of thier battle, because it was where I had been camping all morning. Then the bard woudl pull before the party would finish off the other...sometimes pulling two at once, using lullaby. Just ruthless Aholes. Anyway, I finally got my level after quite the time battling for puks. Once I leveled, I said "Have a nice day....PRICKS!" and moved on.

    OMG was I furious...all over a game. WTF!

    I have lost it.

    Sorry...just a rant. I feel better now!

    I beast...therefore I die!

  • #2
    Re: Just gotta post...

    {Congratulations!} on 68^^

    Got that Frenchy axe I can't remember the name of for the life of me yet? .... de armas?

    Gogogogo Beastpower!


    • #3
      Re: Just gotta post...

      parties will always do that. they see you there, check you a half dozen times then just begin to buff up and eat food as if you didnt exist. they just figure youre only 1 player. who cares if we just sit on top of him. he should move b/c theres 6 of us.

      ive gotten really frustrated too. so now, my policy is camp where i want to camp. regardless if a pt is there or not. if i can get my hands on enough mobs/pets ill camp there. ive had pts 'politely' ask me to leave mobs alone then turn around and steal the mobs i ask them to leave alone in return. ive had pts taht come onto my camp after 3 hours of camping and cry to me b/c im taking -their- mobs.

      so frankly, if they want to pt on top of you, let them. next time you bump into them in a zone where they cant out pull you, just dont show them any courteousy. better yet, start using the same mob as pet and target if the level range allows you.

      btw, dont bother complaining to gms if they steal ur mobs during pet swaps or things like that. all they'll tell you is that anything goes if the mob is yellow and similar bullshit.
      Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
      ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


      • #4
        Re: Just gotta post...

        If it makes ya feel better, I regularly re-instruct party members on bst etiquette... they have no sympathy for 'em. They're still of the opinion that bst can camp anywhere, anytime, in any zone, and get all pissy when we run across one in a so-called 'party' spot.

        I've told 'em, "Parties exp here because the mobs are comparatively easier and the zone's set up with safe spots - why do they deserve it less?" That usually shuts 'em up.

        It doesn't help that some of these party members who dislike bst are LS mates.

        More than once I've made my parties stop chain so I can go Raise a dead bst. Even though it's only level 20, I still think of it as my main job, the community in general is so kind and helpful and the job's so cool.

        That said, I've run across a few bst who fly into the camp my party's in, one that can just barely support one party, and proceed to do the bst thang. First come first served, guy. Jerks are prevalent across all jobs, I guess.

        "And NO sprinkles! For every sprinkle I find... I shall kill you." -Stewie Griffin

        My job levels and goals.


        • #5
          Re: Just gotta post...

          Just a side note: If you move down that tunnel a little south, there's a whole area full of puks and spiders to use. I understand that the party was rude and shit like that shouldn't happen, but does. Just suggesting an alternate area in case this happens to someone else.
          Name: Vauce
          Server: Pandemonium
          Linkshell: BSTinc, HonorGuard
          Dynamis LS: Limitbreak
          BST75 - 15 June 2006
          Alchemy [87] Woodworking [60]
          PM3-5 - Completed!


          • #6
            Re: Just gotta post...

            Here is where comes conflict.

            Should we move? no.

            Does moving make everyone happy if its possible? yes.

            Does moving educate parties on how bst works? no.

            Does moving just reinforce the notion that pt's can push around players that solo/duo? yes.

            : \
            Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
            ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


            • #7
              Re: Just gotta post...

              Yea that was really rude to move in on ya like that. I've had the same thing happen to me in Boy.. Tree. I solo'd at the waterfall there forever lol. being it is a safe place "skill up" parties often showed up after me. I normally took the entire area in front of the falls because I would try to put a lil distance between the Me and the mob for pet swaps. When a party showed up I was always willing to share the area with them even tho I was there first BUT I only ask that they not kill my pets at the camp. Sometimes they just wanted to be an A$$ and done it anyway. Before the last update I would just fight right next to there WHM even tho the Goobs spams silence on the poor guy hehe(Darnit they fixed that to)
              {Mikb}Human - 75-BST 37-WHM 42-RDM 37-NIN 17-BLM 17-WAR 15-THF 12-BRD 7-SMN

              {Mikeb}Taru(mule for now) - 58-WHM 42-BRD31-BLM 5-BST 3-SMN 1-RNG 1-NIN

              So many jobs... so little time ;( Bastok - Siren / Cooking lvl 62
              Full BST AF complete
              Limit 1 [X] Limit2 [X] Limit3 [X] Limit4 [X] Maat(Yay)

              It's Nice to solo something as a 35 BST that gives my 58WHM a hard time to kill.

              LS- Strikeforce /Kagedragons /BeastHut


              • #8
                Re: Just gotta post...

                Yeah, the fixes they've implemented are good (in a good way) and bad (in an evil way.)

                Good because you can no longer be killed by somebody fighting too close to you, but bad because people can now feel free to camp right on top of you because there's no sense of self-preservation, just "me me me me meeee!"

                Similarly, the mobs-despawning trick is a very very good thing! In Crawler's nest it's now possible to go in whenever you want and not have to worry about trains of those little linking bastards shutting your party down for 15 minutes while the idiots who trained them congratulate themselves on surviving.

                While I generally disapprove of MPK... some people just need killin'.

                "And NO sprinkles! For every sprinkle I find... I shall kill you." -Stewie Griffin

                My job levels and goals.


                • #9
                  Re: Just gotta post...

                  I have to admit...those three letters crossed my mind!!!

                  And really, there are plenty of spots I could have gone. But I was not about to move when these bastards came right on top of me. It just was not right. If they would have asked me to leave or even how long I was gonna be, things would have been great. I quickly would be gotten my three or four kills in and would have left. Instead, I spent about 25 minutes fighting for prey and stewing behind my keyboard.

                  Oh well. If this only happens once to me in my 75 levels, I will be happy...ish.

                  I beast...therefore I die!


                  • #10
                    Re: Just gotta post...

                    I don't think some parties have a clue.

                    Case in point: Garliage basement.

                    Party was camping in the tunnel between the Hellmines and the open area. I'm goin Bat on Beetle down at the other end, so don't really pay them any attention...until I get {Beastmaster} {Leave} followed by what I assumed was in Japanese /tells, plus some /slaps and /fumes.


                    They are camping BETWEEN THE HELLMINES AND MY PETS

                    Dear lord it wouldn't even have been difficult, but I was nice and gave them GM {Do you need it} instead, and they backed off pretty quickly (maybe one of them looked behind him?).

                    So ya, mpk is bad, but its a dangerous world, and fat dumb and drunk is no way to go through it.


                    • #11
                      Re: Just gotta post...

                      try CFH before a bomb blows up. maybe it doesnt work or maybe the whm wont have reraise up.


                      • #12
                        Re: Just gotta post...

                        I have been having a lot of problems with rude players regarding ToAU camps. Not so much from regular parties, but from other beastmasters. At first, it was great, I had entire camps to myself most of the time when the expansion first came out. I was 63 when it came out, and had used the caedarva camp outside nashmau until 66 I think, and I think I saw others killing things there a total of about 3 times. One time the other bst was using the saplings (where I was using the leeches), which made little difference in my exp, since there's plenty of birds. Past this, however, things went downhill fast.

                        At 66, I went to the attercop/puk camp in wajaom. At least once, I had a party show up, and just stsrt killing the puks without saying anything, making it much harder to get any to kill. around level 67-8, in the same camp, is where it starts involving other BSTs. Now, the part of the camp I'm using is the large area to the northeast with 2 attercops (and an ameretat...), and after exping there for a bit, a BST comes through, farming spiedrs. He just sics his current pet on the spider I'm not using. After I sit there stunned as he does this, he then charms the other one as it repops and runs off. He then comes back a while later and does this again. This happened with the same BST at 2-3 different days. Next, at 69 (where I am currently), in bhaflau in the leech vs colibri camp, I run through the camp on my way back from aydeewa (which is about the only place I can consistently get exp without interruption), and I was shocked to see it empty. So I decide I want to try this camp out, and kill a few of the colibri. I was finding the DC leeches not holding up very well to the higher level colibri, so I converted the 3 to EM. Right after this, a BST comes to the camp (where I am quite obviously using the camp), Takes a leech, goes to fight a colibri, releases, letting it despawn, and repeating...

                        I have never had this kind of experience with other BSTs. It's rare enough that I see them exping in the same area as me as it is, but every time I have, I've never had any issues with them. I avoid using areas that are already in use, even if the area supports multiple bsts/parties. There's plenty of available camps, I don't understand what motivates some people to try to take camps like that...
                        Fyori - BST of Phoenix
                        My FFXI Photobucket account


                        • #13
                          Re: Just gotta post...

                          I had this happen to me, but in the reverse. I was in a party in Yuhtunga Jungle leveling my WHM sub. It was especially crowded (moreso than usual) and you had to show no mercy to get pulls.

                          Eventually, it thinned out, and my party and I had changed camps (the bit just before the hole on the way to Yhoator). It went well, until a lvl 40 BST popped a crab familiar and just started mowing down everything in sight. What really ticked us off about this is that the mobs couldn't have been higher than DC, if that. I kindly asked him to move, with my (polite) /tells going without response.

                          This made me sick, because the other party members were getting restless, and eventually got to the "(Leave) (Bio)tch" business. (though they were actually in the right, as it WAS our camp being taken). We all eventually leveled and moved to Yhoator, but I was still a little annoyed. Not only did this guy make our exping all the slower, but he pretty much made a few BST-haters out of my party-mates.

                          It's like for every nice BST, two clownshoe BSTs have to go sully our names.


                          • #14
                            Re: Just gotta post...

                            Simular thing just happened to me in Toraimarai Canal. I am fighting bats vs skeletons @ 58. In comes this 63rd level sum with an npc who starts killing the bats and camping on top of me. I think you got to be kidding, are they really being this rude?. So I contune like normal and LMAO each and every time skeleton does AoE. Even after getting hit by the AoE several times they still go on like nothing.

                            Some people are jerks IRL... Sadly now that they play a game with thouands of other people who have just as much right to be there as they do. Nothing has really changed........

                            I got to make that my signature it ends up being true far too offten.


                            • #15
                              Re: Just gotta post...

                              Xor, do you not see now why people frown upon /anon levelling? I'm not even saying that your specific case was spurred by use or lack thereof of /anon. Just addressing the broader rudeness issue. And anybody who has been playing long enough (Beastmasters especially) should know how sensitive camp location/capacity is at times.

                              And please don't tell me that crap about not wanting to be bothered by tells for Raises. If you don't want to help Raise, fine, that's your prerogative. Just be honest! "I'm sorry, I'm busy right now" or "I'm sorry, but I'm tired" or even just a simple "Sorry, I just don't want to deal with that right now." And if they persist beyond reaon, just /blist. It's not a difficult concept unless you suffer from some kind of virtual social phobia. -.-)

                              Granted, jerks will always be jerks, but the least we can all do is make it easier for non-jerks who take the time to check areas and read /seacom's before occupying a camp. Besides being a tool that SE gave us for a purpose, it's just common sense and common courtesy. Kinda off-topic, but I was actually pretty offended by the trashy "it's a game and I can do whatever I want" attitudes and replies that Samarium got in that other thread.

                              The whole spirit of that Golden Rule thing, ya know?
                              Last edited by Tomatoes; 06-27-2006, 05:45 PM.
                              Tomatoes & Tomatopotato @ Pandemonium
                              My Taru Blog / Wiki Page

                              Play golf? Check out my items.

