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Camp Locations (Can I Have It?)

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  • Camp Locations (Can I Have It?)

    I have looked and looked for Beastmaster exp camp guides all over. I find all kinds of differnet ones. The main prob with them all is they just say to go to where ever but the leave out what good camp locations are. When it says to go to an area at such and such level and the zone happens to be 3 maps big it would really help to give camp locations. Where ya camp makes a HUGE difference and some of these areas are not ones you normaly exp in if you were in a pt. So you have no idea where to camp.

    This forum its self has post that gives a guide off of but most of the NOTES: are blank giving no info at all.

    Does anyone know of a better site? Is there a beastmaster only site like some of the other jobs have???

  • #2
    Re: Camp Locations (Can I Have It?)

    What I usually do is spend some times visiting the area mentionned as good when I too hight for my current "camp". Some spots can be explored on chocob while some others will require you to kill some mobs before seeing any troubles.

    On a side note, I rarelly have a set camp, I m at the border of the 2 spamming area of the mobs I'm charming or killing and if it s the same, I'm wandering in it. The more noticable was in garlaige on bomb downstairs, while some peoples camp in the tunnel, I was dragging the bomb around from pet to pet in the big room.


    • #3
      Re: Camp Locations (Can I Have It?)

      I'd have to say the easiest way to know is to actually go expore these areas yourself. That's what I did most of the time. I used the guide for what it is, a guide not a walkthrough. It'll give you a rough idea on where in the zone to go look by what mobs are listed, the lvls in the zone, things like that. I honestly found more enjoyment in scouting out the camps and finding a good one then I did in taking someones word for it. (No offnese to any of the guides, all the one's I've used were awesome) ...I sorta used the guides as a "cheat" lol (I looked around on my own for a long time before I let myself peek). And plus, you'll get to know the zones better than anyone just running through.

      ~> Manwe <~
      Bst 75 /Nin 75/Blu 75/rdm 55/blm 40/war 37/thf 37
      Rank 10 Elvaan from Midgardsormr

      Originally posted by Thudd
      "We never die the same way twice, it's fun to find another way to completely screw yourself over in the time-span of 23 seconds."


      • #4
        Re: Camp Locations (Can I Have It?)

        I agree... the guides are more like guidelines on where to exp if you get clueless but it's better to try a few times before you go exp in that area. Sometimes a zone is really big and finding the right mobs with the right pet can be hard if they are locolized. You can't really find and lizzard in the donut room of Crawler's Nest even though the guide said to exp on them (if you don't know that the lizards are at another location then you're stuck XD).

        I think it'd be best to explore some areas before you exp on them. Know the area bit, just get a good pet or a jug and start some exploring. Maybe you will need some sneak/inv but once you get to a new place it'll be good ^^


        • #5
          Re: Camp Locations (Can I Have It?)

          Ok, tyvm. I had hoped there was some better location list out there but I guess not.

          This all started from a guide sugested for 54th level bst to camp in Bostaunieux Oubliette. I went there and died 5X.

          It wanted ya to get a slime from the entrance and pull it to Ronfaure exit. Thats just stupid to pull a slime through all those bats/hounds/haunts. It says nothing about the side tunnel near the Ranfaure zone that has 2 slimes as well and is ALOT closer. I had known nothing about Bostaunieux Oubliette because I had only been there once as a level 20 Rdm when I was exploring and was instantly killed by the slimes when I droped in. Nor have I ever heard of anyone exping in there other then soloing that I as seen now that I have been exping there as bst and always a few NM camping.

          Any tips of locations in Toraimarai Canal? Thats my next stop and its just as bad. You have to pull pet across one map to attack mobs on 2nd map and everything aggros.
          Last edited by Xorlarrin; 06-16-2006, 05:25 AM.


          • #6
            Re: Camp Locations (Can I Have It?)

            Check the anthologies sub-forum, I just got all the links fixed, so you should be able to find something relatively fast.


            • #7
              Re: Camp Locations (Can I Have It?)

              The old trick with Bostaunieux Oubliette was you could drag a Slime all the way across the zone, xp near the zone line, and if by some chance you couldn't handle the mischarms just zone. The slime would just wander back to its home and you could keep trying.

              With the "MPK Patch" they did (refer to RunningDemons Sig ) that camp no longer works. BUT that does not mean the zone is ruined. Check the Anthologies, like RD said again lol. There is great info there. And if I remember correctly you can camp relatively near where the slimes spawn and just use the respawn to your advantage.

              ~> Manwe <~
              Bst 75 /Nin 75/Blu 75/rdm 55/blm 40/war 37/thf 37
              Rank 10 Elvaan from Midgardsormr

              Originally posted by Thudd
              "We never die the same way twice, it's fun to find another way to completely screw yourself over in the time-span of 23 seconds."


              • #8
                Re: Camp Locations (Can I Have It?)

                For Bostaunieux Oubliette, you'd want to make your camp at the first T intersection after you drop down from trap door. Follow the path till you see 1 darkhound at a T with funnel bats (i think, i forget the name) on one side, oozes and funnels bats down another path with water and werebats on the 3rd side. This area is your camp.

                You want to sneak past everything and goto the path where there is water and oozes. When the oppourtunity arises to charm an ooze, meaning you got some space to run and you dont have to worry about bat aggro, charm ooze! Take that ooze and kill the darkhound. If you melee with the ooze you should be able to beat the darkhound down pretty easily and your ooze will have a good chunk of its hp left.

                Here's the trick with chaining down here. Make sure that before you release you can 1 shot the mob with your ws. so release, ws, recharm the ooze. Then goto work on the werebats in the next room. They aggro but dont link. After you've cleared out the darkhound and werebats one time, you should be able to just use that whole room if you keep the pace up. When one repops the other side will be free and just rotate.

                Careful at 54, mischarms on oozes are a bitch. I died there 6 times in one night because of mischarms and just bad luck. You can also use dc funnel bats to beat down em funnel bats for some decent xp.

                Hope all that made sense. good luck!
                Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


                • #9
                  Re: Camp Locations (Can I Have It?)

                  Completely different camp then what I use in Bostaunieux Oubliette.

                  I camp @ D-9 right next to West Ronfaure Exit. I pull a slime from F-9/F-10/G-10. The side tunnel right next to zone. Lots of Werebats in tunnel to exit and side tunnel. So now that I leveled I just pick out one thats VT. Get 375 exp per kill with ring. Thanks to the despawn patch when I go back to side tunnel my good old silme is @ 100% again by the time I run there.

                  Stat + bonus + tuna = 91Chr. Have rarely had mischarms and when I do 2nd charm has stuck.

                  Again though..
                  Any tips of locations in Toraimarai Canal? Thats my next stop and its just as bad. You have to pull pet across one map to attack mobs on 2nd map and everything aggros.


                  • #10
                    Re: Camp Locations (Can I Have It?)

                    Yea you can use the camp near the exit but I just dont like running back after 2 mobs to fetch an ooze when I can fetch one right by me w/o having to sneak up once I've cleared the area.

                    I stayed till 56 in bostaunieux, then I went to GC I think. stayed in GC till 59.
                    Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                    ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


                    • #11
                      Re: Camp Locations (Can I Have It?)

                      Have you seen this? Post Update Viable Hunting Grounds

                      That's about as detailed as it's gonna get for exp camps, otherwise there's always Wide Scan or looking around the area yourself. Most of the time there are more than one location that works well in an area.
                      72+2 Bonecrafting (Bone Purification, Filing, Protective Spectacles, Boneworker's Apron)
                      60+1 Leathercraft (Leather Ensorcellment, Tanning, Tanner's Gloves)
                      53 Clothcraft
                      60 Woodworking (Lumberjack, Wood Ensorcellment)
                      60 Cooking (92+1 Mule)
                      58 Alchemy
                      40 Fishing (Frog Fishing, 3,704/10,000 MC for Lu Shang)
                      15 Smithing
                      5 Goldsmithing


                      • #12
                        Re: Camp Locations (Can I Have It?)

                        Oh ty thats a much better one the the link I had been given.


                        • #13
                          Re: Camp Locations (Can I Have It?)

                          Ok, just posting again to this one as to not add another topic........

                          55-59: Toraimarai Canal
                          PETS TO CHARM: Dark Aspics (53-55)
                          MOBS TO FIGHT: Impish Bats (58-60), Mincravers (60-62), Fleshcravers (60-62)
                          NOTES: Camp near Horotutu Entrance.
                          CONTRIBUTOR(S): Genova

                          Ok, I do not get Toraimarai Canal, I took the advice posted here and explored the whole area. I even marked out on the map where all the Dark Aspics poped, but for the life of me(and for the dead of me) I can not find a good camp site. The Dark Aspics are on one map and the VS mobs are on another map. I did try to camp @ F-8 on the Windy Walls Exit side map. It started out ok I just had to run a short distance back to the Horutoto Ruins Exit side map to charm a slime @ I-9 then right back to WW side. Killed about 4 Mind/Fleshcravers. Prob was is there are about 5 leeches right there too that can come into camp area and aggro. Plus bats on the other side. I tried to use leeches but they didn't last long and when I released them they stayed @ camp.

                          Anyone got a better location to camp @?

                          ty in advance.


                          • #14
                            Re: Camp Locations (Can I Have It?)

                            Thanks to the mpk update, using Dark Aspics isn't really doable anymore. BTW, the Camp site is wrong too and it should be edited. You should camp at the zone that leads to Windurst Waters. there is a hallway there with 3 Impish Bats in it and the rooms it leads to has plenty of Mind/Fleshcravers and a few more bats. This is a great camp. Bats do well against skeletons, and you have a zone very close by if things get hairy. I normally converted two of the bats in the hallway to EM to use as pets, killed off the third whenever it's pop, and just pull skeletons back to the hallway so my pets wouldn't depop.

                            Your camp should be the T-Intersection at (H-7) on the second map.
                            72+2 Bonecrafting (Bone Purification, Filing, Protective Spectacles, Boneworker's Apron)
                            60+1 Leathercraft (Leather Ensorcellment, Tanning, Tanner's Gloves)
                            53 Clothcraft
                            60 Woodworking (Lumberjack, Wood Ensorcellment)
                            60 Cooking (92+1 Mule)
                            58 Alchemy
                            40 Fishing (Frog Fishing, 3,704/10,000 MC for Lu Shang)
                            15 Smithing
                            5 Goldsmithing


                            • #15
                              Re: Camp Locations (Can I Have It?)

                              Ty, got a better location for 57th? The guide on this site says Uleguerand Range but the hairs are VT and repoped @ VT every time I tried. They would come upcharmed 2-3X in battle so I couldn't really fight to build tp to finish mobs off @ end having to change to charm gear/light staff. When they became uncharmed I had 2 mobs hit me for 80-100+ damage each hit bringing my hp down fast. Without tp to finish mobs off hp got scary low.

                              Guide suggests Garlaige Citadel and Crawlers' Nest too but I try to always avoid exp pt camp spots.

