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Do I need a hauby?

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  • Do I need a hauby?

    I have both /nin and /whm sub for bst. I think I'm starting to favor /nin and co-tank with my pet rather than having /whm and wait for the pet to gain hate after. I usually start battle when the target is about 95% HP and swing away until he's near dead. I rarely swap pet in mid battle, most of the time I just use one pet to 40%~50% HP sometimes recharm at 70% for another fight to save it's TP.

    Now I'm no where close to lv59 but getting there (54 atm), I have 2 options for body piece. The Scorpion harness seems ideal for soloing but I don;t know how much +10eva is going to help me. The Hauby has +str and +atk to make me a better DD. but -10eva will be like a permanent use of Viking axe. I often fine myself getting normal def or high def mobs even if I were eating attack food so the +atk would help but I hate the idea of doing too much damage pull hate, can't dodge and get hit while level up with /nin. AF body seems like the best option but it's not a DD piece and offer no offensive power to beat the 60+ mobs (I heard they get a lot tougher after lv60)

    I have seen bst using SH but I have also seen bst using hauby. Most use AF but I think they swap in for cool loooking or charm only and use other gear when they engage in battle. What do you use at lv59?

  • #2
    Re: Do I need a hauby?

    Now I'm no Bst but I would think a Haub would be useful for any level sixty an up missions where you'd need a group, as well as generally useful while soloing. Maybe instead of engaging at 95% HP you could wait a bit longer, then swap in the Haub and pound away, then switch into Crow gear and hope it leaves you alone?


    • #3
      Re: Do I need a hauby?

      you dont ever need pieces like haub or sh. i never bought a sh as a nin. i still wont buy it. its over-rated imo.

      theres many better alternatives for millions less.
      theres Sipahi Jawshan at 59. 5str, 5agi, 16hp and +crit up if you want a DD gear for less.

      however, when you are meleeing with your pet, haub is nice. but it is in no way needed.
      acc isnt much of an issue when you solo imo, since most solo mobs are T (unless you fight bombs and such), and you should be hitting fine w/ sushi or meat or no food at all. i usually eat tuna or mithkabobs and do well using both.

      subbing nin itself generates enough hate as it is. i wear mainly bst af/gaudy and just dual wielding causes the pet to lose hate often. you dont want to tank full time now since that'll just cause issues when keeping downtime to a minimum. remember as /nin you have no hp recovery methods unless you bring drinks/pots. it gets a bit risky when you are only relying on utsusemi for cover.

      you'll often find yourself as /nin debating if you should take that next mob for a chain 3 or you should rest since youre at 20% hp. utsusemi gives you a false sense of security sometimes and if anything does happen when ur hp is down, your chances are slim. ie: aoes, links, hate, pet dies unexpectedly, etc.

      hope that helps.
      Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
      ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


      • #4
        Re: Do I need a hauby?

        You definitely don't "need" a hauby or a scorpion harness. BST can solo to 75 naked if they want. However, if you have the money and already have all the top tier soloing gear for your level (Apollo's staff, wrath tabar/krabakens), I'd say go for it. I picked my Hauby up at ~lvl 65 and use it all the time. For solo play I have it macroed in for meleeing, and for LS group play I keep it on pretty much all the time.
        75BST 75BLU 40BLM 40DRK 38WHM 37RDM 37NIN 37THF 20WAR
        99.1 Cooking / 20 Alchemy / 15 Woodworking
        Asura Hume LS=Illuminaire
        FFXI Wiki - Beastmaster Page
        FFXI Wiki - Beastmaster Cooking Guide


        • #5
          Re: Do I need a hauby?

          I just noticed you are on remora too. We should duo/trio sometime!
          Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
          ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


          • #6
            Re: Do I need a hauby?

            Hauby! Hauby! Hauby!

            For all of the above reasons, and only if you're loaded or want to impress folks.

            I love mine, but still go /whm solo and don't pt with normies.

            Yeah, that's right, I said normies. You're normal. Get over it.



            • #7
              Re: Do I need a hauby?

              @Omni sure, but I have no experience in duo-trio with bst before. I'm sort of like a loner most of the time. /t Andret when you see me as bst, other time I usually stuck doing something else.

              I have SH from mnk, I had a hauby for warrior but failed to turn it into a hauberk+1 so I was stuck hauby-less for bst. I just got krabaken from BC60, no apollo staff since I don't want to change weapons (and I'm too cheap to pay for the HQ one), no warth-tabar but I can attempt to get it with LS.

              I guess I will try to get a hauby, just won a good KS30 battle so I have just enough money for a hauby when it's deflating


              • #8
                Re: Do I need a hauby?

                You could get by just fine without a hauby, but it could come in handy if you /nin. I love tanking with my pet, makes for better chains if you take a few hits then turn around so pet can get hate again. The damage you will do is great. However, if you are /whm mostly, don't even bother unless you need something for assault/missions/quests. Gaudy should be on most of the time. I didn't bother getting new armor until 69, when I bought my hauberk.
                Name: Vauce
                Server: Pandemonium
                Linkshell: BSTinc, HonorGuard
                Dynamis LS: Limitbreak
                BST75 - 15 June 2006
                Alchemy [87] Woodworking [60]
                PM3-5 - Completed!


                • #9
                  Re: Do I need a hauby?

                  Just got 60 and a haub =^.^= I've been using a Jaridah Peti when meleeing for the last 5 levels, however. My rampages are better, but not by an jaw-dropping amount. As far as pulling hate, well, it's rare. My melee build is crow beret,
                  hub, rk pants, ogygos bracelets, and crow gaiters. With the -enmity from crow I can rampage midfight and the pet takes hate back quickly. The only problem I've noticed with using hauby/peti with /whm is I'm using the gaudy harnass more often than not.

                  Don't bother with a SH imo, it has acc yeah, but the evasion won't do much good, unless you're fighting EP and such. The only minus to hauby is the cost, so consider this:

                  Hauby (+5 str +10 acc +10 atk), on my server: 4.5 mil.

                  Jaridah peti (+5 acc +5 atk): 300k, Woodsmans ring (+5 acc -5 eva): 1m, Victory ring (+4 str): 800k

                  2.1m for almost a hauby right there (-1 str -5 atk +5 eva). Plus the peti looks better on Mithra =^.^=


                  • #10
                    Re: Do I need a hauby?

                    you have a hauberk, then dont even worry about the haubergeon.

                    Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


                    • #11
                      Re: Do I need a hauby?

                      Scorpion Harness for a Beastmaster is a total waste. We have a crappy rating in Evasion as it is, so bumping our crappy evasion up 10 or down 10 isn't going to be very noticeable. If you want accuracy get a Hauby, especially if you ever plan on doing things with groups.
                      72+2 Bonecrafting (Bone Purification, Filing, Protective Spectacles, Boneworker's Apron)
                      60+1 Leathercraft (Leather Ensorcellment, Tanning, Tanner's Gloves)
                      53 Clothcraft
                      60 Woodworking (Lumberjack, Wood Ensorcellment)
                      60 Cooking (92+1 Mule)
                      58 Alchemy
                      40 Fishing (Frog Fishing, 3,704/10,000 MC for Lu Shang)
                      15 Smithing
                      5 Goldsmithing


                      • #12
                        Re: Do I need a hauby?

                        Needed ? I dont think, but nice at some times, like regular PT and /NIN ( pre rune axe ).

                        Otherwise as /WHM, I wearing my gaudy harness most of the time. I only remove it 3 sec to charm or do a WS. Hauby will only be usefull for WS's as /WHM imo. Seriously, a hauby wont remove your down time like a permanent 1MP refresh will and for that you have to wear it while hitting the mob and thus prevent you from wearing something else.

                        Really I wont wear an osode over my gaudy harness.

                        So if you want to go /NIN or join regulars PT go for it, otherwise it will be mainly for your walks in Jeuno. But even /NIN will want a gaudy once you can use dual rune axe - gaudy combo.

                        My list of items you "have to" get as BST
                        1) Gaudy harness
                        2) Light staff
                        3) AF and an axe you like

                        Trick : if you do the gaudy quest : do it as with a job you have at lvl 60+, so you wont have to be able to be able to wear the items she wants you to use.


                        • #13
                          Re: Do I need a hauby?

                          I have to agree with Sigmara's post. I never bothered with a Hauby - I got Gaudy harness as soon as I could, and I wouldn't trade it for anything! I can't emphasize enough how that one piece of gear has helped me as I solo using bst/whm (Of course it might not be all that great in a pt setup, but I've only soloed or duoed with other bsts). It minimizes my down time to literally zero in most camps which really adds to my overall xp/hr. I'm now 68bst and I still wear it, and have no intention of getting rid of it ever.

                          I'll be picking up a Hauberk next level, but I'm still debating how much use I'll be getting out of that even, so it may only be used to swap in to build tp or for WS during those times when my mp is already above 49.

                          Of course you can choose whatever you feel helps out your playing style the most, but for me I would recommend that any and all bsts get their Gaudy and at least see the difference it can make! ^.^b
                          Windurst: Rank6
                          Cook81.4 || WW62.7 || Alch60 || Cloth52 || Bone54.1 || GS31 || SM24 || Leather8 || Fishing18.3 || Cook94 (mule)


                          • #14
                            Re: Do I need a hauby?

                            As far using a Gaudy I wholeheartedly agree, but still find a use for the Hauby (or insert other melee-specific body piece if you prefer). When I go out to xp solo (/whm or /nin), I'll bring my AF body, Gaudy and Hauby. At times, I'll go long stretches where all I have on is my gaudy or my Hauby depending on how smoothly things are going.

                            As a /nin I'll only need the Gaudy/Rune combo if something goes wrong, which doesn't always happen. There will be times where I go 30+ minutes without taking 1 hp of damage. In that stretch, having a body piece like the Hauby is better than either the AF body or Gaudy (as long as you aren't pulling hate).

                            As a /whm in non-Aht Urghan zones, I actually find that I use the Gaudy more often than the Hauby, but again there are signficant stretches of time where I'd rather have a melee body on than the Gaudy. This is actually further true in the expansion zones. In expansion zones, I'm finding that my Sanction + Refresh keeps me refreshed up past 100 mp with melee gear on ( ogre gear and it's +mp), so I actually don't even throw the gaudy on all that often.

                            Like I said earlier, Hauby is not necessary, but it is definitely useful.
                            75BST 75BLU 40BLM 40DRK 38WHM 37RDM 37NIN 37THF 20WAR
                            99.1 Cooking / 20 Alchemy / 15 Woodworking
                            Asura Hume LS=Illuminaire
                            FFXI Wiki - Beastmaster Page
                            FFXI Wiki - Beastmaster Cooking Guide


                            • #15
                              Re: Do I need a hauby?

                              Just a note on Gaudy, it friggin rules all other body armor. That is until you start exping in ToAU areas and can get Refresh from Sanction. I love being able to wear my Hauberk 100% of the time and have plenty of mp without ever resting.
                              72+2 Bonecrafting (Bone Purification, Filing, Protective Spectacles, Boneworker's Apron)
                              60+1 Leathercraft (Leather Ensorcellment, Tanning, Tanner's Gloves)
                              53 Clothcraft
                              60 Woodworking (Lumberjack, Wood Ensorcellment)
                              60 Cooking (92+1 Mule)
                              58 Alchemy
                              40 Fishing (Frog Fishing, 3,704/10,000 MC for Lu Shang)
                              15 Smithing
                              5 Goldsmithing

