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OK, guys, give me the odds on this...

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  • OK, guys, give me the odds on this...

    I'm goin in at 60 BST/WHM to solo Dark Spark. Can't take it anymore. Must have gloves. That I won't use much. But still.

    Sooooooo...what are the odds of me

    1. Dying once before giving up?
    2. Dying twice before giving up?
    3. Dying three times before giving up?
    4. Getting a pity /invite after dying once?
    5. Actually succeeding?

    And please, someone follow me around and post after anything...if I see "by Silenus" on the last post once more I'm gonna try to charm Jorm.

    And badger jug pet. Get a petition going. Badger.

  • #2
    Re: OK, guys, give me the odds on this...

    You COULD, but most likely can't. Since there's no charmable mobs in the area of the castle where you would be killing DS, you would be using the kite -> Jug Pet method. There's just WAAAAAY too much aggro around the area for you to kite freely. I'd say your best bet would be to get a party, or a level 75 who knows what the hell he's doing.
    Rodin - Ragnarok Server (Out of Retirement)
    90BRD 90SMN 90WHM 75BLM 75RDM 61BST 50RNG 37NIN 37THF

    Goal: All jobs max level and capped merits.


    • #3
      Re: OK, guys, give me the odds on this...

      Originally posted by Silenus
      And please, someone follow me around and post after anything...if I see "by Silenus" on the last post once more I'm gonna try to charm Jorm.
      LOL you could use MrWyvern and slaughter DS but then you'd get banned for it

      Like Rodin said, there's way too much aggro in that place to be able to kite DS, and chances are you'll get killed by aggro (since all the mobs link and if you stand to close to the ledge the mobs down stairs will aggro too) before even clicking on the torch unless you clear the area first.

      And since the fight can take a while (and I dunno if DS self-destructs, never seen it do it) you might even have pops while fighting.

      Getting a party together or high level help might be better.
      "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
      Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



      • #4
        Re: OK, guys, give me the odds on this...

        Yea, dont try, you'll get stomped on.
        Bio III itself is already pretty nasty when it lands.
        His beserk will make easy work of you and your jug also, that's if you dont link all the demons from the moat area around DS spawn.

        taru edit: they need to bring badgers as a mob first. maybe they can roam around in jugner or carpenters landing!
        Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
        ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


        • #5
          Re: OK, guys, give me the odds on this...

          Badger. In some undiscovered place, but they spread like, well, like badgers.

          Then we put them in jugs.

          Badger jugs!

          So far the concensus seems to be {Death} {Do you need it?}

          The odds for dying only once just skyrocketed.


          • #6
            Re: OK, guys, give me the odds on this...

            This seems a bit too troublesome to me as well, but I think if you are going to try it, then on your 2nd pet, stealth up, head back to the entrance and heel. Should be enough room in the lobby area I believe to give the Jug/Kite delay method more of a chance.
            Tomatoes & Tomatopotato @ Pandemonium
            My Taru Blog / Wiki Page

            Play golf? Check out my items.


            • #7
              Re: OK, guys, give me the odds on this...

              I would try call HQ jug pet, wait for 2 minutes for recast, let it attach, watch until pet HP is 50%:
              If DS's HP is 80%, continue and get ready to call 2nd pet.
              If DS's HP is over 80%, use instant warp.


              • #8
                Re: OK, guys, give me the odds on this...

                I would try what TaruBST just suggested. And I give you a 5-10% chance of success, as my guess.
                75BST 75BLU 40BLM 40DRK 38WHM 37RDM 37NIN 37THF 20WAR
                99.1 Cooking / 20 Alchemy / 15 Woodworking
                Asura Hume LS=Illuminaire
                FFXI Wiki - Beastmaster Page
                FFXI Wiki - Beastmaster Cooking Guide


                • #9
                  Re: OK, guys, give me the odds on this...

                  All AF quest can be done by other jobs. You do not have to do as Bst @ all. Whole gloves and boots quests I did as 75rdm solo. You only have to be the jobs to open Coffer/Chest to instantly get AF. (the non-quests)


                  • #10
                    Re: OK, guys, give me the odds on this...

                    Hmmmmmmmm.....gonna give it a shot. Thanks for the tips!

                    HQ jug pet....Hmmmmm.....may just have to try out different pets.

                    I'll let you know Monday how it went.


                    • #11
                      Re: OK, guys, give me the odds on this...

                      HP Jug pet I meant is VVV

                      Also, just to make sure...
                      Don't start attacking until you have the 2nd pet hit it for a few times.
                      Bring some Zeta. It's about 1000 HP per Zeta.
                      My guess is same as Bov. 5-10% chance of winning, but good luck with it.


                      • #12
                        Re: OK, guys, give me the odds on this...

                        That place is nasty for BST, so I will say TaruBST's way is the best to try if you want to do it solo, but I suggest you some RR item.

                        Now I found that AFs are nice to see how much your LS is willing to help peoples in need, sometimes you keep helping peoples and when you need some help, they are all over busy for one century.

                        Anyway : Good luck !


                        • #13
                          Re: OK, guys, give me the odds on this...

                          OK, here was the plan...on paper at least...

                          Wait by entrance for pt to come kill DS...cause they'd kill all the local demons, etc...

                          Thought about splurging on Chucky or Lars...looked at current gil....cooked up a few CC's

                          Strategy: Put CC#1 on DS, invis up and find a quiet corner, maybe reward CC, maybe not

                          Call CC#2, put on DS, invis and run to entrance.

                          Fight DS at entrance if necessary. RR Gorget up at all times. Maybe CC#2 can last for 5 minutes, who knows.

                          Ok, so reality one, I mean no one, in Castle -.-

                          No parties come to kill DS -.-

                          Next weekend.

                          Oh, and to answer a few questions, I want to solo DS not get the dang gloves. May have to get a few levels higher to avoid aggro, but want to try at 60.

                          And this is my highest job >.< but I love it^^


                          • #14
                            Re: OK, guys, give me the odds on this...

                            You could always just wait till the demons move away a bit, pop him and throw a funguar or HQ tiger (let call bst timers cool down before popping him) on him, then stealth up and run towards the entrance. Once you get there heel your pet.

                            Should work unless your jug is getting completely roughed up and using stealth items keeps pulling hate, in which case you probably couldn't have won anyway.

                            Then just pop a second pet (I'd definitely recommend funguar on the second one), let it hit DS a few times, then engage. You can always zone if things look bad, so it's worth a try.


                            • #15
                              Re: OK, guys, give me the odds on this...

                              Dark Spark can self-destruct like any other bomb, so here's my guesswork strategy:

                              Zone in, call carrie, S/I up. Wait for your timer to go down a bit, then spawn and engage. DS will go through the pet with a fair amount of speed. If it hasn't self-destructed yet, call second pet and S/I back to the zone - if carrie's name disappears but you don't get the exp message, zone out and start over. If you do, head back to the torch - the timer for getting the Flames after defeating DS is fairly lenient, you should have plenty of time.

                              I'm just guessing at this, but it seems like it should work...

                              The demons guarding the torch are kind of a glitch in this strategy. They're sight detect, so you might be able to hide behind them with some luck...

                              What's the worst that could happen? You die. Whoop de doo.

                              "And NO sprinkles! For every sprinkle I find... I shall kill you." -Stewie Griffin

                              My job levels and goals.

